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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Great news Lew, She'll out and about in no time.
  2. As you are in line for a Timmies not a good thing!
  3. Good going Brian, you will soon lose your other 'friend' a bit more willpower and it's more gas in the truck.
  4. How true, I work in an invironment where Our Language must be proficient at the very least. But I see the younger employees always attached to their social media assets phone, Facebook . . . I have no control on asking them to turn it off and do the work at hand. We have a young immigrant working in our web department and this young lad never moves concentrates and puts in a full day's work, I see that he that he wants to contribute to this country. I would come to a conclusion that if you want to work you will, if you don't than you will be in the news.
  5. I have a book that my dad left me. It was given to us by the Canadian consulate in Rome in 1957, it explains what is expected of a new immigrant. Hope they still hand it out and people read it! This thread may go down very quickly as stated. But we should be intitled to our say without offending anyone.
  6. That's 285,000 more votes they get to stay in. I'm like you our family immigrated, but never took anything Unril my parents turned 64 and had contributed to the sistemo from day one. I've contributing since 1968. Hope I get something back. Yes let's help but we should be first.
  7. Same problem here ! Ans snowing now, it melts when it hits the ground but the roofs are white. Shouldn't have started the snowblower last Sunday
  8. KEEP the MAC it will never let you down! I have a few door stoppers and they work like a charm. Keep canning too!
  9. We frequenta fresh pasta store in Woody and have been for many years. Last year we went in and it came to 18.70. Got a receipt and went on our way, when my wife checked her bank accout there was 870.00 missing, the pasta store!. Too late to call the store as they were closed Went back Sunday looking for answers. They were waiting for us, they had tried to call the bank, trying to trace us for a phone number. . All ended well. Now when I go in as she is ringing up the order I remind her to make sure she punched in the right numbers and we both smile.
  10. In the 70s I works shifts, Type house! 4 to 12 terrible no social life, midnights even worse! We were on this seniority thing and I just became aJourneyman low end of the totem pole So one day I decided to ask if my supervisor a good friend to this day. When will I get a day job? He looks at me and says'whe tou are on UI! Went home opened the paper and sure enough there it was a day job I was looking, just perfect, applied, was hired on the spot! Went in and told him no more nights for me! 9 to 4:30 is just fine for me.
  11. Cliff, today times have changes drastically, let's look at who we take into the freedom we appreciate in Canada.
  12. Today is a sad day for Canada and for me personally. I sit here rembering why my parents came here; for a better life 60 years ago! I took a day off work to help my wife help her with dental surgery, not good, but how many can say that in Canada it's available! Good hard working people! I also follow Wayne's tread another true Canadian with a struggle to overcome! Hopefully this is an isolated case and it goes away but it won't. I have not served in any military capacity, but have a son in law who has. Lets's take our country back, after this investigation is complte and not make assumptions on who do it yet.
  13. Wyane, thinking about you guys all day. Wife had four wisdom teeth pulled (minor compared what she has been through with Chrones) I even had a chat with a nurse while she was waking up about you guys and all you have been through. We wish nothing for the best for your family. I know what it feels like being told that it went well and also the other way. keep strong guys, I know the feeling very Wel. A
  14. If this post is read in other less dortunate countries we will be overrun by beggars when they how much they can make
  15. I worked at Yonge and Eglinton for many years. the four corners were always occupied! One old woman actually sat on the pavement, wet, snow no matter. THAT WAS HER JOB! She had an apartment got picked up and dropped off in a high end car (made the papers)! When it got hot there she moved downtown! They are NOT looking for food!
  16. Thanks Brian, not that good typography, they are using the wrong apostrophe, what they have used is a foot mark. The first sign of bad typography! Lol today programs can't distinguish that, it's up to the typographer to notice.
  17. Cliff you amaze me! I'm in the same boat been doing typograpghy for 45+ years, teach as much as I can for those who want to learn. I have been employed every day since April 8 68. Love what I do, get asked all of the time when I'm going to give it up, I reply what for. I'm one of very few that still respect the trade. I get asked by other ad agencies to look at their print work. Right now A major Japanese car company with a Luxury name plate is having me look at their 2015 dealer books. They have to look good. I love the work and get paid to do what I love. Now when that big truck breaks you will know how to fix it lol
  18. he goes where "no other man has ever gone before" May cost you an extra $40.00 if you are not careful. BillM lives with the gods
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