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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Anyone know how the rain is effecting the ice on Simcoe? B, looking in your direction.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      That aint happening.

      No way, no how.

    3. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      depends how much money they are leaving you. Kidding of course Jeremy.

    4. Acountdeleted
  2. Wooooow. I hope the sens and Habs lose every game 10-0 but I would never wish a concussion on anyone in the NHL or out. These are people's lives we are talking about here.
  3. Oh yeah. No Walleye, Burbot or Crappie. (Facepalm)
  4. Thanks guys. The fact he does overnights I have a couple ideas now.
  5. How much snow? -45 I can deal with (lived in Edmonton for a year) a 2k hike in 3 feet of snow, I can not.
  6. How are his spots on the trout grounds? only ever rented a place for Perch.
  7. Wow. looks like a good day. Glad you got out and were able to land a few.
  8. Sadly the weather had been horrendous for ice fishing this year. Went to Haliburton to fish a back lake. Walked about a kilometre in 2-2.5 feet of snow. Took almost 2 hours, almost killed me and I said forget it. Met a trapper who owns the line in that area and he mentioned ice is slushy, not very safe. All the snow is insulating it. Oh well. Maybe simcoe will freeze over soon. Fingers crossed.
  9. Great vid B. Glad to see you got out. The snow stopped me right in my tracks. 24 inches plus in Haliburton made it almost impossible to get to my back lakes.
  10. Don't go chasin' back country ponds. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to. What a waste of a day.

  11. You know who I always get good customer service from? The guy who sells the smitty sleds. Sept when he outfishes me. Lol.
  12. Or scaring the fish away from the competition.
  13. VR Goggles! Because why go for a swim when you can go for a virtual reality swim? Its probably too expensive, but it'd be pretty cool when scouting new lakes to find underwater reefs and shoals before drilling a bunch of holes.
  14. Awesome haul. This makes me want to go after lakers so bad. But the lakes I target em either aren't safe or aren't open yet.
  15. Thanks. Works for my mom and my grandfather, as for me...... I might need to wait until 2018. Ah well.
  16. Does anyone know if there is an outfitter that will do 1 night overnight huts? Planning to travel to the North Bay/Temagami area. Everywhere I have seen is Friday noon until Sunday noon which is reasonable, but I think its too long for my trope. If I could find a Friday noon to Saturday noon or Saturday Noon to Sunday Noon, that would probably be ideal.
  17. Ah! Chris, thats torture. Beauty speck!
  18. Woah! Great haul!
  19. I've heard of a few of those. With some of my previous jobs, guys who have fished in remote places have caught fish off of the strangest things.
  20. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/florida-man-catches-400-pound-goliath-grouper-wrench-article-1.2613055
  21. How is the ice looking friends?

    1. misfish


      Dont know, cant see it under the foot of snow. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  22. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T4TxahKAqlg Stay safe out there everyone. Merry Christmas.
  23. I could sleep I need tomorrow. But I'd rather be fishing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      Ice was safe on Quinte...... not sure about now. Fish won this round. A dozen 4-5 inch perch. No walleye. :/

    3. misfish


      When we get ice up here Jer, you know I,ll be there to let you lead the way.LOL

    4. Acountdeleted


      I got my spud, float coat, sled and rope. If it was like last year, I'd try to walk on water I was so anxious.

  24. So dumb. EE turns down 4 for $20 from Jays. Signs 3 $20 at Cleveland. Yay!
  25. They are on fish online. I found about 3 or 4 with brookies and splake.
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