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Everything posted by steelhedrmatt

  1. ^^^What he said^^^ GREAT operator. We did our annual company trip with him a couple weeks ago. Don and his dad went way beyond the norm to make sure everyone was comfortable, and I've been out a couple other times with him on my own. I have my own hut in a different part of the lake, but its nice to fish different water from time to time. Best part is he's on fish...
  2. It's probably a bit far out of the way, but I ve been out with this guy several times and have never been let down. Bear Point Hut Rentals. I think his name is Don. Last year we went out with him several times and limited out every time. This year went on opening day with him, and the day after. It was a slaughterfest. best day ever on the ice. caught 12 lakers and 5 whiteys. Nice clean huts and lots of minnows. He comes by several times throughout the day to make sure you are comfortable and have everything you need. Good outfitter in my opinion.This year I put out my own hut, but will still go out with him. Bear Point Hut Rentals in Barrie/Innisfil 1-705-790-1544
  3. I use the same unit as portable. I bought the ice ducer at radioworld, and used a hard sided coleman cooler bag with a zipper top. Fits the unit, ducer, and 2 batteries. I also bought an extra skimmer transducer with suction cup, to make it a summer portable pack for when we do our yearly fly-in. Works great, and a lot cheaper than buying the lowrance portable pack.
  4. You drive from A to Z.....LOL Just kidding. Good jobs are hard to come by in Lindsay. I moved away from there after high school for that reason.
  5. http://radioworld.ca/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=minn+kota+quick+release+plate&search_in_description=1&categories_id=&inc_subcat=1&manufacturers_id=&pfrom=&pto=&dfrom=&dto=&x=0&y=0 This will work for you...
  6. I use photobucket. Add pics to your photobucket album, then copy img. code and paste in your message.
  7. The 420 club will live on with all his listeners....RIP
  8. Council decided to change the signs coming into Toronto.......
  9. I think I'll go have a beer
  10. Do yourself a favor....buy a 3 bank on board charger. Saves a lot of hassle.
  11. Today is hump day afterall.....
  12. True on the Diawa's..I have a pair of diawa charter specials i've had for over 15 years. They've since been retired as laker rods for trolling Simcoe, but still going strong with very little maintenance. I don't tend to beat on my gear like most do....I let the fish do that!!LOL Nothing like a wire dipsey hit with a 30 lb'er on the end....Thats punishment!
  13. Almost all of my salmon trolling gear including wire dipsey rods and reels are Okuma. Going close to 10 years strong without a failure. That being said, I have no experience with their spinning gear. If they can make their trolling gear stand up to the punishment of Lake Ontario salmon fishing, I'm surprized they dont put that same quality into their other gear. I guess I'll stick to shimano for spinning stuff.
  14. Better start growing a mullet now and get yourself a Keswick dinner jacket....LOL
  15. Go with Ipilot...You won't regret it. It is the cats meow. If you like the foot pedal, get the terrova. i have it but have never used the foot pedal. It has a feature called advanced autopilot, which keeps you on course by GPS heading. BEAUTIFUL when slow trolling walleye in the wind. Also you'll never use an anchor again. DEFINATELY worth every penny they charge for it. Radioworld is about the cheapest, and if you're a regular customer there, Leo will likely knock off another 20% if you ask. I paid $1460 taxes in with the quick release plate, after discount.
  16. We used to use a canoe and an extendable tree trim pole. works awesome.
  17. Bought mine at walmart about 5 years ago. Best bang for the buck. I've cooked everything in it. Wings, turkey's, cornish hens, prime rib roast, fish, you get the idea. Just make sure when cooking a turkey, it is completely thawed so not to get a boil over.
  18. If you only use 1 drift sock, it will pull your boat all over the place. one on each side i find actually helps with boat control in the wind. you dont need a long rope on them, as long as they are submerged. for even more boat control, try back-trolling. this is what i do, back troll with 2 socks. this is with a 90 yamaha. gets me down to 0.9mph trolling harnesses.
  19. Its all about the speed. I usually troll walleye at 0.9 - 1.3 mph. get a couple of large trolling bags. should do the trick.
  20. I went fishing out of the Bluffs for salmon. Launched in the dark. Pretty impressive sight to see the Toronto skyline when the whole city is without power. I think the fish were eating everything that day too, cause we smashed em that morning.
  21. Any time I have fished Vernon, we always troll around the big island. always caught lots of pike trolling jointed rapalas. The bigger fish usually were caught on the north side of the island near the deeper water. In the spring we have also caught some incidental lakers there too. On the east side of the island is (was) a yellow airplane docked. This point has always produced fish. there are some nice weedbeds there that always seem to hold both big pike and largies. Good luck and post your results.
  22. I have used the regular church boards on Lake O with 10 colours of leadcore out with no issues. It just doesnt plane out as far. Still gets the baits away from the boat.
  23. LMAO!! I pee in my back yard all the time, and I don't care who see's me.
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