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Everything posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Smashed iphone :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christopheraaron
    3. Christopheraaron


      I'll take an iphone with a cracked screen over anything samsung ;)

    4. buick14


      I used to think that.

  2. Great report!
  3. 9ft is perfect, if you have the choice get some moonshine spoons too.
  4. NICE! Forgetting something
  5. Wow, that's good! Doesn't look like a very bright spoon though...
  6. we'll keep it at bronte too
  7. alright then, 9pm on the 7th, see you there
  8. Thanks, you can fish off of there, just running an event you need permission.
  9. Well I contacted oakville and it would take 4 weeks to get the permit and cost about $200, I'm hoping that was because it's next to the marina, so I emailed mississauga asking about their pier, we'll see what they say. I'm hoping this will happen september 7, it's a little later than I'd like but it's probably the best I can do.
  10. Another stellar trip Mike, keep em coming! And please bring the sign tonight
  11. Nice hawgs there! I've actually found that pike really like senkos if you get it close enough to them.
  12. Great fish!
  13. they were too tall for suckers, we considered it.
  14. LOL, it was a guess. I think I figured out what the fish was, gizzard shad.
  15. A friend of mine was heading down to harbourfront yesterday to try for some big pike. We got to spot one and we could already see one that was well over 30", but try as we might he would not hit, although he did take a look at a senko and fly. So we kept walking and found a few more fish, had one pike on but lost him, saw another giant and that was about it for the pike. By then it was midday and my friends had had enough for one day, I stayed behind to try for some carp. About a half hour later I had the pleasure of fighting this brute on 6lb line. When I went to net her she actually snapped the net in half (kind of my fault), measured 32" and had to be 30lbs. On a side note we kept seeing a school of fish which none of us could identify. They were about 1-2lbs, swam in a group of roughly 20 fish and looked to be spawning. At first glance they look like a cross between a bighead carp, silver carp and cisco, any idea to what they may be?
  16. Got my pb best carp yesterday, pond carp today just seems pointless...

  17. lol, what about a weighted treble with 3 marsh mallows
  18. Lol, we'll I know the ministry discourages the use of bait so I think it would be lures only, but I suppose you could tip a spoon with one!
  19. Was thinking of hosting a pier fishing tournament for salmon in the next couple weeks. It would be small with 10-30 participants, probably about $20 entry fee. I think bronte would be the best location since its close enough to the major cities and its a big pier with lots of fish. Obviously it would be run at night, probably 9 to 1 or 2 am. Would anyone on here be interested?
  20. anyone know if there are any special requirements to host a small tournament?

    1. Pikeslayer


      A post trnmnt BBQ (beer optional & responsibly) other than that, you should be good to go.

  21. Was this a guide? If it was name away...
  22. Forget rainbows, what about big browns?
  23. taking a friend fishing for his first time tomorrow, any guaranteed bass baits you can think of? (other than senkos and spinners)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Raf
    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I'd go with med size minnows,keeps the perch away.At least the small ones.

    4. Twocoda


      Raf stole my guarantee...but those rubber frog things seem to work for people that fish for bass


  24. I think it would be a pretty interesting experiment, doesn't seem like there are a lot of spawning area though.
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