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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I taught my son to never start a fight. BUT..if someone starts one with you...you have 2 choices. Walk away...OR...keep swinging until the referee breaks it up He's only been in two fights his entire life that I know of. One in a Lacrosse game and another on the street. I'd wager good money that neither party will ever start a 2nd one with him.
  2. I don't own a power auger so my advice might not apply. However I was out yesterday as well. When it is that cold ice often forms on the bottom/back of the blades...the side closest to the ice. This really effects how the blades will cut. If you had ice build up on your power auger there it might have caused the same problems. I carefully whack it off with my scoop and then it cuts normally again.
  3. Keep at it Cliff, you will find them sooner or later. Like I have said before I am very envious. I'd love to be able to walk out of my backyard for a feed of perch bluegills or crappie. BTW have you tried popping a few holes off your dock at dusk? I know I have got some nice bluegills at dusk there in the summer. Perhaps they do the same dance under the ice then too.
  4. That slush is fun isn't it. I was thinking Willow beach next weekend but will go elsewhere now to avoid the slush. Thx for posting this report. It saves me some frustration next weekend.
  5. douG I have also been making the no knead bread in the cast iron pot. Probably the same thing you are doing. Nothing could be simpler that's for sure. The crust is perfect every time. But the bread is very dense. We really enjoy it and I pretty much make it every time we have pasta, but I also wish I knew how to tweak the recipe to make the bread a little lighter. If I have a breakthrough I will be sure to pass any info on to you.
  6. Well done Emil. Thx for the fish porn. My buddy and I got ignored by perch at Port Bolster this morning. Glad to see someone got bit today. Be more careful next time around those buckets. I don't think telling the boss you need to take some time off work because you had a bucket accident is going to fly
  7. Can't help you with any of the leg work Gerritt. But I used to work with a fellow who took a weeks vacation every winter and ran the snowmobile trails up Cochrane way. He said the trails up there are fantastic and that Cochrane is a snowmobilers paradise so I would assume rentals might be a good possibility up there. He did bed and breakfast places alone the way and really had a great time. He wasn't a fisherman at all..but I know the area has it's share of fishing destinations. He was so enthusiastic about his vacation every winter...almost made me wanna check into it myself sometime. Just a suggestion G...wish I could be more helpful.
  8. I could only handle about 5 seconds worth...does it get better or worse?
  9. Agreed. If I can't pull it out on my own, it does not fit my idea of portable. However I also agree that someone put a lot of thought and hard work into it and ended up with a pretty incredible permanent hut. Great workmanship. The fellow should be proud.
  10. Nice Bruce. I'm hoping for a feed of those Sunday as well.
  11. That's exactly what I thought. The US had a better squad and wanted it more last night. Both games against the US our boys just didn't have any jump. I thought they where slow responding to loose pucks. I was pretty sure 4 0n 4 the speed of the US squad would come out on top...but I was still hoping our boys could pull it off. For me it was nice to see Nemisz a hometown boy here finally get a goal. My son played soccer with him growing up. And his dad is a good man and a sports dad through and through.
  12. Beauty fish. I call keepers anything over 10 as well. But sometimes go a little smaller through the ice if that is what it takes to get a feed.
  13. Good going. Nothing better then a feed of perch. Just curious though... what size are you calling keepers? Some people its anything over 7 inches others anything over 10. And others it's somewhere in between.
  14. Fishing in Barrie marina for perch 3 falls ago. My float goes down and I set the hook. Reel in a 10 inch perch. Go to take it off the hook and notice my jig head hook is hooked through the eye of a huge arse hook stuck in the perches mouth. So I hooked a hook that was hooked in a fish....good chance I'll never do that again.
  15. Can't help you Stoty...haven't been on or near Rice. Just thought I'd bump. Somebody help the man out. P.S. How's the pooch doin?
  16. LOL...was thinking the same thing. Definitely a new untapped market.
  17. Insert big strong newfie on steroids jokes here The next time we hook up on the ice, I'll be happy to fish any holes you drill for me
  18. That's all I wanted to hear. I am in no position to make any kind of assessment or suggestions. I just want the people in the know to be on top of things as best they can. I saw 6 walleye on the ice opener morning and heard of 2 others from a believable source. It wasn't too many years ago that 8 walleye for the morning bite per person would have been a sub par morning for anyone who had any kind of experience chasing them out there. So there must be a whole lot of that "declining angler skill" thing going on As a side par. If anyone finds gills there in any amount of good numbers...I'd be happy to hear about it. I would be just as thrilled to chase them all day. And I would take a feed of gills over walleye any day.
  19. Save up for a 5 inch Lazer auger. I say save because they never seem to come on sale. A 5 inch hole will handle a 5 LB walleye and a 8 LB muskie. I know cause I have done both. And you can not believe how much easier that 5 inch hole is to cut compared to a 6 inch hole. I mostly fish perch through the ice so a 4 inch would be plenty...but I will never own one. 4 inch holes freeze over super fast. Also with the kids you will lose a lot of fish at the hole by getting snagged on the sides. They don't have the patience or co-ordination to steer them through such a small hole. If that is a big concern for you I would then recommend the 6 inch hole. But I would never recommend the 4.
  20. I have a few concerns with the change in the fishery on Scugog. First is all the tiny perch that are everywhere. 5 years ago if you where jigging a spoon and minnow combo...you got walleye...period. Now you get molested by 3-6 inch perch. Also some of the perch I snagged accidentally while trying for walleye...had eggs in them. Is it normal for a 4-5 inch perch to have eggs,or is this a stunting population like the gill population concerns in the Kawartrhas? Also all my walleye over the last 3-4 winters have pretty much been 14-17 inchers. I haven't caught a 6-12 inch cigar for years and that is a big concern for me. I'm not saying the walleye fishery is in the dumper yet, cause I got 2 out of my first hole cut the other day...but it is a shadow of what it once was. I think the powers that be need to keep a close eye on it.
  21. BTW just curious. How is Sibbalds free? If you go outta the Provincial Park...which I'm assuming...you gotta pay. They have a ticket machine. I think it was $7 the last time I was there.
  22. Far enough that I do not know anyone who would even try it.
  23. Yep sounds like a perfect day to me Cliff. I've had some real good times on the water/ice when the fish just decided not to join in as well. Ice fishing for pannies is something I really love. I am green with envy of anyone who lives in the Kawartha's. Someday when Debbe and I retire up that way I will get to experience it as well. I can't wait. Yesterday was sub par on Scugog as well. I think the front coming in had everything in neutral. Better luck next time you lucky bugger.
  24. Walk is fine. 2 inches of snow on top of the ice. More then 8...but less then 12 inches of ice in all the holes I cut. $100 season pass to park or $10 a pop. The lot was getting full at noonish when I came off. Might be a problem for space for the evening bite.
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