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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. unfortunately a bygone era. Every "fishing influencer's" has there own channel and followers. People are not tuning in to watch someone fish on TV. No viewers, No shows, No $$
  2. True talent!
  3. I checked and my subscription ran out in 2019 still have all my maps. They want $80 to download new. I also use Gamin Active Captain that has all the maps. My guess is they want to get rid of the app from Nav and get people over to Gamin. Since Garmin owns both why have 2 apps the do the same thing.
  4. That could be a very expensive mistake if the temp(s) drop and a power outage occurs. Just treat it as putting the boat to sleep all safe and sound
  5. Congrats!
  6. amazing work true talent!
  7. Like a lot of products, build reputation on great quality. Now reputation is high, up the cost, lower the quality increase the profits.
  8. Only 3 hours.. those there amateur numbers
  9. I used the Mec parts that shows the completed breakdown of the engine. Then look up parts on youtube and get how to replace. If your trying to figure out when something breaks and what it is.. Get the computer sensor for your engine worth the money. Connects via bluetooth
  10. wow, great going!!
  11. "dock rash" = character
  12. wow that does look cool
  13. Looks amazing can't wait to see it flying down the lake
  14. A good 2-peice is more expensive that a one piece
  15. I think that engine is 4S EFI.. Not sure fogging is required.
  16. Great to see!!
  17. You truly have a skill ! All look amazing
  18. wow look amazing..
  19. I now travel with a 40-watt solar panel most places I go, very light. I can get up to 2 amp at 20 watt on sunny days I built a small travel box that holds 2- 12 volt batteries ice-fishing type batteries. has 2 USB ports, 1- 12v cig lighter outlet. set it and forget it during the day. Night run 12volt min fans, charge up cell phones, etc.
  20. living the dream
  21. I will just add that to another place that is no longer on my list of places to go. It is so strange where towns now do everything they can to tell people not to come. Then they will go to the tax payers locally and say we have to raise then local tax rate to cover the cost.
  22. Nice ride
  23. Last time I went it was less about fishing \ boating and more like a flea market.
  24. I get this question so many times.. each time my Wife asks I tell here yea I guess I should start spending my fishing fund on wine, women and gambling She shakes her head and tells me I love fishing too much to part with money on that. Of all the toys a fish finder is the biggest need the rest is all "bling"
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