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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Hardwater...man I live for it!!! Something about the quiet and calmness of the winter season that really speaks to me. First light listening to the ice crack on those cold cold mornings...thats music to me. All bundled up in my fish trap pro with my crank radio playing and sometimes even actually icing a few fish....Priceless.Standing on Scugog just waiting for the sun to dip below the horizon to trigger the evening bite...this is what I am about. Some of my all time favorite happy places are on the ice. The Kawartha's open for hardwater this year...I just...I just...soiled myself BRING IT ON !!!
  2. 6 inch auger seems to be the standard recommendation. It depends what you are after. I have a 5 inch LAZER and have hauled 5LB walleye on Scugog through that hole and 8LB muskie. 15+ inch crappie are a real tight squeeze though I bring this up every year though because it is the best advise I can give with regards to a hand auger. The smaller the hole...the LESS physical work for you. An 8 inch hole is torture...6 WAYYYYY easier....5 WAYYYYY easier then a 6 etc etc. I sold my 8 inch hand auger years ago and never even use my 6 inch anymore...the five inch hole is just that much more easier. But do yourself a HUGE favor and get a auger with the curved blades like a LAZER or A FINBORE ll or is it FINBORE lll. I can not stress just how much more efficient and EASIER the curved blades make hole cutting. I do not know ANYONE who has went from curved blades BACK to straight blades...and there is a good reason for that. Curved blades are far less work. Don't go berserk on rods/reels lotsa combo's out there for under $50 that will do the trick. Or use a reel you already have and just spring for a couple of ice rods...lots out there for under $20-25 Of course I am not talking about large fish when I am speaking of a 5 inch hole. If I chased whities/lakers on Simcoe more I would invest in a 7inch LAZER. I see no need to ever go bigger then that. I just love the hardwater fishing. If you have anymore questions...feel free to PM me. I will help with whatever I can.
  3. Nothing the Doc can do Beansie...only cure is 4+ inches of ice.
  4. A waterfront property in Bobcaygeon, and a nice little trailer down south somewhere on or close to water. Anything left over I'd probably give it to my kids.
  5. No feathers ruffled here....I would rather focus on the positives this new opportunity brings all of us rather then the negatives...that's all. Everybody play safe and enjoy there time on the hardwater this winter. I know I'm just ITCHING to get out
  6. The grandson is only 17 months old now. Perhaps in a couple of years I will snag him from my daughter and bring him up. Nice to see stuff like this getting underway already. Good luck with it.
  7. Depends on what fishing you do. If you are outside get a 1pc suit as warm as possible. If inside a portable or permanent hut get a 2 pc so you can shed the jacket when it gets warm. All the brand names make good suits. Know your prices and look for a deal. Good luck in your search.
  8. Gotta agree with you Shayne. I just find it classless and disturbing. We all know the risks and the unfortunate things that can/will happen. But to make a game of it. Not my style thank you.
  9. An oldie but a goodie. Thx for that!!!
  10. 4+ is plenty. Just be safe. One year I went to Lefroy on Simcoe for perch. It was first ice. When I got there I saw one person WAAAAYYYY out there in the deeper water sitting on a white pail and fishing away. So without checking I figured it would be more then safe in the shallower water where I was heading. Headed for my spot...had to cross a pressure crack on the way out and it never even phased me. Got to my spot and started cutting a hole. Didn't even make 3 turns and I was through...less then 3 inches of ice for sure. Now I was pooping my pants and 300 yards off shore. Didn't even fish...but made my way back to shore. That pressure crack on the way back in was infinitely more intimidating then it was on the way out let me tell you. I made it back safe but I never ever went on first ice again without doing the spud, step, spud, step. Have at her Simon. Be safe and give us a nice report with some fish porn.
  11. Glad to hear things are looking better Cliff. Debbe & I are always thinking good thoughts for the both of you. Well the 3 of you...Andy gets some well wishing too! Regards, Steve
  12. Skates a puck and some sticks. My kids never really got the fishing bug...but when they where real young and the fish where not co-operating...lacing up the skates for a while was a real crowd pleaser. I also always bring a small shovel. It can be used for snowing in your hut really quickly. And when the kids are out it doubles as a zamboni to clear off a skating area as long as the snow isn't too deep. Or they can dig in a snow bank and play with it for awhile. Dress em up warm and keep them busy. Kids with rosy cheeks and sleeping on the way home means you had a good day.
  13. If your still not 100% I can carry you in....as long as Phil can carry us BOTH out
  14. Yep...what the man said. Some great hockey back then but I have never been able to figure out what makes people think this has to be part of it.
  15. It would have to be something available all year...and if I could only fish for this one fish it would have to be a fish I liked to eat. For me that leaves perch, crappie bluegills and walleyes.My 2 favs would be crappie or perch. Bt there is no way I could pick just one.
  16. Good ice season to start the year. Followed by a good spring for crappies and perch. Then the carp fishing in the Kawartha's was sub par for the 2nd summer in a row. But I found a few good spots for Bluegills and smallies to keep me happy. Fall perching on Simcoe was the slowest I have seen it since I really got to know a few spots. Still did OK...but not the numbers or quality sized fish like other years. Busy as all get out at work so I never even got out once this fall for chrome, but reports from many I know say the conditions out east here where not great for a good fall chromer season anyway. Overall fish wise I would rate 2009 as a C+ or a B-. Not complaining though...it's more about just getting out for me and meeting some new people and trying some new things. I had a few friends out on perch trips with me who had never been to my perch spots and also managed a trip out with Bigugli for my 1st smelts in over 20 years. And a very enjoyable ice fishing day on Oak Lake with Debbe and I spending that weekend at Big Cliff & Sue's. So in that regard I would rate 2009 a solid A. Getting out on the water with others who enjoy it as well. That's what its all about. I hope for more of the same in 2010.
  17. You and me both. BRING ON THE ICE
  18. A couple years back I was out ice-fishing on St John's. Slow warm morning. I was moving around and drilling tons of holes and got all sweaty...then it got cold. I was shivering and miserable the rest of the day. Felt like crap the next couple of days at home before I finally went to the DR. Seems I had caught pneumonia Wish I had released it instead of taking it home with me
  19. I was born in 63....the closest I have ever came to "nickel night" is 50 cent drafts. Some of you guys really are as old as dirt BTW was the earth's crust still warm from the time of creation back then too Lew Just kidding of course. Never have been in Toronto to experience Honest Ed's. But my father in law knew Ed well enough to be on a first name basis. He had nothing but admiration and respect for the man. Glad to hear his son is still carrying the torch.
  20. Rubbing it in like that won't get you on my Christmas card list Simon Can you tell I'm jealous as all get out. Good luck next weekend...you...you...icehole Looking forward to a hardwater report!
  21. There you go Chris a 2 for 1 deal Love to get out with either of you lads. Just say the word boys and I'm in.
  22. Funny on the way home this morning I was looking for worms on the road. I say funny because on Dec 10 2007 I was standing on 4-5 inches of ice for my first perch trip of that hardwater season on Couch. When I get off tomorrow morning I'll be open water fishing for perch. I'm hurting for ice real bad right now
  23. He'll be up and running in no time Brian All the best to your old man.
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