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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. I've heard different versions of the 'Man cuts off own head' story but I can't find any conformation online. Even snopes is surprisingly devoid of information on this one. Regardless of truth or not, I got a chuckle about the bungee story and the automatic pistol story.
  2. Then you have no one to vote for. All politicians lie and have hidden agendas. Its practically a pre-requisite for running for office.
  3. So strange, I had a friend saying she was out all weekend on Buckhorn. Don't know where her boyfriends cottage is. Must have just been in a real lucky spot with thicker ice.
  4. Ooooh. I didn't know there were fish in the lake that is in the first photo. Thanks! All teasing aside, great report. Glad you managed to get on some fish. Looks like it was a great weekend.
  5. It's my bigger concern vs Ontario, Erie Simcoe and the other big boys
  6. Sadly no clue. When I have gone I just go out of Potters Creek conservation. It's free parking but there are no places that rent huts out there. I'm sure other guys here will be able to fill you in. Based off of your post, I may be following intently too. Was planning a weekend for my mom and my grandfather.
  7. Tim Hales has deeper over laker water. Honestly, Bay of Quinte and a weekend in Belleville/ Prince Edward County is a great way to enjoy winter.
  8. Some good stuff on Presquile bay and BoQ.
  9. Think those guys snowmobiling on 2 inches of ice are idiots? Check these cases out. https://niume.com/post/216774?utm_content=buffer96169&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  10. Yep. Sens certainly did go tonight. Much better to have a team that can't fill their arena and let's opposition buy up most of the tickets for a road game. Gotta love 'go leafs go' chants at a sens home game.
  11. Although there is some overlap, wouldn't walleye just eat the perch? (Until of course they become too big) what is the biggest perch a walleye could eat? Saw a 2 lb burbot crammed down a walleyes throat once. And that's not even counting the time Brian B tried to make Wall-Bur-Pike. (Like Tur-duc-ken)
  12. They do creel surveys. First year I met Chad and Joey on nippising we got stopped. Took size, number and scales to age the fish. After that it's all formulaic to estimate within a 95% certainty. It's true what you said about Erie. When I was down there the MNRF used to have a field day. I think it's 4 votes on all that goes on with Erie. Ontario gets one, Michigan gets one, Ohio gets one, New York gets one. If the states wants something and Canada doesn't, we're screwed.
  13. I'm going to post reports of all the places I get skunked. Maybe then people will leave my spots alone.
  14. Been a strange year. Haven't been skunked yet (except that time I couldn't find the lake) but outings have not been productive.

  15. Yeah. But that was just Nick and I. XD XD Also, if you right click on a pic it will say the file name (I think) so if you name your pick 'Lake X walleye' people know to fish 'Lake X'
  16. Friends and acquaintances often ask why I'm a Leaf fan. Why I stuck with them through all those years. (Was tragic that I graduated high school, graduated college, turned 30 and the leafs still hadn't made the playoffs) and its been tough. But when the Leafs win the cup, there will be no place like downtown Toronto. The party will go on for days. Maybe even weeks. Just ask the diehard Chicago Cubs fans, or Boston Redsocks fans.
  17. Could you send me a PM? I'd love to read the essay that you wrote.
  18. Pretty sure if I posted the pic of me holding a big ole walleye or bass in front of the 'blue boathouse' a lot of people would know where that is.
  19. The MNRF barely have the resources to conduct studies on catch limits, let alone enforce them. I'm just seeing Broad Scale Fisheries Monitoring reports being released now from data collected in 2009. I don't know if anyone knows if the current fishing practices, on a broad scale are currently sustainable.
  20. I agree with this on large lakes, sure. Lake O, Georgian Bay, Simcoe, Lake Joseph, Rosseau, its easy to name drop those places. Unless your photos have a landmark in the back or you post your GPS points, its very difficult for people to find where you are fishing. The reports that always concerned me were the ones that said "(insert lake name) fishing report' for the smaller or back lakes. People can google search and find info or they look at the forum and see the name of a lake. It automatically receives more pressure just because people know the lake exists.
  21. I think my two biggest concerns with the limit size is just is the number sustainable? I legitimately don't know the answer to this and although we can speculate I don't think we will really know until the limits change or its two late. I just wish I had a way of knowing, hence why I opened this up to the forum rather then being set in my ways. The second one is that, is setting a possession limit something that is feasible/ enforceable? I could see being able to enforce it at hunt/fish camps and or overnight huts on popular ice fishing locations, but with a limit of 50 pan fish, what would stop someone from going out, catching 50 perch on Simcoe today, driving back to Toronto tonight, add, rinse, repeat for 7 days? Are the limits set with that possibility in mind? (obviously none of us can answer that. I'm just curious about opinion). I would never ever go up to a fisherman in person, on forums or anywhere else and tell them they are wrong or I don't agree with what the are doing when they are well within the laws. This was just simply for debate. (I'm actually hoping someone provides facts stats or evidence that says that anglers keeping 50 panfish a day is sustainable. Would put my mind at ease).
  22. I'm going to open up a can of worms here. I'm already regretting this post. But let's try and be civil, discuss the point, not target anyone or any group and try to stick to the facts. I honestly would like to have a true debate about this. (Art, please keep your finger on the lock button. I'll also delete the thread if it gets out of hand) Deep breath: How does everyone feel about the large limits on Pan fish and people keeping their limit? I'll be honest, I love taking half a dozen to 12 perch, bluegills, crappie for a couple of meals. I prefer the taste and (hopefully) sustainability more so then Walleye, pike or other sport fish. But then I see photos on Instagram or on Facebook of people with the posts '4 of us kept our limit of bluegills. Now to fillet them' where there is someone on the ice with a pile of 200 fish. This is well within their right and they aren't breaking any laws, but it gives me a bit of an uneasy feeling. Now, that being said, I've talked with people as well that I trust and really like who will say they will go out once, keep their panfish limit and then not keep another fish the entire season. That seems reasonable to me. But for others what would stop them from keeping 200 fish a day? I know the legislation has a possession limit but, if the fish are at home in the deep freeze, how will anyone know? Again, let's keep it civil please but I'm really curious to see what everyone here thinks.
  23. Years ago, my buddy had a girlfriend who was adamant that she did not want to go fishing. We brought her out in the hut and allowed her to bring her laptop and her sketch book as long as she gave ice fishing a try. She didn't touch anything but the fishing rod that day. Once the perch start schooling and hitting, make a little competition. First fish, biggest fish, most fish for the day. Competition gets everyone fired up about whatever it is they are doing. For my buddy's girlfriend we also had her set up with a spring bobber and the flasher. Getting to watch stuff happen in real time can make the trip a lot more exciting. Also, before the trip, be accepting of the fact that they may get bored or just not be interested. It may not happen, but if it does, it's easier to accept if you come to terms with it ahead of time. Have fun.
  24. Zone 15 has lots of snow. Not sure about the ice. I could never get to it! Out east has frozen over well too. Might be my plan of attack this winter.
  25. I'd be Emo too if I had to drive through that.
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