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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Simply amazing. A true inspiration to us all. Thanks for the update Wayne.
  2. You got me thinking about the hard water, just not ready to give into the idea just yet. When the boat is away in a week or so, I'll be ready. Thanks for the post, some great fish there!
  3. We are busy beavers aren't we? 65,052,915 Congrats OFC and thanks to all that keep us going!
  4. Spent last night just uploading pics! Note to self - resize the larger file sizes before up loading. Most likely will be Wednesday evening before I get the report done up Cliff.
  5. Some nice fish there Will and Linc. Great (not really ) to hear you got into them. Thanks for the report. Guess I know where I'll be fishing this weekend.
  6. Very sorry to hear of your loss Mike, way too much of this going on this year. I was there for my Dad's last breath back in May and his last attempt to look up at me...man this is difficult to type. Just want you to know, as you already do, there is a great bunch of people here that will help get you through this difficult time. It does get easier as time goes on. I thought it was a bunch of Bull when I was told this, but 6 months later, to the day of my Dad's passing, I now can say it's true. There will be certainly lots of ups and downs but just take it one day at a time. Knowing your Dad is at peace and no longer suffering will help with your sorrow. The good times and memories will never leave you, they will bring much comfort in the days, weeks, months ahead. Again, I'm very sorry for your loss and my deepest condolences to you and your family.
  7. Fingers are crossed that the ramps stay snow and ice free....the lakes as well. At least until we get that day on the water in.
  8. I can't believe that you have to do any mods like that to a new unit. Poor design on their part, imo. Not a huge issue but just enough to piss the consumer off. As for the missing battery indicator, just another way the manufactures are looking to save a buck. All about the bottom line. Looking forward to the first ice report and hope the unit is the bomb. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. Normally this would have been the closing weekend for us for when the season closed on Nov 15. Now with it extended another month, I hope to be back out there in a week or 2. SO true Mike. It's great to see them swim away but to have the underwater certainly kicks it up a notch. As for the banana myth, it could have been very true if we didn't catch anything.
  10. For about the last 25 years my buddy Malcolm and I have ended our season musky fishing in the Kawarthas. Last year would be the 1st we had ever missed so it was great to have him back in the boat. The day started off slowly and very surreal as another boat was nowhere to be found. We were coming up on the end of our second spot when I looked down and saw my bait being followed by a flash of green and fish on! Love seeing them take the bait. Nothing huge but a nice clean 40incher. Shortly afterwards I had another smaller one on and was quickly released It was after this fish I happen to notice that Malcolm had brought a banana on the boat. It didn't seem to be affecting my fishing but I didn't hold out hopes for Malcolm. He claims he had no idea about the banana in the boat curse. Then things were quiet for a while, too quiet, felt like I was fishing alone….and I was. Feeling a bit tired after a night on the town, I looked and found my partner having a siesta. We hit a couple more spots and Malcolm finally got into a decent fish. Maybe his naivety about bananas saved him this time. One of the fun toys of the day was the new camera. (Panasonic DMC-TS3) Didn't take many pictures (just what you've seen) but I did play with the underwater and shot this release of Malcolm's fish. <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid105.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fm240%2FFishnsled%2FFall%2520Muskies%2F2011111314073212.mp4"> We hit a couple other spots and only had one follow to add to the day. But what a fish to have follow up, we both agreed that this beast was pushing the high 40's to 50" mark. I've got her address and will be back hopefully before seasons end. It was great to have spent the day with a long time fishing partner and with some success. Lots of laughs, stories told, fish caught and memories made. A great day on the water indeed.
  11. That's just fantastic! Congrats to you both.
  12. At least the weather seems to be stable.....stable winds at 30 to 55K everyday this week??!! Guess the Gortex will get a workout. Next boat will have full windshield.
  13. I also believe you have to contact Service Canada and let them know that you have sold the boat but I could be wrong about that. I seem to recall having to do that with my old boat when I sold it.
  14. I can lend a hand as well.....maybe just some house cleaning Lew? Good find Lew, enjoy the shopping trip.
  15. What a story Drew. Really is amazing to see Grant walking tall, all the best Grant. Awesome report and pics as always. A great way to spend some time with family and friends over the last month. Hoping to get my buddy his PB tomorrow after years of bugging him to come down. Thanks for the report.
  16. You're welcome.... but I'm not done yet. Four more days on the water coming before you get there.... Weather was awesome, 16C on the temp gauge on the truck when we left. Hopefully we'll both do great.
  17. Me too. So many good things I bought one tonight. A buddy of mine has one and has been very happy with it thus far. Check My link in the photography section as well. Was leaning towards the new Nikon but with the comments about them and the fact that the camera was just release, I opted for the Panasonic TS3. BTW - they are on sale at Henry's for $299.
  18. Nice to know that the surgery went well. Thanks for the update, positive thoughts your way.
  19. Thanks for posting Terry. Same here.
  20. Yes, this is true. I hope the curse can be broken next weekend. He better not bring any banana's on board. Boated fish every trip this year to Quinte, we'll wait and see what happens at the G2G. I've got a couple of "lucky hats" so I'm not too upset it one goes missing. Not really to superstitious but Lloyd is right about paying the fish gods on the big water...forgot to do that last weekend and Joe caught the fish. Must have been my guiding and driving skills that help that to happen as well as no Terapoopa in the boat.
  21. Glad that worked out and hopefully the pattern continues to work. I'll be down on Saturday.
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