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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. don't put too much trust in the MNR fish online ste for sure...most of their info comes from what they caught in their test nets..as well as incorrect info too,i was in this mess several years ago when I caught a pike in a lake in haliburton that DID NOT have any according to the MNR well it took 2 years before they would confirm that their was pike in there mainly because their first time neeting an area of thet lake they did not get a pike,so they still said thet they were not there and if they were it was a single fish or a very very few...well here we are years laker and lots of pike being caught in that lake and all around the area....so your best bet sometimes is to talk to locals and find out as much info as you can from them,as well as the mnr tool fish online...just don't trust it 100% do some homework about the lake and talk to locals who live there and fish it regularly they will know the info
  2. tough bite there,and as other posted said there are better options close by...as well it gets fished hard too....good luck
  3. I watched it burn,and was there for over an hour....was quite the site from the tim hortons parking lot !!!! some of the social media sites were using a few of my pictures......glad nobody was hurt....
  4. Better check if you can transport minnows from that area to FMZ17 as the VHS VIRUS THERE IS AREAS THAT ARE CONTROLLED check first
  5. towing is one thing stopping is a whole other ball game.......
  6. I had the same issue bill last spring and I sprayed the foot pedal with reel majic spray and it worked fine
  7. wow bunk what an awesome read !!! pics are amazing too....what a life experience man...wow
  8. yes bill you got that right.....it was and still is a very sought after boat and one of the best big water trolling boats ever made.....awesome
  9. Still lots of smashed docks and lots of debris even our boat launch is jammed full of logs and parts of docks and garbage and you name it still a mess ..... Our beach dock that is shared by our area is all smashed up as well as the marina .... It's in bad shape too !!!and the high water had just been floating all this junk around and doing more damage from the wind & waves crashing it into other docks and stuff .....
  10. Another incident yesterday on buckhorn lake 2 men capsized a little tinner while towing a dock !!!! what the hell .... Full on rescue again ..... At least they had pfd"s on but still .....
  11. Been wearing Maui jims for years and in my opinion are the best and my optometrist says the same !!! Especially being on the water as much as us fishermen are !!! You get what you pay for and Maui Jim has the best warranty in the biz !!! Have added nose pads free in the past and a new case for free they just are great quality I have both Amber/rose color as well as grey lens too and prefer the amber for all around conditions
  12. do you have the details or any contact number or rep ???? thanks
  13. I have seen the OPP And several boats and I guess they are going to use the plane as well and drones for Arial search but I mean this stuff should not happen !!! The water temp is basically just above freezing and 3 in a canoe with no pfd on !!! It's just stupidity ..... And all for a paddle boat .... Unreal
  14. its becauase of all the rain in the haliburton area they have received 100mm of rain in like 6 days....lots of pics on fb of all the flooding up there and lots of roads out....and more water is coming down....
  15. I have had several other brands trolling motor plugs and the twist lock marineco plug is still holding up nice and yes mine is wired with 6gauge as well .....
  16. Flatline a yo-zuri or an xrap on troll with a few decent sized split shots 5 feet ahead of lure and put motor into neutral and let it slowly sink then engage motor again and add a few jerks to the bait !!!!! Killer ice out tactics and hit mouths of bays and flats trout can be on the surface or anywhere early season I have got them in 10 feet of water running my in-line planner board as well as casting the shallows !!!!! There are many ways to get them in the few weeks after ice out experiment and try different methods last year on walleye opener we were getting lake trout in 15-20 feet also lake of bays can blow up real good and get quite rough so be aware it's a big body of water and lots of hidden shoals and areas to be careful.
  17. Just get a dog and a nice boat !!!! If you get married she already gets both !!! Lol
  18. Levels probly have not peaked yet Haliburton watershed including the gull river the burnt and black rivers are in flood stage .... Lots of water to come from Haliburton yet they say will peak in a few days IF NO MORE RAIN
  19. there is an awnswer to all that......X-RAP ghost $12.00 :Gonefishing:
  20. yes I forgot to mention mine is top gun named but also sunbrella is great product too...
  21. Custom made cover is the only way to go !!! I have probly 50,000km of towing on my custom made cover for my Lund and it's awesome it's got snaps all around and was made by hand and is worth every penny !!!!! Not a drop of water gets in and keeps the inside of my boat debris and water free ..... If you do a fair amount of towing it's the only way to go and yes they are not cheap and mine was close to a grand .... But 10yrs now and starting to show some age but has performed perfect and has not owed me anything For the cost of my boat and the protection it gives it was a no brainer to spend the money and have a custom one made .... You learn these things after owning many many boats do it right and its done ... I have had many store bought covers & tried them all and they just don't work like custom made ones period
  22. Yes I live 20mins away and just heard about it the other day !! They should advertise it a little better I guess and seeing how it's the first time being held would be great to see all the fishing related vendors from the area plus get the word out about their product !!! I will def stop in and check it out as I do plan on getting my boat from storage next weekend but I'm sure I can find a few hours to check it out !!!!
  23. The ice is breaking up and on the move this morning
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