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Everything posted by tizfun

  1. Seriously, I wish you'd write a book with all your adventures and pics... I'd be the first inline.. Always a pleasure to read..
  2. Hey all, thanks for the replies and info... It's been a busy 3 days so far and haven't had time to wet a line out here.. I've made it to Nipigon since leaving Toronto on Monday... No time again to wet a line here but will have some time tomorrow as we're calling it an early day and continuing our trek west.. I will be in the areas of NIBLOCK or OSAQUAN tomorrow... These are the town names I guess... Any areas to fish from shore here ??? Will also in Manitoba (Winnipeg) and the town names are RENNE and OAK BANK on Friday afternoon... Thanks in advance.... Hope anyone can help...lol
  3. Hey all, I will be driving to Winnipeg on Monday for work. I'm thinking about bringing the rod and some tackle as I will also be in Thunder Bay for a couple days.. Now my Question ? What's open up that way ? and can anyone give me some ideas of where to fish from shore ?? This will be my first time up that way and so looking forward to it. Thanks in advance.. Tiz
  4. I have a Navionics plus for sale on Kijiji... New in the sealed package...
  5. Sorry to hear about Dave... We've stayed there for years starting way back in 1988.. Great fishing up there.. I too tried contacting them via email for last spring opening of pike and got no reply.. Figured something was up.. RIP Dave... We'll miss ya for sure.
  6. No problem... Here's a boat (Princecraft) that for the money, is a great deal... I had one years back and loved it.. If you're willing to make the drive, you'll never find one this cheap here... http://www.lake-link.com/tradingpost/ad.cfm/71196/95-Pro-169-Princecraft/
  7. My fishing partner has a 2001 Lund Pike 16 powered with a 115 hp Optimax... Runs strong, alot of room to fish out of because of it's width. Only thing is the console seems too far ahead for my liking and it doesn't leave room for the front deck.. Don't get me wrong here, there's room but I'm just comparing it to my boat as we fish out of both. As for the price being under 4k. Guess it depends on how old you get, but I haven't seen any 1998 or newer in that price range.. You won't be disappointed if you find one.. they are very nice boats to fish out of.. USA boat below... http://www.lake-link.com/tradingpost/ad.cfm/69631/1982-LUND-16-foot-Mr-Pike/
  8. Original post taken from Kawartha Anglers site. Lost canoe on the Burnt River If anyone on here happens to see a red fibreglass canoe floating around Cameron or in the Burnt River, please let me know. It was last seen on Thursday night a few bends down river from Burnt River rd, it can be anywhere by now. The water came up and took it away earlier in the week. Any help would be great, thanks.
  9. Not impressed by the flyer at all... Had planned on taking time off from work to head up on the opening day. Not !! Will wait for the weekend or there after just to see the store..
  10. Big downpour in Whitby now.....
  11. Was out for the day fishing the Honey Harbor area and didn't know what to expect... Weeds are starting to come up and as it turned out we boated 2 walleye 3-5 lbs, 12 pike and 1 gar pike.. and that was a first for me...All in all, a great outing with no rain... When we were out, my gauges on the boat were acting funny.. I mean all of them... tach and trim fluttering, gas, speedo and water press not working at all, On our way home, I stopped by to see Paul at Top Gun Marine... Well after talking with him and explaining my issues with the gauges, he stepped out (he was busy) onto the road where I was parked and quickly did what he does best and found the culprits that were causing my problems... He pointed out what to do when I got home and all is well now.... I was there with my uncle and my uncle had told him of his trim making funny noises and gave him the advice on what to do when he got home.... Incredible !!!! I've dealt with many marine shops in my 30 yrs of boating and I can honestly say, this man goes out of his way to please and give advice before you bring it in... So, Paul, if you see this... Thank you for all you've done for me in the past and what you did today.. You've gained a customer for life !!!! Tiz
  12. Breaks my heart !! Gotta love it... beauty eyes...
  13. Used to fish that area every spring for pike....Haven't been in a couple years . Just a little too many rocks for my liking as our boats have now have become a little more expensive that what we used to fish out of.. What are the water levels like now ?? Great fish... Congrats
  14. Incredible..... something you wouldn't see too often if any..
  15. Thanks Bill.... I usually head into Georgian Bay, but thought I'd try something a little closer to home since I'm taking my 82 yr old dad along for the ride..
  16. Wow.. 112 views and no one had any thoughts ?? Figured it out....
  17. Thinking about heading there for some pike this weekend and was wondering if the spawn is still on, is it to early ? Any thoughts ??? Tiz
  18. Thanks for all the tips everyone... Waiting to take it out again, this time he's got a 17 pitch 4 blade Trophy and a 21 pitch Laser II that we're going to try... The prop that he got with the motor was a Michigan Wheel 19 pitch and the blades seem to be so thick compared to the SST's.. The cavitation plate it about 1/2 higher that the bottom of the boat... So it looks to be installed correctly. Thanks again,
  19. Hey all, my buddy just called me and was looking into the transom of his 2001 Pike 16 and saw that the newer (2006) 115 Optimax he had installed on his boat last fall is sitting on the 3rd hole from the top of the transom... When he had the (2001) 90 4 stroke, it was sitting on the 2nd hole from the top.. Just curious ? is his newer 115 sitting too high ?? Are the hole patterns not the same ?? We took it out and the 115 hp ran slower that his 90 hp did ?? Any help would be much appreciated.. Tiz
  20. Found this.... They're in Whitby... They did my boat reg numbers... http://www.kijiji.ca/v-other-boat-watercraft/oshawa-durham-region/boat-registration-numbers-and-names-graphics/579967768?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  21. We booked Golden Eagle for the 1st weekend in October for 4 nights....6 of us are going with 3 boats. We're taking our own boats and going to be doing a little hunting too.. Great prices and so looking forward to taking my dad who is 81.. Should be a great trip...
  22. Very very nice... congrats !! Love that sled....
  23. Perfect... thanks.... I didn't think it would be any better..
  24. Boat is rated for 100hp.... Very wide boat thinking the beam is 84" (or more) .. It's not you average 16 footer.. He had a Merc 90 4 stroke..(junk) and traded it in for the 115 Optimax. The boat/motor has tilt/trim (thought this was a given now a days) and moves out at 45 mph on GPS.. It just doesn't seem right seeing a jackplate on an aluminum... Do people actually do this, can it be done and still have the boat perform the way it should without getting it crazy... I wouldn't, not an aluminum anyway... Tiz
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