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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. It seems like what the lakers like changed from year to year. 3 years ago I was catching a bagful with a white tube. Nothing else. 2 years ago it was gold and silver spoons. And last year I had my most success with lil foxxies and Meegs. I've never had success with huts though so I can't help you there.
  2. Everyone is making some real good points on the senko wacky rig. This is a fairly new phenomenon for me so i'm still cashing in. That being said, on my parents lake I've noticed that, to catch bigger bass, I have to go to deeper water (6 to 15 feet) and I find the wacky rig only works in the 1-4 foot range. That being said, I love catching 1-2 lb smallmouth. The fight they put up is always a pleasure to see.
  3. Thanks for the help everyone. Zip ties is a great call.
  4. This weekend at my parents cottage, the bass fishing was on fire. I found any colour of sanko, thrown around any cover in shallow water was producing a lot of fish. So, here is my thing; I love fishing senkos wacky style. I don't know why, I have just had the most success with that rig. I find the falling 'flutter' drives the bass wild. I've never used O rings with sankos before and always just hook the senko through the middle. The problem is, with most of the fish, I noticed the fish will hit, grab the hook, then jump and make a Marvelous head shake, as I see my senko sailing off into the wild blue yonder. Does anyone have any advice to keep em on the hook for longer so I'm not going through one per fish?
  5. I have never had more success then trolling a wacky worm behind a paddle boat. I can't explain it.

  6. Still not good sadly but at least they aren't the jumpy super Mario carp.
  7. Can't tell you about the fishing but go to the car barn for dinner and have the perch special and then Gilligans in Leamington for burgers. Heck of a little community down there.
  8. How the heck do you fish a resevoir when they lower the water levels? All the cover is high and dry!

  9. Actually, if the weather is cooperating, go down to the Scarborough bluffs. The launch is great, it is very scenic for kayaking and the fishing in the marina is primo. Just keep an eye on the weather. If the wind picks up it could be troublesome. Oh oh! Or frenchmans bay in Ajax. The launch on the south shore of the bay is perfect, it's weather protected and the shoreline fishing is actually really good. With the recent cold front the fish may have come in to feed. It may actually be a very productive day of shore fishing.
  10. I feel like being top 2 in the league should gain some sort of advantage. Especially with 5 game series where anything can happen. I really like the playoff format in my sim baseball league. Too 2 teams in the conference get a bye to the division championship. Then it's the division winner with the lowest record vs the number 3 wildcard team and wildcard teams 1 vs 2 in a best of 5. The winners of those two series go on to the division series against teams 1 and 2. Allows 12 teams into the post season rather then 10.
  11. I would launch at the mouth of the Rouge river. It's a flat launch and very beautiful. Your fishing won't be great but the kayaking is beautiful.
  12. I bet no one will be complaining that the games are too long when October rolls around..... Unless their heart can't take it. I agree with the season being too long but for a different reason. Make the season 150 games and make the wildcard a best of 5 with the division series being a best of 7. The fans deserve it.
  13. X2 for Joey Tiers. Makes me laugh all the time. Jacques is pretty good too. An avatar of an avatar.
  14. You guys get me with the 'too long' comments. Bring an AM/FM radio on the boat with you and listen while you fish. IMO baseball is meant to be listened to and not watched anyways.
  15. That show just how much faith the pitching has in the D. They don't have to try to paint the corners or pitch around guys.
  16. I actually love when people pack in tight with ice fishing. It's such a strange beast. I have had times where I have just been cleaning up, and 6 feet away from me, people are getting skunked. All I can do is laugh.
  17. Actually I have a really good question for the community. You're fishing (dock, boat, whatever) and you hook into something good. As you do, someone cruises by in a boat, pretty obvious they are scoping out the area to fish, but they can't see that you are reeling a fish in. Do you play it a little longer until they pass by?
  18. That was an awesome report. He will remember those fishing trips as long as he lives.
  19. When you're a good fisherman you just go to one of your other favourite spots.
  20. I think I fished alone once this year. To be honest, I need to do if again. I love fishing with people and with more lines in the water. But sometimes nothing beats solitude.
  21. I honestly haven't seen a walleye come out of there in years. The fishing pressure has just been too hard for them to even remotely sustain a population.
  22. I think you guys are thinking of the one in Minden. Much more productive and a lot more walleye and Muskie.
  23. That is one of those things that drive me nuts. I was at my buddies cottage this weekend and we didn't have a boat up there so we are fishing off the dock. The polite fishermen will pull out their lines and go around my buddies dock before continuing to shore fish for bass. The morons will pull to within 10 feet of the dock and pitch less then a few inches away from where we are sitting. Once Nikki and I were on Restoule using worms and catching small bass and sunfish. A guy in a boat pitches a massive spinner right beside the kayak and says 'I want to see if all those small fish are attracting any Muskie'. I responded 'you try that again and you won't see anything because I'll give you two black eyes'.
  24. Got my first American Eel last night. What a treat!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      Lmao. No. I can't keep a threatened species.

    3. misfish


      Oh ok. I like smoked eel.

    4. Acountdeleted


      I really like BBQ eel but I think it's a different species.

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