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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Shoreline trolling is easy. Throw your bait in and run up and down the shoreline as quickly as possible. BONUS: Gets your workout in for the day!
  2. Probably gonna try Rice lake with my partner in crime. Worms, senkos and crayfish coloured cranks.
  3. Great report. Beauty fish.
  4. We had hail in Mississauga. About 10 minutes worth and the size of marbles. Not fun.
  5. What the heck is going on tonight? 7 run second. Gibson gets the boot for looking at the first base ump weird.
  6. I would have called it an Atlantic for sure until the second photo. I'd say 'call the MNR' but only do that if you want them to waste another $10 000
  7. Islands islands islands. Except at my parents cottage and Bernard Lake. Islands, weedbeds and where there is water inflow are my hotspots.
  8. I think they may be closed. If not they are closing sometime this summer. Unless they changed their minds again.
  9. We had some rough times on Restoule last year. A few small bass but nothing to write home about. Stormy lake was much better as well as the inflow from Restoule to Stormy. Also the camping is unreal there.
  10. Things I should do this weekend: clean the kitchen. Continue training the birds. Go grocery shopping. Go for a jog. Change my address on my licences. Things I probably will do this weekend: go fishing.

    1. Fisherpete


      Sounds like the right thing to do!

    2. Freshtrax


      Train birds??

  11. They are open year round in the Thunder Bay Area. I reccomend a trip up there.
  12. They are a species of concern too. Good to see them around.
  13. I find Guelph lake only works when the water level is high. Try Mountsberg trolling white spinners.
  14. I must not know where to find em. We didn't see any.
  15. Tried Scugog last weekend. What a disaster. You can really see the effect the fishing pressure has had on it. Not a single fish.
  16. For a fish that's not too bright, carp sure are tough to catch.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. dave524


      not too smart??? everything I've read over my 65 years says they top the list for intelligence


    3. Acountdeleted


      They get trapped in pools with 6 inches of water and freeze over winter. I don't know other species that do that.

    4. dave524


      Steelhead get trapped in 6" pools in spring when the water drops and boil over the summer, not too bright

  17. Just ask Chris K about my curse this winter. Winter started off great. Had 3 solid outings and a job interview. Went for the second interview and figured I had the job. Went ice fishing one day at gull lake. Caught nothing, got turned down for the job and got nothing on Dalrymple either. Then the curse started. Went 0/6 after that on a few good lakes that almost always produce fish. Took a good trip with Dynamic Bear, Chris K and fisherpete to break the curse and I almost still blew it.
  18. Got 2 on Saturday despite the mayfly hatch. Sunday morning was nada.
  19. Wow. Looks like a great outing.
  20. Had a good look at the Kawartha's regs today. Walleye: S-4, C-1..... How does that make sense? Shouldn't it be S-2?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. irishfield


      They probably wanted ZERO, but left it as one in case you foul hook one so you can take it home.


    3. Acountdeleted


      That's what I mean though. I feel like with S4 C1 it looks more like a cash grab then an actual conservation effort. It's essentially saying 'spend an extra $30 a year and keep 3 more fish a day' rather then 'we are trying to give the walleye time to recover'

    4. grizzlybri


      how do you get $30 more? the conservation cost is $16.75 and sports is $29.46.


      regardless it is strange

  21. Very nice. Looks like it's going to be a feast!
  22. Mountsberg in Milton is nice for hammer handles. Again, no gas motors allowed.
  23. Great report. Beauty gar.
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