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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Where you are is beautiful too. We were actually just east of you earlier today.
  2. You and me both. This is my dream retirement.
  3. Thanks for the help guys. I'm always polite to the police. I understand they are just doing their jobs and aren't targeting anyone. I had one of my tickets reduced that I got about 12 years ago on the spot just by minding my P's and Q's but never anything thrown out. Hopefully I won't have to try to talk myself out of anything ever again.
  4. Goes camping. Heavy winds the first day, torrential downpour the second day. I am not a happy camper.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Damit man, it,s CANADA. LOL

      Hate when that happens Jer.

    3. Canuck2fan


      There are these things called WEATHER REPORTS LOL. Sorry about your luck, though the only thing worse than packing up a wet camp site is getting home and it too wet to dry things out for a week.

    4. Acountdeleted


      Haha oh I know guys. But when you book your campsite 5 months in advance and don't get vacation time, even if it says 80% P.O.P you take that 20% chance. Ah well.

  5. I can never figure out how people get off with 'just a warning' I've had 3 tickets in my 15 or so years of driving and have never gotten 'just a warning' but yet I have heard of people lots who talked their way out of one. What is the secret?
  6. Agreed. Lac de Mills Lac, anywhere in Dryden, preferably Bluett lake, Jacobs lake in Thunder Bay is unreal.
  7. That's out of my expertise. When I hear 'North West' I think west of Thunder Bay.
  8. Thanks guys. Oh Canuck fan I know. I'm worried to be honest. I'd even pay the whole fine if they dropped the charges just so the insurance company doesn't get a whiff. The odd thing was, after I got the ticket I went back to the police cruisers car and asked her for directions. She helped me out and was very nice. I was actually surprised the ticket stuck with how understanding she was. Seems odd.
  9. I'm going through this right now. Had my gps on my phone when I was driving through Toronto, it kept telling me to turn down one way streets. At a red light I reached over to turn my phone off and got pulled over for distracted driving. I have heard insurance companies love the distracted driving charge to raise your rates so I hired one of those X-police guys. I told him I would only hire for a full acquittal. He said that's fine and put in the paperwork. That was mid may and I have yet to see my court summons yet. Could take a while. I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes.
  10. Also, the newspapers have been saying, and it's true, now is the time for the fans to step up. The skydome needs to be filled to cheer on the team. If the attendance this year can exceede 2.5 million, we might even try to resign Price.
  11. Man, RIP hot rod. One of the most entertaining. My favourite quote of his 'For you see, trying to understand my next move, is like trying to stop the titanic from sinking with a wine cork'
  12. In college I marinated a steak for a week once because I forgot about it in the back of the fridge. Best steak I ever had. (Results may very due to alcohol consumption.
  13. This is the year. If they don't make the playoffs there are no excuses.
  14. It is just temporary. And I do know for a fact that both carp were found in the land locked area of cell 2. Thank goodness.
  15. The gas thing is really getting me. A 300% markup is just absurd.
  16. It was cell 2 but they have recently blocked sections off to make marshes (stupid idea if you ask me). The carp were found in one of these land locked areas thank goodness.
  17. There might be none left. My buddy netted this one (didn't even get his name in the paper) and they have every inch of the ponds strung up with nets.
  18. Price will go to LA or the Yankees next year for something insane like $300 million.
  19. Well.... We'd better win this year because we just mortgaged the future for 2 months of baseball.
  20. Totally agree. The problem is, Bob McCowan says it best, other then 2 or 3 guys, the closer position is a coin flip if the guy will be good or terrible.
  21. What a game by Tulo. Obviously he isn't going to show that magic every night but geez. 3-5 with 2 doubles and a home run. Welcome to Toronto! As per the pitching I'm super nervous about a rental. I like the Tulo deal because the jays get to keep him for 5 years. If the Jays get Price, he goes 10-2 in his last 15 starts and the jays still miss the playoffs, it puts us in a real real bad spot.
  22. IN Tommy Thompson Park?!?! That's very not good. I know the ponds they speak of to. It would not be overly difficult for those fish to get to the mainland.
  23. What a player to pick up. The jays now have: The best 3B in baseball The best SS in baseball The best RF in baseball. What a scary lineup. Just sad to see Hoffman and Castro go, but you gotta spend money to make money.
  24. Thanks to pikeslayer for an awesome day of salmon fishing on Lake O. Always a pleasure.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      Got to see some kings come into the boat. The company was great. A perfect way to spend the day.

    3. misfish


      PB tangle, burst primer bulb,



    4. Pikeslayer


      Hmmm, and I was just updating the guest list...

  25. My girlfriend and I dropshot with works all the time. Works like a charm. If you can pickup a worm blower that helps.
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