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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. I'll be honest, I'd rather eat a handful of dirt then a 10 pound walleye or a 20 pound pike. Give me a handful of 1-2 pounders any day of the week. And in terms of mounts, I would much rather have one of the new fiberglass models (and lie a little about the dimensions ) No need for me to keep those big fish.
  2. Thats the most beautiful thing I've seen in the last 2 months.
  3. I just purchased mine this fall, haven't even used it yet and I can say yes. Last year fishing without it I found I was often fishing blind. A co-worker talked me into buying one and then went on to explain all the merits of it. Needless to say I can't wait to see the number of fish I will ice this year with it.
  4. that looks like a cuckoo catfish released from somebodies cichlid aquarium...
  5. First off, Congradulations. Second, you will love the course. I took 3 years and it was fantastic. A lot of really passionate teachers who love what they do. I've seen some big bass come out of the scugog river. Thats your best bet. If you can drive, there are a few good shoreline spots on Sturgeon Lake and a few really good spots at Pigeon. Good luck!
  6. As much as I want it, the ice fishing starter kit that Cast_away is selling is probably your best bet to get you started. I really can't see you needing to buy much else except maybe some braid and minnows to get you going for the year. Good luck!
  7. Gahhh! Rodcaster, you're driving me nuts. I have a whole bunch of new toys to try out and have been itching for ice fishing for a month now. Every time the weather drops a degree or two I get excited!
  8. Gotcha. I wouldn't mind trying there. I have a ton of lakes I want to ice a line on this year.
  9. I just put 2 and 2 together and came up with 4..... do you guys mean Little Lake In Peterborough? Edit: Or the one in Barrie?
  10. Cool. I'll be picking up the bottom one and the perch coloured one. Can't go wrong with a good perch minnow.
  11. Simcoe Cooks bay would mean lots of action all around which could be fun. Also wherever we meet up maybe I can bend some of the more seasoned ice fishermen and womens ears for some tips?
  12. New 2 man Clam Nanook that doesn't fit in the car New Marcum ice flasher that I don't know how to use New st.Croix ML legend with a 750 Rapala R-Type (new because the ex finally gave it back to me) To be picked up Buddy heater To be picked up Ugly Stick with....... some sort of reeling device attached to it for lake trout. Not sure if this means I'm ready or just delusional.
  13. Rumor has it (for the obstacle course folk in our group) That warriordash.com will be selling tickets to any race in 2013 for $35 on Cyber monday. I have yet to see proof on the site but my buddy who told me this is a pretty reliable source.
  14. The quote in my tagline. And my dad tells me before I was born I used to have an uncle who used to say "What would you rather do then go fishing?" constantly.
  15. Go for the guide. Its what I'll be doing this year. I've tried time after time and just can't seem to get it down. Having someone there to tell you if you are doing things correctly is an invaluable resource. Plus also I can only imagine actually catching fish will make it seem that much more woth it. Good luck.
  16. My buddy and I had that once with a bass on Quinte. I had it at around noon, it swam under the dock and broke off my line on the zebra muscles, 4 hours later my buddy catches the same bass with the hook in its mouth.
  17. So good news, today with the help of my dad I was able to fit the ice hut half into the trunk of my car. A few bungees and rachet straps later and I was able to tote the hut around the neighbourhood with the greatest of ease. Should be good to go this winter.
  18. Ha ha. This morning I said "I'm going to check OFC every day, and when someone starts posting pics of ice fishing I'm going to drive there to get some done"....... maybe a little far. That being said, sweet lakers. I'm jelous.
  19. The roof is already pretty scratched due to my kayak over the summer so its not a big concern. I was more concerned with putting pressure on the poles for the hut. Buick14 recomended turning the hut upside down and having the rachet strap pressure on the bottom of the hut. I think this might work best (I do have the cover that goes with it)
  20. Yep, looks like I'll be doing something like that. How did he strap it down to the roof of his car?
  21. I do those tough mudder obstacle courses in the summer. Belive it or not I'm actually looking forward to the workout of pulling the hut across the ice (no this is not an invitation for me to pull yours as well). I have a few ideas I think I can try. I really like the idea of the big hockey canvas bag too. A little bit of experimentation and a trip to Home Depot this weekend and I should be up and running.......... I hope.
  22. Ha ha thanks. If I get it to the lake I'll pull it out. Probably be a lot better then when I had a rubbermaid on top of a kids toboggan to haul my gear last week. (Next week on the Red Green show.......)
  23. I know buick14 is going to rip into me tomorrow at work for this but I bought a Clam Nanook ice fishing hut over the weekend much to my joy. Can't wait to get out to do some serious ice fishing all over Ontario this winter. The box was too big to fit in my car, it fit in the trunk but the space where the chairs fold down into the back seat is much smaller then the actual trunk (not sure why they do this). So on to the roof it goes.... my kayak goes up there anyways and has already scratched the roof beyond belief so thats no real problem there. Got the hut home and put it together, was marveling over it, was tempted to even sleep in it and was showing it off to my dad when he says 'Thats great son. Now how are you going to get it to the lake?' I told him I was going to strap it to the roof again and he says 'Over the seats and the frame? It might not last very long if you do that.' So has anyone had to strap a fold over ice fishing hut to the roof of their car before? Any tips or tricks so that I don't destroy the seats or the outter frame on my first trip? I'm really hoping that over this winter I might be able to get this back up to fushimi or Thunder Bay but I'm not so sure now. Any advice greatly apreciated.
  24. Was a good year for me. I was able to get out at least once a week, every week from bass opener to the end of August except twice which was nice, lots of good size bass, got out on tons of lakes I had never fished before (thanks to my kayak) and got my big fish of the year, a nice 7 pound Sheephead. I too wish the fall had been a little more productive as it felt like someone threw a light switch on the fish come september but it was a great year all in all.
  25. Whoops. Just to make things confusing, that last post by Buick14 was by me. (This is what happens when you share computers with co-workers and don't pay attention in the morning.)
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