I had an OPP boat pretty near capsize me when they approached from up wind, and drifted right into my port side. The girl driving was a total dipstick, I was pissed!! They didn't even check my gear they were so embarrased. I told them to always approach from downwind from now on, and don't get so damn close!!! If I wasn't anchored I would have stayed well clear, but with 100ft of rope out I couldn't get out of the way in time.
If your in a small boat, stay away from the main channels. A lot of people will run between you and a marker buoy, no matter how much space there is to go around. I know the same thing happens in Bewdley as well. I wouldn't fish in front of town, just for that reason. I think Rice lake attracts more idiots than most other lakes to be honest. Between the hundreds of boat rentals, and the rest of the citiots that show up there, I'm surprised there isn't more people killed on that lake!!