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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Yes please, don't give them to FloatnFly, he's already got a hunting friend LOL
  2. Sorry I know that they did a couple lifts early, but it still seems that they could have saved a lot more of those fish. Of course this shouldn't be their responsibility, I can't imagine it takes that long to put up a ladder
  3. I don't know why it took them so long to get started, there's obviously a tonne of people wanting to help, they should have been doing this since August when the first big runs came in!
  4. Nice job! What I'd like to see in the next one is a little more commentary, some sort of a story maybe, if you look at the best IF4 films they all have that. Keep it up!
  5. I'd like to help too, when is it happening again?
  6. About time some of you guys come over here! Welcome
  7. Interesting, after seeing so many around the town I assumed they were pretty common haha
  8. I don't doubt that, those things are giant! I'd say about the same as a large cow moose. Those pics were with a very loooong lense
  9. BTW, all those photos were taken off the side of the road right in the town of Banff, there's a few groups of about 5-10 that live there.
  10. Very cool sighting! In Alberta seeing an elk is like seeing a starling here. Would be great if the population went to something like this eh?
  11. anyone have a 8wt they'd like to sell? Something in the $30-70 range?

  12. Yup, always amazing service! Especially when you just pay what regular shipping would be and it's quite often next day
  13. Make it yourself, just make pancake batter and spread a very thin layer over your whole pan.
  14. first steelhead of the season! On the spey rod too :)

    1. Musky or Specks

      Musky or Specks

      Congrats Chris I'll be really impressed if it was on a waking fly

    2. Christopheraaron


      LOL, I've been thinking of it, but it was a comet

  15. Crepes are great! Just spread some strawberry jam on them and roll em up, not many better breakfasts out there I can think of.
  16. Nice, inconnu aswell? I'll come if you pay the ticket
  17. You lucky bugger, LOL. Pike or lakers?
  18. ya, but you gotta figure there's a tonne of paperwork that comes with each fine. Once a week they would still clear a lot of them out.
  19. About time! Now if they'd just do that once a week...
  20. Don't know how anyone can eat that other garbage.
  21. just out of curiosity, when you guys have something with "maple syrup" do you guys use the good stuff or the disgusting fake stuff?
  22. My favourite is fried smelts, and a poached egg on smoked salmon and an english muffin, with a glass of fresh orange juice. Usually it's just cereal LOL
  23. Yup, and I may be back up that way Sunday, ill let you know.
  24. Those feathers are still around, I don't use them too often but they look great when I do use em and I'll definitely take duck and goose, probably just not the plumage, but wing/shoulder/tail is always good. The barred teal feathers would be great, as would any out of the ordinary stuff.
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