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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Holding out on us Chris. Great day on the water Bernie, doesn't get much better then that.
  2. Looks like a fun weekend Chad. Thanks for the report.
  3. X2 Another Limeyangler report that does not disappoint. Thanks for yet another awesome report Simon!!
  4. Nice report and congrats on your first pike!
  5. A name change maybe in order Jacques, TroutJunkie really doesn't cut it in this report. Great report and pics, loon shots are cool.
  6. That is one very impressive cat!!! Would have been more impressive if you got it noodling. Incredible report Rich!!!!
  7. Nice fish G!! Winds get better as the weekend goes on Frank. Looks like I'll be out there on Sunday with a couple of OFCer's.
  8. I've found that if you cover the stump with gun power and light that up, it cauterizes the wound nicely. A few days and you're good as new...well minus the missing part. Or you could just pick out the spine and clean it up as fish_fishburn and others have suggested.
  9. Thanks for the replies gents. Going to try and hopefully get it figured out next week.
  10. Patience and karma were on your side, nice bow!
  11. You're a good man Gerritt. Really enjoyed reading your report, thanks for posting G. Time very well spent.
  12. That is what I was told by the MNR a few years ago when I contacted them with the same question Gerritt.
  13. Accountability?? What is that Joe? I don't think that applies to our politicians. (Boneheads that they are.) And so we spend X - millions of dollars to fix up the locks with the new fee (TAX!) and then what? Will the fees be reduced or removed, no. They'll throw the money else where (say it's in reserve for future repairs) and most likely it into there own pockets in the form of a "raise" for doing such a great job. Read that article yesterday and know where I needed to look for work. Here’s what taxpayers were charged for work done at Toronto public schools: Installing a $17 pencil sharpener: $143 to put in four screws. The installation of a sign on a school’s front lawn: $19,000 An electrical outlet on the wall in a school library: $3,000 A “breakfast club” kitchen: $250,000 Toronto schools pay high prices for small jobs
  14. Thanks for the reply. I've read were guys suggest removing the motor or strapping it down when towing. I was wondering about the steering rod and if it would still work. Those EZ Steer's are pricey. I think with a fixed mount I might be OK for the steering rod as it just sits back a bit further and not down. Thanks again for the input.
  15. Recently I bought myself another kicker motor (long shaft) for the boat. I figured that I would just throw it on the transom as I did with my 9.9 but the new kicker doesn't fit, transom is too deep. The motor came with a retractable mount/lift that is in OK shape but I'm thinking of getting a new one. After doing some research it seems as if these units by various manufactures can be hit and miss with the quality. Not wanting the motor at the bottom of Lake Ontario, I was looking at a fixed mount bracket. Just wondering what your experiences have been with both or either types and are there any real concerns with either. The kicker I got is a 6hp 2 stroke, so pretty light. Retractable auxiliary outboard motor lift Fixed Mount The other thing that I'm considering if I go with the retractable mount is adding on of these. Adapter Plate for Motor Brackets The reason being that I don't have the motor on the boat all the time and the bracket may get in the way. Anyone use one of these? Thanks for the input.
  16. It would take an awful lot of money Phil and can I fish?
  17. Very pumped for Saturday!! Finish pre-rigging tonight with hopes of a quite and restful Friday night....yea right. Will be the first bass opener for me in a while because our fly in trip has usually around the opening weekend. Now which lake do I fish.......
  18. Smoked raccoon eh???......Might be nice with the possum stew.
  19. Sorry to hear of your loss Dan. Hopefully all of these efforts, large and small, will make a difference one day. Deepest condolences to you and your family.
  20. Great report and pictures Joey, looks like everyone enjoyed themselves and you're making others wish they had gone. Hopefully there will be a bigger group next year.
  21. Cute little guy but only time will tell if you made the right choice. With Brooke around I would think it will just move on down the road.
  22. Thanks Backbay, all were very clean and healthy fish. Congrats Djeep and thanks Mike for having the contest.
  23. Got to get rid of a member or 2 from the fly in group Cliff and you'll be in. lol!!
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