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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. Cliff the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and being with you he can only get better.
  2. Went home early yesterday to clean up and my driveway was done! tat was treat and had a good idea who did it with the lunch they had! What the heck everyone else had also cleaned up except for my next door. Had started the blower for a why so away I went at it. As I brushed off the blower he pull up, loved the look on his face! Anytime I need stainless steel he is my man.
  3. Do you live on my street? I have two guys (italian) in their 70s that practically wash theirs. I seen one guy when I moved in wash his driveway after a rain storm.
  4. had this on the lake a few times.1969 Massey Ferguson!
  5. You are correct, I'm certified, but an investigation has to take place before a ruling is made, it's a process that has to be followed. most employers will take conditions into considerations, I hope. If possible work from home or push work back until it blows over. Personally, I have one daughter and family coming to my home. I do not want them to travel in such conditions I will consider my options when I see what happens during the evening; no fun driving to King and Dufferin from Klienburg. Damn I miss my 1970 Massy Ferguson snowmobile LOL Stay safe, Thursday is looking sunny and cold.
  6. Welcome aboard! if you drink beer does that mean that'hops make Hoppy happy?'
  7. Two weeks ago CT had it for $9.59; bought 2 cans
  8. cliff were trying to fix her small ingine?
  9. I was in one yesterday afternoon/evening. Yikes we were the only ones eating!!!! Strange.
  10. check out the church of Miracles where Brother Andre performed 2 confirmed miracles and became a Saint at St. Josephs Oratory.... He was going to church first!
  11. Irish, you are the man! Hello, meet Stanley! Take care when putting these things away for a while. I've had my Craftman for 22+ years and it still run like new. TLC and it won't fail I had a neighbour throw out a brand new, and I mean new (used once/twice at best; but stored wrong) MTD 6hp last year. I took it cleaned the dust off cleaned the carb, replaced the float + (a couple of guidance emails from Big Cliff) and off she went for $350. TLC is what it takes. Good luck with it they are not that difficult.
  12. Take your pick! Ct search winter boots . . . http://www.canadiantire.ca/search/search_results.jsp;jsessionid=NnwphTQrc7yqr6JTmhJ1pzv4wh5qXTLdjmwBynlLFJVp87ZwJDvX!270093604?bmForm=form_endeca_search&bmFormID=1294430303233&bmUID=1294430303233&bmIsForm=true&bmPrevTemplate=%2Fhome.jsp&bmHidden=OMNITURE_FROM&OMNITURE_FROM=Search&bmHidden=event26&event26=true&bmText=quick_search_term&quick_search_term=winter+boots&bmSubmit=quick_search&quick_search=Search&bmHidden=FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=1408474396672077
  13. CT has an assortment. Have had a pair for 3 years half leather half rubber. Warm and waterproof.
  14. About five+ years ago my daughter owned a VW Jetta and there was always a cruiser parked in front of our house Tavio Way (FandA you probably know it) one night she lent the car to her fiancee and got promptly stopped (11 pm) I called and asked what the problem was as my neighbours were starting to ask ?s regarding this activity. I was told there were stolen cars in the area etc. I'm sitting reading the paper when I spot a cruiser outside after my call. I went outside and invited the nice man in and questioned him about it . . . The stolen story was not true but what was, is that the previous owner's daughter was mixed up with unclassy people and they were checking to see if she had returned in the area! And advised us to change our locks. I called my daughter down and he showed me a picture of who they were looking for and it wasn't her obviously she is not of Asian descent. As the conversation lasted about 10 minutes and was very friendly I asked him if he would take her outside and put her in the cruiser just to get the neighbours going? He turned me down but we had a good laugh and was on his way.
  15. They're just waiting for more Hondas to come so they can go racing. Just ask my 90-year-old mother who lives in the complex south of the school on Martingrove what goes on in the middle of the night. That stretch of road has seen more that one casualty . . .
  16. Cliff, I've never met you, but you have helped me with your small engine knowledge and was very much appreciated. I so glad that there are people like you willing to help out, damn if I was closer I'd have my boots on. Hope it all works out well for you. On this board all you have you do is ask and they come running. Albert
  17. I just gave 20 away! :wallbash: :wallbash:
  18. All the best for 2011 to everyone.
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