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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. COOL,pics i love seeing other peoples summer fun pics,good scenery pics as well..cheers
  2. way to go bud they sure are awsome looking fish,thanks for the report CC.... cheers
  4. well on my survival suit i used the same stuff that you use for waterproofing tents & canvass it works great just spray on and let dry for a day then spray again it doesnt harm it at all cheers
  5. yes rick i hope so as well,and as long as everyone will pay attention to the news release and obey it,maybe you should pin this up for the ice fishermen to read ,and maybe they can pass it on to their friends..it might help
  6. hey dan wayne had the best idea,i work at a school so i could hi-jack the bus....so when and where do we meet up..lol..lol
  7. well see you learn something new everyday.....imagine that
  8. WOW.....thats insane man....... i dont think i could handle something like that,thats the craziest ride i have ever seen
  9. great report wolfville,you sure caught alot of carp in 06,keep up the hard work and your 07,will even be better cheers
  10. way to go guys,nice looking fish and congrats on your new PB.....
  11. WOW...i really like picture #5,those birds of prey look so awsome,owls are really stealth hunters and by the time their prey even gets a chance to reacted........BANG...its all over great pics keep em conning
  12. you will get one cliff dont worry, just keep at it from what you tell me what you are doing is fine ,sometimes it just takes a while ...like i always say,stay at it and dont ever give up...cheers bud
  13. if do get skunked i always say hey theres always next time,then i think of what i can do next time or to change tactics,so like i always say never give up sometimes its all about fishing new lakes and trying new lures or just getting away from the rat-race and going out in my boat just chillin out
  14. well i hope they catch them and the law gives them what they deserve ,its hard to believe that not one of those places had an alarm,and it sounds like it was a precision operation and what about the time frame that must take time to get all that stuff,out of there did they come by land or water,it sounds like someone who lives there or used to live there ,...hhhmmmmmmm
  15. yes im always into my tackle bags & boxes,regardless what time of year it is im always organizing and getting things ready for the next fishing trip cheers
  16. WAY TO GO YOU GUYS...great report & those pics say it all, those rainbows look so pretty those colors are amazing,that looked like a perfect ice fishing trip,wish we could have been there to enjoy it like you guys did.....great way to start of the new year.....cheers
  17. congrats tracy on your first fish of 07,julie & myself say WTG good to see you still got that fishin-fever cheers
  18. keep trying it sounds like it was just not your day ,but you still hooed a few fish and you lost one so at least you were on the right track,great report nonethe less.better luck next time cheers
  19. WOW...congrats to everyones huge smallies/black bass, they are all huge by any standardsthats for sure,and like those the smallies from the ottawa river are the darkest ive ever seen as well, its strange that they look very different colors from different water bodies
  20. well way to go guys great report & pics. and like you said who would have thought that we would be out in our boats still almost half way into jan.....cheers
  21. nice report & pics terry,well better luck next time,and it would have been nice to scoop a few buckets of those baitfish for use on the whites in a few weeks..cheers
  22. great report & pics ya gotta love those lakers they are alot of fun to catch WAY TO GO GUYS
  23. thanks for the report & pics,you guys did real well....cheers
  24. nice report & pics glen,i wish i got to go out in my boat today well looks like you will be having a fresh fish fry tonight cheers
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