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Everything posted by tizfun

  1. Where would you find the fuses for this ?? There's nothing on the dash panel and the trim works from the shifter and the motor itself... Irishfield, This was the first place I looked since it may have happened to me again... Tiz
  2. Here's what she looks like so far.... Ready for the water next weekend !!!!!! Tiz http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x69/pro167/DSCF0462.jpg
  3. Hey everyone, I'm almost there.. Here's a new one... I just noticed that the power trim switch at the bow isn't trimming the motor.. It worked when I bought the boat last week.. Any body have any ideas where to look ?? Switch toggles like it operational but nothing.. Wiring runs from the bow, under the floor to the transom.. Then from there I'm lost... Big Cliff & Miskieman, where are you ???? lol Anyone have any ideas as this is the only thing left on the boat for me to do.. Thanks, Tiz
  4. Well it's done !!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a loose connection under the dash.. I looked underneath and moved the main plug (this is the plug that all the wires from the panel plug into the wiring to the back of the boat.) the wiring harness... Brown wire was not in all the way so I pushed it in and the pump started humming.. put it all back together and it works fine now.. Go figure !!!! Big Cliff, I thank you for the generous offer and some day I may need it again.. There aren't many people like you to offer their services and mostly their time to help a stranger !!!! Muskieman, I thank you too for your input.. I printed your comments and went out to the boat with them in hand.. You're right, too many wires for an a guy like me.... You guys are awesome !!!!!!!!! Tiz
  5. Big Cliff, I may be out your way tomorrow if this doesn't work for me today.. Give me some directions just in case... Muskieman, no fuses in the rear.. Couple on the battery, checked those and all ok.. Will continue to work in this, will swap switch from the horn to see if it is the switch.. Thanks again, Tiz
  6. Thanks muskieman.. Here's what I have done so far.. It's a new pump.. I disconnected it from the back of the boat and brought it up to the dash panel.. I flipped the switch to the on position and the switch light came on.. I touched the black and the brown to the switches black and brown and the pump went on.. Seem like there's no power going to the back of the boat.. Still the switch ?? Thanks, Tiz dang really hot in the driveway working on this......
  7. Hey everyone, I need help with my bilge pump.. Bilge won't work when flipping the switch on the dash.. Dash panel light switch light comes on and I checked the fuse but the pump won't work.. Any help would be greatly appreciated... It's a 2 way switch with the fuse holder underneath.. HELP !!!!!!!!!!!! Tiz
  8. Hey Kevin, What trolling motor are ya lookin for ??? May have one forsale !!!!! Brand new in the box too !!!!! Tiz
  9. Hey Kevin, What trolling motor are ya lookin for ??? May have one forsale !!!!! Brand new in the box too !!!!! Tiz
  10. Give Neil a call @ Full Bore Marine in Newmarket.. He has looked after my rigs for 15 years now and he'll tell you straight up on what's wrong and what the costs will be.. His rates are good and so is his work.. 905-853-1583 Tiz
  11. Thanks Everyone !!! I sure am excited with this boat.. I've been tinkering with it since it came home.. I just love the beam.. Will make it alot more comfortable on Quinte this fall... I will post as many pics of my outings as possible.. p.s. If anyone is interested, check out my classified add for my old boat.. Great shape, very clean and runs like a top... Only reason I'm selling this one is that I need more space in the boat.. most times we fish 3 ppl.. Let me know if anyone is interested.. Price is negotiable....... Tiz
  12. Misfish,Slowpoke.. Your right is was cleaner that I expected.. Motor turned over on the first try and we ran it out on the water with 3 of us in the boat and again I was surprised how it planed out with the 3 of us.. As for what I paid.. $3500.00 US.. He also included a brand new tank and line, 2 brand new in the box props, brand new Panasonic CD player with remote and 2 new Sony marine speakers, a custom fit travel cover, 1 new deep cycle battery and the cranking one , he said was new last summer. 3 new tires and also gave me the invoice for repacked bearings he did the moring before I got there.. 197.56........... When I was given all the stuff and showed what he had done to the boat, my buddy said that If I didn't take it .. He wanted me to tow it home for him.. YEAH RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally a good deal.. Tiz
  13. They worked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I'm trying to post some pics, but it always fails.. Seems like they're too big.. Will try later... As for getting a deal, I think you have compare similar boats that are offered for sale here.. If you look through the Trader magazine, all of these boats are 9000.00 and up.. Plus you have to add the PST and PST/GST if it's from a dealer.. I'll post some pics and you tell me what would you pay for it... Tiz
  15. Hey all, I just got home and wanted to share my experience in bringing a boat across the border(Wisconsin).. First, I picked up a 1994 Princecraft 167 with a Johnson 50 hp t/trim.. Sweet Deal !!!!!!!! Boat and motor are a 9/10 and the trailer a 7/10 (little rust).. Package was garage kept for the last 5 years.. Gettin across the boarder with all paperwork in place was alot easier than everyone says it is.. (it was for me anyways).. Showed Customs my bill of sale for trailer and a bill of sale for the boat and motor.. Paid a standard fee for the trailer 236.00 and PST/GST on the value of the boat and motor.. Signed the papers and they explained what to expect in the mail within the next week and what to do when it arrives.. (trailer safety from Canadian Tire) 30 mins later, I'm in my truck and on my way.. Great time and alot of driving..27 hours there and back, 2366 kms and 316.00 in gas.. Surprised that my 2003 Chevy Trailblazer was that good on gas, even with the a/c on our way back.. Tiz
  16. Try LeBarons.. I picked up a 36" with the rope attachment for $60.00.. BassPro has the same one for $90.00.. I think it's blue in colour.. Blue/Yellow packaging.. Tiz
  17. I thought the Pro Series was a sweet deal too.. When I got home and showed the wife what I bought myself for an early birthday present, she just laughed and said "what about all the other stuff from before"" God I Love Her !! They also had the same bowmount in the 70lbs 24 volt for 339.00 and the 55 lbs wireless 45" shaft for 600.00.. Tiz
  18. Hey all, Just wondering if anyone made it to BPS big sale that started on Saturday.. And if you did, did you spend more that you thought you would ??? I was there on Sat morning and spent $350.00 dollars.. On previous post here about bowmounts, and someone mentioned a great deal on Motorguides.. I bought the Pro Series 55lbs 42" shaft with cable steer for $224.88.. They only has 2 left... Hope everyone gets out to check on the deals, because there are some to be had forsure.. Tiz
  19. Hello all.. Looking at booking a trip to Island Lake (Thistle Lake), part of the Temagami Waterway System and was wondering if anyone has been up this way to let me know how the fishing was.. We're heading up the last week in May for a few days so any help would be of great appreciation.. We're staying at Island Lake Camp.. Tiz
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