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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. My folks are still going strong, but Debbe has lost both of hers. So family times are joyfull and not so joyfull sometimes. I'm happy to hear your old man is still on the green side of the lawn. Appreciate your good fortune and have a wonderful holiday season. Time with friends and family is really what it is all about. All the best to you and yours.
  2. Kawartha Ice for the first time. Pretty much the same old same old the rest of the year...but I am by no means complaining.
  3. My understanding is that crappie feeding on Walleye fry is far more of a drain on the walleye fishery then us fisherman ever will be. So I would think that the winter season will do way more good then harm with regards to the walleye numbers. Time will tell. It looks like it is skinned over pretty good. Play safe out there on the opener everybody.
  4. Scrooged with Bill Murray. My fav Christmas comedy.
  5. Thx for the update Beansie. There a good chance the crappies & gills might not be to far from that skating rink I'm really looking forward to Kawartha ice. Sounds good for Jan 1st.
  6. Don't have any of the fish you are looking for Cliff. You are more then welcome to the next couple of rainbow hens I keep for spawn. I usually give them to a fellow at work. This won't be until March though, but I will try to remember. Perhaps we can hook up at the Ganny again in the spring and chase them together. And if you need an Official food tester....I'm your man
  7. Funny how that is sometimes. I have been out with a group of 3-4 others...many times...and 80% of the fish come out of that one honey hole. Doesn't matter who is fishing it, or what they are using. Thx again for the report Simon. My perch spot still isn't good to go yet...so I slept in ....Next weekend for sure though.
  8. Sounds like a plan Bruce but honestly no...just perched here on OFC takin it all in and stirrin the pot a little. BTW. When is there gonna be smelt on the go down your way? I'm really looking forward to it.
  9. Have you got a Penguins toque with #87 on it for Lexi yet...or are you gonna settle for a wings toque. Just kidding. Puppies are the best pets going. Enjoy your new roomie.
  10. Krawler I have the under armour shirt only. I would never bother with the full one pc. Under my floater suit the extra warmth on my legs is not needed. The shirt I have is the warmest one they make. Long sleeves that even have a hole for your thumb to go through so it actually covers the back of your hand and partial palm...which I really like cause I fish gloveless. Pricey but it would be replaced IMMEDIATELY if it was ruined or lost....and I am cheap I do not go out on the ice without wearing this. Some of the best $$$ I have ever spent on outdoor clothing.
  11. Sorry Shayne...that "anyone know what this is" thread has turned me into a giggling 10 year old.....and I can't get back on track.
  12. Now that just rubbed me the right way I have been giggling like a 10 year old since I read this response earlier today. Debbe thinks I am sick and disturbed....and she should know Thx for the laugh.
  13. Possible over medication on the neck meds I was already to launch into a snappy little wax on the pole story...but felt it inappropriate
  14. Well done Simon. I enjoyed "spending" the evening on the ice with you. Thx for sharing. I think I'm heading out for perch tomorrow. I just can't stay in the house :wallbash: for another whole weekend.
  15. I can get lots of walleye closer to home. But I would be very happy to hear when the smelt are in...cause I will make a trip or 2 for that. Keep us updated and thx for the report.
  16. I have one new favourite Christmas song. The video is well done and I just admire this young man and his folks for what they all have accomplished to get him to where he is. The singer is Justin Hines. I believe the name of the song is "How I love this time" The video/song is on you tube. Sorry I don't know how to do the link thing. If you like it you will also enjoy his song/video "I wish you well". It has to be my all time favourite song videos. Not a christmas song but one about family which is really what Christmas is all about anyway.
  17. Roy you having one of those giddy days where you just wanna put a smile on everyone's face for no particular reason? Well it worked. And thank you
  18. When my day starts with me laughing out loud all alone at home here...you know its going to be a good day
  19. And cause you got all sweaty from all that exercise we usually stripped down to our T shirts and jeans and just fished outside like that for the rest of the day
  20. I'm a slow learner Meely. I'm going to have to get out with you guys again this winter so you can refresh my memory
  21. Thx Beansie...sometimes it is a good thing to be medicated
  22. I'll second the jigging rap. Size #2...the smallest they have or #3. Firetiger or perch pattern..Tip with power maggots...Neon Pink works best on Simcoe for me. Or even better if you can get them...tip with real maggots. Always the first thing down the hole for me when I'm targeting perch. My 2nd choice would be a Simcoe Bug...I make my own...but I am not sure how they work outside of Simcoe/Couch for perch. However I made smaller ones last winter and the smelt really liked them in the spot that Bigugli took me to last winter. Good luck with the perching. I'm waiting patiently :wallbash: for my traditional first ice trip to Couch for a feed of perch.
  23. I was thinking the same thing Cliff. Having been in it I know it has plenty of room for your boat and everything else you have stored in there. Generous offer for the hut Cliff. I just love my portable though and am more into the freedom it allows as opposed to a permanent hut. If not I would be up there next weekend to help you put something together, cause I know you have a good location and a hut left there would be well looked after. BTW Have you got ice out front yet?
  24. Thx for posting this Cliff. I drive over the Harmony Bridge in Oshawa everyday to and from work. It is a very powerful thing to see this in person. No matter your opinion on wars...you just have this feeling of respect for the sacrifices these people have made for YOU. God bless them and there families.
  25. Happy you got out Simon. The good old jigging rap is one old reliable that works for many species...big and small. I tip them on the bottom treble with maggots/spikes for panfish and minnow heads for walleye. Thx for the report!
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