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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Nice to meet you as well Jeff. Hooked up with my buddy after you left. He lost one walleye before we hooked up. Neither of us got anything after you left except those 4 inch perch that where everywhere. Came off the ice at 12:30. Talked to Buck at Goreski's when we went in. He said no one was catching so it wasn't just us. No crappies came in either. After fishing all day yesterday on Couch for perch and this morning I am officially burnt out. I hope anyone who goes out for the afternoon bite does better. Again the pleasure was all mine today Jeff. Anytime you wanna hook up just let me know.
  2. Happy New Years to you and Maribeth Beansie. All the best in 2010. Good luck tomorrow.
  3. I hope you don't use that as a sorry ass excuse for getting outfished in the morning
  4. Note to self...Don't get Big Cliff upset with me. Common practice I'm afraid...but 40 a day seems very unrealistic...to the point of frustrating. I just went through a frustrating dance a couple weeks ago with Prime Rib. They had lots of huge cuts...I wanted 2-4 pounders not monsters. Had to make 3 trips to finally get some smaller cuts. It wasn't quite as big a deal for me though. The store is only about a mile away. You and Sue savour them lobster's Cliff. You earned them.
  5. I cut Timmies outta my daily routine a couple of years ago. It's amazing how much you spend there. For years my breakfast on the way to work was a XLDD and 20 timbits or 2 bagels...$3.34 if I remember. Then a coffee at least 2 or 3 nights a week in the arena watching my sons hockey. Coffee and food on the way too the lake...etc. etc. Debbe drinks a ton of Timmies coffee too. Now I might grab a Timmies on the way back home from a day on the water and that's about it and I very rarely have food. I have a reloadable card that puts $40 on in when it gets down to $8. The last time it reloaded was March and it still has over $20 on it. Debbe just recently started to make hers at home more often too. The local Timmies will probably have to lay off 6 part timers because of our cut back I figure we are saving close to $2000 a year. Pretty decent reward for just eliminating one lazy habit.
  6. Since you know more about these Beasts then I, I'll take your word. My apologies Fish4Eyes. City I am anywhere from 750-850ish tops and I keep track religiously. I won't even say what I get when I'm towing the tinny
  7. I have owned nothing put TDI's since 1986...a 1000KM city driving...I don't think so unless you had a bigger gas tank installed then the 55 liter one that I believe comes factory with that car. However my 86 would get over 1100 on a tank if it was all highway and that was a 45 liter tank. Back then it was $15 -$20 to fill it too. I don't think I ever put more then $20 in it for a fill up...ever. Loved that car. I creamed a deer with it one winter on the way to do some ice fishing and wrote it off, or I would still be happy to have it in the driveway. Currently have a 2002 with a 55 liter tank. Gets the same mileage out of a tank as the 86...but thats a 55 liter tank opposed to the 86's 45 liter tank. The 2002 is a beauty car to drive...but it a lot thirstier then the 86.
  8. Congrats Jef. It killed me having to work today Good on you guys for getting into them. Perch are by far my fav freshwater fish for the table.
  9. Take a deep breath... relax... and know that we are all hoping for the best for your dad as well as your mom. Sorry I can't help with any of your medical questions.
  10. Curtis I have owned several hand augers 8 inch 6 inch and 5 inch. I currently use a 5 inch lazer for 90% of my fishing. The lazer has the curved blades as does the fin bore III. No matter what you do...don't even consider a straight blade auger, like you already have. It is a way more work. The lazer has the straight shaft you lean on the top of and drill one handed. The Fin Bore III has the offset handles. I have both and prefer my 5 inch lazer. Take your pick. Stick with the curved blade and you can not go wrong. Some people use a 4 or even a 3.5. OK for perch/smelt and small pannies but that's about it. Don't even consider chasing slab crappie with a hole smaller then 5. Good luck with whatever you go with.
  11. Brookies through the ice is still on my bucket list. Worked one summer... 1981... up there at a MNR camp on Helen Lake on Steamboat Bay. You live in a beautiful part of this country. Beauty fish...thx for sharin.
  12. Very rarely take the camera Simon. As a matter of fact I have my first memory card in it still with fish pictures from 2005 when I got the camera Beansie tried to encourage me one time and even showed me how to do everything to post pics on here....I guess it's just not in me. But I do really enjoy the efforts others like yourself make with pictures and video's...so keep em coming. Best wishes to you and your family as well Simon.
  13. Jack... Debbe's package is with Solo. She has an old package with unlimited texting...that's not even available anymore. But she still gets it. She can text from the cottage in Bobcaygeon all summer and it's free. It's handy for people at the bank to keep in touch with her if needed and for the kids to get ahold of us.
  14. Thought I would bump this just in case someone was considering a trip to Couch tomorrow. Please note that the ice conditions I mentioned where from Thursday BEFORE all this mild weather and rain. Someone mentioned on the Simcoe Board about heading for Couch in the morning. I hope no one does, cause I can't imagine it will be safe now. Patience people...lotsa winter left.
  15. I am looking into an LED crank lantern for night fishing. I have a crank radio for tunes and I love it. 200 cranks gives me an hour of music on the ice... longer on the front porch at the cottage during the summer. I am not an all nighter on the ice. 60-90 minutes tops for the evening bite would pretty much be all I would use it for. Or maybe a few times in the spring for smelting off the pier. My concern with the lantern is how bright there are or how long they last and of course if they perform in the cold. If anyone has any experiences with these...good or bad...I'd like to know. I have a good Coleman naptha lantern but it is just too much of a PITA for ice fishing. Thx all for any help.
  16. I second the $100 phone card. I do not have a cell...but my wife does. She visits family in Sudbury...a 5 hour drive from here... and likes having the phone, just in case. She has the pay as you go and it has worked well for the way she uses her phone. Your planned cell phone usage sounds pretty similiar to hers.
  17. I have never met Mike personally..but spoke with him on the phone several times...cause I have ordered stuff from them over the years. Has always came through for me. Good to see he was able to help your bud too.
  18. Fine looking spread there Bruce! All calorie wise low fat stuff I see Why do so many of your posts make me hungry Happy holidays to all of your clan.
  19. Thx beansie. Unfortunately a good portion of the 97LBS I lost has somehow found its way back home to roost I'm hoping 2010 will see me getting back on track. Get prepared for cherry tomato and cut up cauliflower snacks over at Carp Point this summer
  20. Lotsa winter left... I sure hope we can hook up. I got a pail lined and ready to go if I do get out with you and the big guy.
  21. Typically Couch is my first ice trip every winter. So nothing new there. The boss had to work until 4PM so I had a FREE day Hit Airport Rd just after 7AM. Grabbed my spud and auger and walked out 25 ft. Three good whacks with the spud to get through...lotsa ice for a little fella like me 2.5-3 inches of black ice with an inch or inch and 1/2 of white ice on top. Just a dusting of powder snow on top. Things are looking good. First hole, first drop, bang....a WHOPPING 5 incher ,but the skunk was gone and this ice season had officially begun. I generally fish 20-24 FOW at first ice for perch here. The reason being it generally holds the better sized fish. NOT today I was molested by dinks all morning and by 11AM only had 2 keepers over 10 inches to show for the 30+ holes I had cut. Decided to fish shallower on a dropoff, which I never do at first ice here...but it worked today!!! From 11:30 until I FORCED myself to leave at 1:30...Something about Christmas Eve and family It kills me to quit when the bite is on....but what can you do Anyway..11:30 until 1:30 was pretty much a fish every drop with alot of quality 10+ inchers in that mix. I was in perch heaven. Caught a whack of fish but ended up only keeping 18 between 9.5 and 12 inches for a good feed or two. Anyone who knows me knows I love seeing wildlife while I am out for a day on the water. Anyway just as I headed down the road and got past Casino Rama there was a group of about a dozen turkeys on my right JUST off the road. If the fence wasn't there and I had 4 wheel drive I'm sure I could have clipped one with the car to bring home for christmas dinner. A perfect... perfect day for me. I don't know what it is I love about ice fishing so much...but it is something that I really enjoy, especially when I have a day like today. Play safe if you plan to get out on the ice over the holidays, and a Happy Holiday season to everyone. Regards, CPH P.S. Simon...I feel sooooooooo muchhhh better now...lol
  22. That was a classy post. Thx for taking the time.
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