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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. As far as I know they can
  2. I thought that number would have been higher lol
  3. Cleared up a few spaces for ya Curt, go ahead. Thanks for the replies everyone!
  4. Before that happened it was actually pretty cool, I'd like to see someone shoot a bird with that thing.
  5. Maybe a a helmet is needed more than he hand protection, yikes.
  6. December 25 2012, I received a trip to Whistler for a week of fishing, any time, any species I wanted. Could I have gone for bows, chinook, silvers, steel, browns or the massive run of pinks? Sure, but I'm always on the hunt for new species, I've never caught a bull trout, cutthroat, dolly, or chum, so it was decided that the Birkenhead and Squamish would have 2 more anglers this October. The trip was booked by the end of August, we would stay from the 12th to 19th, spending the first day travelling, and the next 2 visiting with family in Mission. By the end of Monday we were settled into the hotel and getting ready for our first day with a guide in the morning. Since we were a little late in booking the trip most guides were unavailable, either guiding or up north on the steelhead rivers. Eventually we found a guide named Derek Butula, he works at the hotel and guides part time with a Whistler based company (can't remember the name). We met him around 7 and were fishing by 8:30, we started at the Cheakamus river fishing for bulls with sculpins and comets, after 2 hours of no action we made a move downstream and I made a move on my fly, going to a bead head egg sucking leech. I don't know if it was a difference in weight or maybe they just wanted something more natural than the flashy comets but I started getting hits every 10 minutes or so. By noon I had 2 dirty springs on that spit the hook, and a few trout (we think) that also spit the barbless hook. At about 1 or so we stopped for an amazing pulled pork sandwich and continued down the system, snagged a small bull in the back and saw a guy get a massive (20"+) cutthroat, but that was it for the day. The 45... and that pesky mouse. I may not have been able to land any of those fish, however, the only reason you get a guide is to learn the area, and Derek knew that was his job. He took us to a few different stretches of rivers so we could try them throughout the week, and now that we knew what exactly we were doing it didn't take long to figure the systems out. First stop on Tuesday was back to the pool were I had 4 on and many more hits to figure out what the heck it was that was nipping at the tail of my fly. And what better way to make sure you catch fish than with a spinning reel and some spinners? About 10 casts in with a big #5 vibrax and I had my first ever bull trout, not really big, but a nice way to start the trip. About 3 cast after that I had one on that must have been a good bit over 20" but it jumped and spit the hook. And I'm not exaggerating when I say that 2 casts later I had this one on, just a hair bigger than the first. And then about 5 casts after that one I hooked into the biggest bull of the trip, I figure about 2-3 pounds, it's not giant for a bull but it's definitely my biggest resident ever. By the time we were done on the Cheakamus it was about 3pm, and since we were in the area I still wanted to stop in at whistler fly fishing which closed at 5. While there they were very helpful and gave us a few more holes to try, along with a couple more pattern suggestions, mainly popsicles, prawns and flesh type flies (prawns were the only ones that we hadn't tried yet). We thanked them and tried to take advantage of the last couple hours of daylight we still had on our side, the water at the first spot was very slow, not optimal for swinging, but we tried it and came up with nothing, of course we were making a tonne of noise in that calm water probably spooking everything. Eventually we noticed a large group of anglers downstream so naturally we checked it out. Basically what was happening was there was 2 rivers meeting and the fish were all holding there, ready to kill anything that came in front of their face. It was fairly crowded so there really wasn't any room for the spey rod, so I headed upstream to see if I could swing my fly into the top of the run. While I was standing there like an idiot they were pulling out fish after fish, and the person who was catching most was also using a spey rod, so when a few guys left I made sure to be the first in there. In the 45 minutes that we were there I think I had about ten fish on, only landed one, still a beautiful silver fish though. That was day 2, naturally with that amazing action at the end of the day we just had to fish the Squamish on day 3. It didn't take long to figure out that the night was a special time for fishing these things. During the day they all but disappeared, and we only managed to land one fish that day, the night was another story though. We came back at about 4 to claim our spot for the night and although it wasn't as hot as the last night it was still some of the best fishing I've ever experienced. Here are some highlights of the night... Video: Link That was 2 species on our list checked, but the cuts and dollies along with that giant bull had still eluded us, so the Birkenhead was the target for the day. Everything I had heard about the birkenhead was great, but upon seeing the river it was a lot different than I had imagined. Most of it was quite shallow and fast, I'm not the most experienced guy when it comes to that type of water so needless to say the day didn't go quite as planned. But just as we were getting ready to leave I took a look off a bridge into the water and could clearly spot about 5 big bulls. I started with a heavy sculpin to try and provoke an aggressive strike, after a few minutes of complete failure a couple fellow fly fishermen came by and told me to throw an egg on, instantly the bulls started paying attention. I had about 4 hits (saw them hit) but I got a little excited and kept pulling it out of their mouths. Oh well, it was getting late and we still wanted to give the chum another shot. For the first time we got skunked, a bitter taste to say the least, but got to chat with the regulars down there and had a few others on. I just couldn't pack up without catching one more, so I convinced my dad to go down at 6 in the morning before our flight. It payed off, not as much action as the night but still lots rolling and even a few hitting... That was it, not as many fish as I'd hoped for but still a great time with some new species addd to my list. Tight lines, Christopher
  7. It would appear that you're right, you've gotta admit it looks like an eyeball though!
  8. Well done! BTW, is that a loose eyeball in the cooler?
  9. Hmmm, I see where you're coming from but there's no doubt in my mind that's a beautiful brown.
  10. Polar bear should have won! But those are all great images!
  11. Pretty interesting pics!
  12. Well put.
  13. I'd like to add my 2 cents here. I think that a lot of you guys understand the one side of the argument, and I'm not saying that you're wrong (completely). Kids definitely need to be told what is right and wrong with some subjects, if you look at a subject like math, there is a right answer and a wrong answer, but then look at a subject like phys ed, the arts, even geography and you need to know how to solve problems creatively, lead and experiment. I think that a lot of adults are still looking at the education system as though it still needs to prepare kids for the same jobs they were trying to get back then, the market has changed, a good job at one point was to be a secretary, they're still around sure, but back then all you needed to know to land a good job was to read, write, and use a computer. Now that most of the better jobs are in the industries that focus on information employers are looking for creative, enthusiastic and willing bodies, a degree doesn't make as much of an impression as it once did. I'm not saying that the education system isn't broken, because it is, but I don't think that we should be telling children that there is one path that they can take to make their life for them, I think that since the end of the industrial age schools haven't adequately prepared kids at all. Things need to change, but lets not make these important decisions before first taking a closer look at the purpose of schools, the history and what ACTUALLY happens inside these buildings. JMO, feel free to pick the meat off my bones if you wish.
  14. Nice, I'm still hoping to try it later this fall
  15. Maybe you muskie guys are, I didn't hear about it.
  16. Those are your words, don't try to frame me as some guy who can reason!
  17. So let's bring them back!
  18. And for the record it isn't OK to rape the browns either, and in my opinion they are just as amazing if not more beautiful fish than bows.
  19. The eggs won't be mature, they'll be very small and not of much use. So it's a waste of a fish...
  20. That's a beauty Mike, when you going?
  21. Anyone want to have another get together like last year? We could do it at the firehall or maybe somewhere a little easier for some members to get to? Or maybe do a fishing G2G? Any input is welcome!
  22. Looks tasty! Anyone willing to show a newb a bit about shroom hunting?
  23. Ok, I'll split that skin with you, sound good? I reeeeaaaasllllly would like the rump feathers and maybe some of the tail.
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