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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Ended up on Quinte today, Miss Smith didn't not brave the -17 temps today. lol! Stayed outside all day, didn't use the portable at all as it wasn't windy in the morning and that sun sure felt nice. I was tempted when those winds picked up out of the west though. Slow bite for us, a few perch and no walleye. As for the lines The mono was very stiff and fell off the reel. Once the bait was down it was fine. The flouro I was using was Seaguar AbrazX. It did not go stiff like the mono did, fished with it all day with no problems. Ended up putting the mono away because I just like how the flouro was working. No problem with hookset and getting those might perch up the hole. Looking forward to trying it out on some whities and lakers and see how it holds up then. Yep mono doesn't like -17. Great tip!
  2. Trilene but have got one rig with flouro to try this year. I'll see how it holds up on the ice tomorrow.
  3. Looks like a great day to me. Congrats on the fish Lloyd and great idea with the rod holders Wayne. If things weren't package I be looking to see what I could find to rig up something similar. I'll be pondering the idea while I'm in the hut tomorrow. Hope the back will be OK Terry.
  4. Congrats TJ! Here's to many more!
  5. Very cool Terry. Any more gear and you'll be need a semi trailer to haul it all around.
  6. I think they just realized that the beer was on the other piece of ice as they were floating away. Not to concerned about the fish I guess.
  7. I recently bought a Canon Mini DV, ya I know, old school these days. It was a way to get a great picture and had an external mic input which I need for a job I was doing. Worked great and was cheap. Still a tape unit but I'd go for a hard drive camera for my personal use if I was in the market for one. Some good infor from the others here in that regards. As for you transfer issues, why not look at one of these and do it yourself? Converter You can spend a lot more but this looks like it might do the job for you. Here's a few others that are available at Tiger Direct. More
  8. Very nice Cliff! Sitting here are work, while listening to you play and wishing I had some rum and egg nog. That would get me in the spirit! lol!
  9. I was sold once I saw the garage. Congrats to you and the misses Lew!! Enjoy!!!
  10. Hey Ron, As other have stated, the Panasonic Viera (plasma). I personally don't have one but in working on TV shows, MOW's, Feature Films our tech guru's at work have tested a number of sets as our old tube units are dying off. As they do pass on they have been replace with the Panasonic Viera. There is a much more expensive unit that we will be going to in the near future. It will allow us to have all the monitors aligned perfectly so the picture will look the same from one room to the next on different monitors. For your needs I'd say you will not be disappointed in the Panasonic. Several of our guys at work have bought them for their personal use and love them. Will
  11. Thanks for the update Cliff. Take it easy Sue, don't do anything too crazy and enjoy the pampering.
  12. You guys kill me! A great day on the water even without the fish. I do have to correct you Joe, It was only a pair of 10+pound eyes and one just shy of 12, report will come. Just been very busy with work and other stuff. Thanks for the report Joe but Cliff's section had pictures.
  13. Will's here!! lol! Great report guys and some beauty fish as well.
  14. Looks like another great weekend with Lloyd. Some nice fish gentlemen! Gonna have to pick up a copy of the lastest In-Fishermen
  15. Great laugh to start the weekend.
  16. Thanks, Ms.Smith has moved up the ranks and is now a V.P. for another school. Joe - I may be down that way on the Saturday during the g2g. After seeing the walleye reports out of Lloyds boat this past weekend my passenger for the day seems to want to chase eyes instead of skis.
  17. Better then having my suit make my look fat. LOL! You sure do have the right boat for the job. At no point in time did I feel that we were pushing our luck out there given the conditions. Nice to have that comfort. As for fishing any longer, you did what was right and safe for the group. Leaving before anything happens is always a wise choice. As for the ride back, like being on a rollercoaster. lol! In those conditions you just take your time and you'll arrive safe and sound as we did.
  18. It's been a very long time since I've had a chance to post anything. Work and other projects have been keeping me away. I've been checking in when I can and have been keeping an eye on things around here. Just wanted to make some time to thank Lloyd for a great day on Saturday. It was a slow start to the day but but we managed a few fish. Considering the front that was moving through, the 60k+ winds, and the dropping temps, I'd say we did quite well going 5 for 7. (You know its rough when you watch the nose of the boat goes down and the water roll over the bow and splashes on the windshield ) For myself it wasn't so much about the catching but having a chance to learn a few tips and tricks from one of the masters. Lloyd sure knows his stuff. I've tried to get out with him a few times but poop got in the way, nice to have things finally come together. I spent the day with daking_eh2007 and a couple of his buddies, good guys. His buddies both got their first walleyes ever and had a blast as we all did. Nothing too big but a great day on the water none the less. Thanks again Lloyd.
  19. Great day guys, nice to see the big girls show up. I was out with Lloyd on Saturday. Given the conditions and the front moving through we did quite well I thought. I'll see if I can great a report up tonight.
  20. Been there done that. I think it is even worst when you have to look through a viewfinder all day. Happened twice to me when I use to shoot the fishing show. Gulf of Mexico fishing the wrecks and Lake Huron for salmon. GCD has some good advise there. One thing that I've found that helps me are the Seaband bracelets, you can find them at you local drug store. Another thing that my girlfriend's sister and brother-in-law use is a patch, similar to a smokers patch. They've sailed from Vancouver to Austrailia and have experienced some nasty weather. One storm they were in had 9 metre waves throwing them around. Not much you can do to prevent sea sickness when you are being tossed around in that but only one of them got sick. Nothing like being on dry ground once you get back now is there?
  21. WHOOOO HOOOO!! Just got in the door and had a message from Bly telling me what I had won. Got on the computer cause I couldn't remember entering an contest, lol. Thanks Ryan and thanks Tinbanger for your donation. It was all for a good cause Ryan and good on ya for doing what you did. It's quite amazing what can happen when you get a group from the board together, some great people around here. Looks like we may finally get that day on the water Ryan!
  22. What happens at Bernie's stay's at Bernie's but since you brought it up.....
  23. I'm thinking more like a killer whale. Love these pics G. Joe - Mercury is an expensive hair designer you know. Can't get that style just anywhere...
  24. It's the only place that I want to be as well Bernie! lol Mine rotate from one big fish to the next, the present one is my largest Kawartha walleye thus far at 8 and 3/4 pounds.
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