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Everything posted by fishindevil

  1. hey guys way to go...mmmmmmm pike for dinner what time should we be there i will bring the white wine for dinner..lol...lol
  2. well gerritt first of all i hope all goes well and you recover quickly,it sounds like something a co-worker of mine had done in his wrist due to years of playing lacrrosse,well the docs told him the same thing that it was a rare surgery,he comes back to work in 3 weeks,and he had his in early october,and you will have to go to physio and maybe a chiropractor, hope this maybe gives ya an i dea..cheers bud get better real soon ok
  3. yes i see what you mean... oh ya cute little fella
  4. wow roy that was quite a video, and that moose lookes small compared to the other one,if he were to stomp on you like that you would surely be a dead duck....OUCH and yes that big bull was even bigger than that van he is huge,you would not want to p*** him off
  5. hey dan thats exactly what i was thinkin when i saw them.... how many walleye fillets could i put in there, i always carry maps and all kinds of stuff like that so they will be much better than garbage bags for sure thanks for showing those im gonna get som tommorow
  6. yes i cant wait im going next weekend for sure i love the boatshow,and hey maybe on the last day you might even get a better bargain,if you need something,they would much rather sell it than taking it back to the marina,or store....i just bought a new boat in the fall but ther is always little things that catch your eye..cheers guys and carefull drivin to work tommorow
  7. man us fisherman are sure smart arent we...ive done lots of things like that but yours takes the cake ...great i dea, and now you need another one just like it to even the weight on the other arm. ...cheers
  8. yes even here in the so-called bannana belt.....southern ontario,the big GTA....we will get winter here too,finally cant wait to be in that morning comute
  9. nice interesting report and wecome aboard,dave nice pics you have there,your going to fit right in cheers
  10. way to go guys,thanks for the report & pics, i bet those tasy whitefish will be on the menu.imagine that the middle if january and you guys were on simcoe in a boat...that pretty amazing
  11. well wecome aboard..this is an awsome site we all love fishing report & pics of evrything so enjoy and have a great time meeting all us great members cheers
  12. well on your profile there is a nice pic of a fat walleye there... and yes it worked you have a picture there as well
  13. that was a totally awsome show this morning folks,they were true trophy once in a lifetime fish for sure,and marc thorpe is one very smart and knowlagable fisherman/guide,i would love to go on a guided fishiung trip with hime.....and aaron that was a great show keep up the great work
  14. how can they be mad lol...lol.. i think you have caught about 2 thousand trout in the last 2 months......way to go gotta love those colors on those nice males
  15. well im glad i came back to see your pics,thats a nice speck for sure i bet you were wondering when that pike hit if it was a huge speck,wouldnt that have been nice good catch bud and im glad at least there is a few guys out on the hardwater,but they are like yourself and way up north,we are still waiting down here in southern ontario for good ice with are temps finnaly droping we might get to fish very shortly...maybe 3-4 days from now...we hope are fingers are crossed
  16. well,to start there are 2 outflows at pickering and the bigger one is on the east side,you cannot get to them anymore there is no access by foot since the ken thomas murder,they sealed it up ,and on to darlington there is one outflow,and it starts about 200 meters from shore and its only acesable by boat,the only other option for pickering is to launch at duffins creek,right by the lake or on the beach right at the end of brock rd....if you are a shore angler you are not going to either one....cheers
  17. nice hen,you should have lots of roe to keep ya going for a while now. ..way to go
  18. right on guys... great report,and awsome looking fish,i love those lake trout they are a blast to catch,and you guys sure did that thanks for sharing i wish i was there.... cheers
  19. and pretty much any co-op stores has them,and i8 think home hardware has them as well,and some rental places has them as well.....good luck. with those cats
  20. now thats what i call getting ready i bet you will be the first one out there...good luck
  21. well lew thats a well done good deed...and im sure he thanks you for doing that...cheers
  22. lets hope the cold lasts for a few days without snow to get 5 or so inches of real good clear ice.i hope evrybody stays safe and doesnt jump the gun.....
  23. with some of those carp being so fat im surpprised that they can even swim,they should sink they must be chummin those fish for weeks to get them that fat
  24. well tracy,you tried very hard,and thanks for the great report & pics/video at least you caught some used lures,to bad there wasnt a big pike on one of those. ..lol...lol better luck next time cheers
  25. i wasw going to say the same as fisherman & irishfield,those bag phones will work where no other phone will [except a satellite phone] and those are very expensive,if you get a good quality phone with a pull out antenae thats about the best you can do, good luck....
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