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Everything posted by steelhedrmatt

  1. Cozumel is my favourite destination of all the places I’ve been. I’ve been there 6 times now. The last time we were fortunate enough to be there during carnival. Have fun. Don’t be afraid to venture downtown and through the market. Is very safe there and the people are amazing.
  2. Typically not many charters will anchor up and Jig as the entire west side of the island is a marine sanctuary, and there not even allowed to put lines down until past the reef/drop-off. I've used Cozumel charters 3 times over the years, and did well on 2 of the trips for Mahi and sailfish. The sailfish migration is not until spring (march-may) but most charters go to the south end of the island out from Punta Sur for Mahi. There are also some bonefish guides that do fly fishing on the north end of the island, however the ones I looked into were pricey, so we never went. Good Luck while there, and make sure to go into downtown to Wet Wendy's margarita bar....you wont be disappointed..
  3. View Advert Salmon Trolling tackle/gear selling off all my salmon tackle. for sale is: spin doctors (most with flys attached) 16 @ 8", and 7@ 10" (some other paddles included with paddle file boxes) $375 Large variety of spoons... NK, Moonshine, Rac, Williams, Matrix and a few lymans - 125+pcs in special mate tackle box - $650 647-294-5982 Advertiser steelhedrmatt Date 10/03/2019 Price 1,025.00 CAD Category Fishing Classifieds
  4. All good......let me know if I can help....
  5. Manage to find one yet bill? You're welcome to borrow mine anytime. I'm in alcona. I'll send you a pm with my phone number.
  6. What time did you walk down?? At around 5, I watched as that whole ice sheet from the end of the road to fox just float away. Headed for lagoon city at about 5 knots. Lol
  7. I said the same thing. No spuds. Running around. Not a care in the world. Doesn't send a good message to those that are not experienced. Great day fishing that won't soon be forgotten, but a little common sense goes a long way. I was on that same ice the same day and we found at least 5 spots that couldn't be more than 1 1/2". 2" at best. Most was 3-4 but it only takes one step in the wrong place to wreck a day. Just sayin.
  8. Come over and fill with nitrogen. My Neighbor has a whole bottle full for the race car tires. Won't shrink.
  9. He went to court. His lawyer cost a fortune. Called it care and control. I see how it could be considered that, but this cop was a real dick that day. It was pretty obvious he wasn't planning on driving.
  10. That mileage will greatly improve. Towing my boat, on cruise, I average 11-13 on relatively flat roads. It will also tow a lot of weight. My buddy's boat as it sits is 10000# plus With fuel. Pulled out of launch and towed no problem. I felt it that's for sure but it towed it fairly easy. Smart move on the V8. Mines the 5.0. Tried and true. Like you I upgraded from a 6.0l ranger. I still miss that truck. Couldn't get it stuck if I tried. But I don't regret upgrading for a minute. Either will you. Enjoy your new ride. Love the colour.
  11. Ya. Screwed his life update pretty good for a couple of years. He commutes to toronto for work.
  12. Did well for slab crappie there a few years ago. Haven't been back. We found em suspended down 20/25' over 40. Was February. I was with a buddy that knows the lake.
  13. Some cops are pricks most are not. The private property thing is way to grey. Years ago when I lived in Bradford, my Neighbor was cleaning his truck, In his driveway, with his tenant blocking him in. It was a sunny day and a weekend. Naturally he had been having a few beers while cleaning his truck. He had several empties on his front steps, and a halt full beer he was drinking on the hood. Low and behold, one of south simcoe's finest, drives by. Not once but 3 times. On the 3rd time he pulled in front of his driveway, and proceeded to arrest him for impaired because the keys were in the ignition so he could listen to music. The charge stuck. No previous record for anything. Now he's labelled for life. He never had any intention on driving, and had no need to go anywhere. That cop took a good tongue lashing from the rest of us in the neighbourhood after putting him in the back of the cruiser. Just another south simcoe dick on a power trip. Discretion should have been used that day for sure. True story. I don't trust cops period. They have a tough job, but I don't trust any because of actions of a few. Sad really.
  14. That'll buff right out.
  15. I hear ya!! Our deeded beach at the 9th line of innisfil is disgusting once the ice goes out. Usually takes a full day cleaning and raking.
  16. I don't think they'll work..... I should test them first to be sure.....lol ?
  17. BBQ this Saturday at 240 prospect St. Newmarket. Lmao.
  18. This may be a shock. Been going to see bob for 12 years now almost every weekend. I always said, bangers should be a food group. For those from the area, and those that knew him, especially before the new highway went in, knew what kind of man he truly was. RIP Banger Bob!! Me and my family will miss you. http://m.northbaynipissing.com/news-story/5646751-banger-bob-leaves-big-hole-in-summer
  19. I did not live in the area then, but remember the tornado. We did have family in the area at the time. A good friend of mine sent me this pic of his house. He was 10 yrs old, and was hiding in the basement when it hit. The house at top left of the pic was his. His bedroom was the yellow room you see in the pic. Lucky to be alive.
  20. I'm a project manager in high rise railing fab and installation. Been doing this for 20 years. Any questions or help needed, don't hesitate to ask.
  21. Wanna see some good boat launch scraps?? Just hang out at IBP on a Saturday afternoon. Googan fest for sure
  22. I've been using them for years. The only difference I can see between burt's and cannon, is burts are extruded aluminum, and cannon is cast. with Fiberglas gunwales, I would suggest through bolting with a backer rather than using the screws provided.
  23. We did this exact same thing when we were kids. Near our family's hunt camp, there's a river that looks great from the road. Looks like it would hold tons of fish. Unfortunately, there's no fish in it. But it sure would trap the shore fishing tourists. People would stop all the time to donate lures to the mattress springs. Things we do when we were kids, eh? Lol
  24. Not mine, but I've been helping my neighbour build these all winter. I've learned so much and am kinda proud of it. Race season starts this Saturday and I'm pumped. Should be an exciting season with Barrie speedway closing down, and now our track is nascar sanctioned.
  25. If it were my choice, I would choose Sidney. I travelled there a few years ago for work, and if I wasn't married with kids here, I would never have come home. Stunning part of Canada. Close to Victoria, so you have all the convenience of the city, with the small town atmosphere. Very close to good fishing, and the people were very nice. This fishing pier was right in front of my hotel, and is within walking distance from almost everywhere in town. The atmosphere and lifestyle out there is amazing. I would choose to go there to the states any day.
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