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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. Too late the pike are there already !!!! Grrrr .... And one was caught in sturgeon lake about 2 weeks ago
  2. It's an awesome river with lots of whitewater !!!! There are huge waterfalls just before it entered the Ottawa river !!!! And lots of water Comming down there when I was up there fishing 2 weeks ago !!!!!! Have fun be safe !!!!!! Cheers
  3. Yes I did get a few nice bass from that corner !!!! They were all 1-2 lb fish nothing worthy of a picture !!!!! Lost a tank but no real decent 3-4lb fish that day
  4. Well done Chris !!!! Man it brings back memories I did plenty of that in my 20's and before back surgery !!! Lol. Hard work payed off for you guys !!! The lake and scenery looks nice !!! I can tell you guys are planning a return trip !!!! Cheers
  5. Wow !!!! Now that's rustic ...!!!!! That's a long way off the beaten path and the fishing is that way because of it !!! Some real beauties you guys got for sure !!!!! Thanks for sharing
  6. Lots of weeds as per usual it's the kawarthas and the water temp is 74 so yes and there is already blue green algae growing but the fish don't mind the weeds just learn to fish them and you are good to go !!!!!
  7. Took a few pics yesterday while fishing gull lake for bass !!
  8. Some awesome Lake Erie bronze tanks !!!! Love the colors on them smallies man !! I gotta get down that way and try Erie one day !!!!! Thanks for sharing Tight-lines. Shawn
  9. Thanks Brian and that's just what yesterday was !!!! Lots in the 1,2,3 lb and we were in north central Haliburton and it rained for several hours !! On and off it was a weird weather day !!! And the blackflies were bad !!!!!! July and the buggers are still out in force !!!! Back at it today !!!!! Gone fishing report to follow
  10. Nice fish Lew !!!! Glad you got into a big one !!! The pics were cool as well !!! Hope your shoulder feels better !!!! Cheers & tight-lines. Shawn
  11. Well we got about a dozen mostly 1-2lbers and I got one in the rain maybe 3.5lbs !!! All were largies and all were in 5-12ft of water Lilly pad growth was way behind and water was stirred up from all the rain !!!! Here is the only pic I got before it rained !!! Tight lines. Shawn
  12. Hope you do well terry with the new boat !!!! Show us some pics with all the bling on her now !!! Cheers & good luck
  13. Just Rollin right now to go bass fishin up a few spots if mine in Haliburton to get away from the chaos today on my lake the kawarthas will be insane with boat traffic and 1,000 sea-doos so I'm heading north for some quiet bass fishing !!!! Report to follow. Tight-lines & good fishin. Shawn
  14. Nice rig for sure !!!! Now get her all blinged out and get some fish slime in her !!!!! Have fun and follow the break-In procedure and you are good to go !!!! What are you going to add to her???
  15. Well for bass and muskies no problem walleyes with bottom bouncers no problem !!!! But for salmon or Great Lakes trout and deep inland lakes for lakers it would be just a guess cause as noted above. By another member gotta find the temp and the thermocline and that's hard !!!! Although years ago we used to drop a glass thermometer over board and do temp checks the hard way !!! Just took longer to figure them out !!!! I did learn to fish long before I ever had a graph so I would do ok !!!!!
  16. Wow !!!! Awesome family trip boss !!!! Some very nice pickerel eyes !!!!! Man that shore lunch bonanza looked amazing !!!!!! Just curious can you pm me what that cost ball park for a trip just like that ?? Thanks. Cheers
  17. good luck trying to find a pp this close to your timeframe that isnt already booked solid??? lots have been booked for months
  18. A lot of parks charge the extra fee and at our old park it was 5$ per car not each separate person !!! We used to just buy a summer pass for 40$ and we were covered for the whole time the park was open for the year !!!! The extra hydro charge was only if you ran your air conditioner on your trailer and I think it was 75$ for the season as well !!!!and we could have a beer fridge and a shed as well !!!! The dock fees you pay every spring and you are all set !!! We looked at the cottage option and it was still a lot cheaper to have a trailer than a cottage !!!! They cut the grass and do all the maint work and paint the docks and all that !!!! Stuff you would have to do if ya owned a cottage !!! Leaves a lot more time for fishing !!!! If you have kids most parks have things going on all summer for them as well so again leaves more time for fishing !!!!! Ad they are usually very secure and in 15 yrs we never had a theft or break-in so another good thing as well !!!! So it's just a matter of preference and you won't regret it it's all what you make of it !!!!!!! Good luck and keep us informed how you decide to go !!!!!!! There's lots of trailers still for sale in my area which is the Kawartha lakes (sturgeon lake)
  19. The largiea are there !!! And shallow a tournament on my lake last weekend (sturgeon lake) brought in 22lbs of fish for a win !!!! And big fish was caught in 3feet of water 6lbs !!!!!! I will be in Haliburton fishing this weekend so I will hope to have a report !!!! Stay at it and keep trying !!!! I have got a few nice ones this year very shallow already !!!! smallie I got shallow in the Ottawa river in freezing cold 52 degree water !!!!!
  20. The nut maybe on reverse like a fan blade try turning the nut the other way???
  21. Did you run into anything like hit bottom with the motor??? What is the make most props come off pretty easy ?? Might be seized up ?? Brushes ?? Are you sure your battery connections are good ?? Check all the obvious first
  22. Wow !!!! Nice lookin tiger for sure !!!!!! There seems to be more and more of them ..... Good for you and the guys that catch them .... But not good for the muskies they are being taken over .... Cheers on that fish tho .....
  23. If you get the hot maps chip it has a lot better contour lines in 1-5ft increments and the detail is better !!! ???? Did they ask you that option
  24. That's cool !!!! Glad he helped you out !!!!
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