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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. I'll need directions to your house and then you can blindfold me and take me to Lake X. Awesome day on the water Jacques!! Thanks for the report!!
  2. That is awesome Phil, if you haven't shipped it yet, I'd be more then happy to bring it with me on Friday. I'll ask Ryan for some stickers for you as well and bring them back. Ryan Can I get some stickers for Phil and eTackle?
  3. I've had a few more donations and pledges come in this morning. A few have gone online and donated there. I just wanted to thank those involved for setting that up - Roy, Dan and whoever else. Because of the ease of donating online I know it has brought in a few more donations than I would have been able to track down. Thank You!! For those who haven't done so and would like to contribute a donation of any size please do so at Fish-A-Thon and hit the donate button located just above the slideshow video. Add my name or any other participant you wish to support in the message section and help out this great cause.
  4. That looks great!! Here is another recipe you may want to try. Have done this on a cedar plank, may work OK with the basket/marinade, keep a bit for brushing on the glaze while cooking. I also hold some back to drizzle over it before serving. Has been a big hit every time I've served it. Cedar Planked Wild BC Salmon With Whiskey-Maple Glaze Serves 6 to 8 <br clear="all"> 1 cedar cooking plank, soaked overnight or at least 1 hour 1/2 cup/125 mL Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey 1 cup/250 mL real maple syrup 1 tsp./5 mL crushed hot red chilies 1 Tbsp./15 mL butter at room temperature 1-3 lb./1-1.5 kg whole, boned wild BC salmon filet www.bcsalmon.ca kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 tsp./5 mL granulated onion (or onion powder if you can't find granules) 2 lemons, halved parsley sprigs for garnish 1 Tbsp./ 15 mL finely chopped flat-leaf Italian parsley Make the sauce by combining the whiskey and maple syrup. In a small saucepan, bring the mixture to a low boil and reduce by about half, until you have a thick syrup that coats the back of a spoon. Add the chilies and butter and stir until just combined. Set aside and keep warm on the stovetop. Season the skinless side of the wild BC salmon with salt, pepper and granulated onion. Let the wild BC salmon sit for 10 or 15 minutes at room temperature, until the rub is moistened. While the wild BC salmon is sitting, preheat the grill on medium-high for 5 or 10 minutes or until the chamber temperature rises above 500° F/260° C. Rinse the plank and place it on the cooking grate. Cover the grill and heat the plank and place it on the cooking grate. Cover the grill and heat the plank for 4 or 5 minutes, or until it starts to throw off a bit of smoke and crackles lightly. Reduce the heat to medium-low. Season the plank with kosher salt and place the wild BC salmon, skin-side down, on the plank. Cover the grill and cook for 15 to 20 minutes or until the fish has an internal temperature of 135°F/57° C. Check periodically to make sure the plank doesn’t catch fire, and spray the burning edges with water if it does, making sure to close the lid afterwards. When the wild BC salmon is done, squeeze half a lemon along its length and carefully transfer to a platter. Garnish with parsley sprigs and the remaining lemon cut into slices. Bring the salmon to the table. Drizzle a spoonful of the sauce over each portion as you serve and sprinkle with a little chopped parsley.
  5. That is disgusting and very sad to say the least. Can't imagine even doing that to a panfish. What the hell are people thinking. I'd be letting the MNR know what was going on in the area.
  6. Great markings on that 18 incher. Awesome way to start the day.
  7. Looks to me that the boat had a few problems with all the water that was in it. But when the fishing is that good, who cares. Another stellar report Simon.
  8. Thanks for the update Ryan and to all who have been working their 's off make this the success that it will be. Looking forward to a great day!!
  9. I was given one of these for a Christmas present. Had my doubts at first but it's been a great knife so far. I like the adjustable blade too and pretty tough to beat the guarantee. The Grohman and "Big Catch Outdoors" knives look sweet.
  10. WOW! Just incredible Jen!! Simply awesome! Thanks Johnny for the update and link.
  11. Great report and pics!! Welcome aboard!! I was thinking Lake Herring myself. It seems the tail is more pointed in the photo and a fallfish tail is more rounded if I'm remembering correctly and the scales seem smaller then a fallfish. Difficult to tell from the head by the way it is being held. I'm no expert but would like to know what it is.
  12. Years ago on Simcoe I was fishing for perch with my dad out of my old 14ft tinny. This 35ft+ cruiser is idling towards us and when about 20ft away decides to get up on plane. Only had to go another 30-40 ft to be respectful of our position and not throw the 4-5ft wake at us. Last year on Lake Ontario it was a beautiful start to the day and then the fog rolled in. We kept on fishing and blasting the horn every so often to let others know that there was another boat in the area. I hear the sound of a boat that appears to running at WOT, are you kidding me?? Sound the horn as this is getting closer and then appears and misses my planer board by about 20ft. He has the wife and kids on board heading somewhere in a hurry. As he see's me I hear the wife yelling at him to slow down which he did as he disappeared into the fog again. Can only imagine the silence (and rightfully so) aboard that boat until they reached their destination. Certainly have had many other doofus encounters but those two are most remembered. Also got to love the boat launch doofus's but that is another thread on it's own.
  13. There's that trailer place on Bloor pretty much beside Gagnon's. Saved my butt a couple of times with parts when I couldn't find them anywhere else. A bit pricey but not too bad when you can't find it elsewhere near by and don't want to wait for the shipping. Lowe's is another place I've grabbed some trailer supplies from.
  14. LOL!! They are still very cute and I did catch up on my sleep. PM Sent.
  15. Was up at 6 to get an early start on the yard work, at 9am it was feeling hotter then all of yesterday did. Hope things are cooler up there Mike, this heat can be unbearable. Good luck on the trip!! Maybe you and Cliff can workout some lyrics for the song up at Bernie's next time. Gold lures, diamond reels, I ain' missin'not a single pickereye!!
  16. Had a great day on the water yesterday with Phil. We were planning on some Lake O fishing but when I saw the winds and fog and made the call to go bassin'. Picked up Phil at 5:30am and the first order of business, was business - mailbox drop off. If you recently placed an order with eTackle , it's in the mail, honestly. Then a coffee stop and then to figure out the lake of the day. After driving for about 20 minutes Phil made the call on the lake. (He had to decide on the lake, that way if it sucked I could blame him. ) With the boat launched we were not to long getting to the first spot looking for some smallies. Phil hooked a dink which jumped off and that was it for spot one. Spot 2 for the smallies didn't produce either and we made the call to change things up and look forbuckets. We pulled up on our first shoreline and it wasn't long that Phil's secret weapon (aka - Eddie) got the first fish. A nice bucket of about 2.5 pounds and we were feeling we made the right call. We carried on flippin', pitchin' and tossin' for the rest of the day and had a great time. Lots of laughs which were interrupted by a few fish in record breaking heat. Did we ever appreciate the breeze when we moved from winded sheltered areas. Had a great time Phil, cheque is in the mail right? Here's a couple of shots from the day. See Joe, it's all in the shirt. That Terapoopa needs to get one. Phil Harrison - The Bassmaster!! A couple of mine. A goofy hat doesn't hurt either. Kinda hoping this heat wave keeps up if the fishing stays as good as it has been.
  17. :rofl2: I thought he was going to be sick or something worst. He sure got awfully quite and a lot of apologizing was going on. Not looking for the pickereyes this time, hunting down some spotted carp on the big lake. If I keep them separate we tend to have a good or great day on the water. Put them together and we have a ton of laughs and good time but the fishing tends to be very slow. Must be a karma thing somewhere along the line.
  18. Maybe it's not the Terapoopa Joe.
  19. Very cool video!! Too bad the damn deer scared all the bass. I had a day similar years ago when fishing the Credit. Deer came down and had a drink right in front of me while I was fishing. Stuck around for a few minutes and then slowly went back up the bank. Didn't catch a thing that evening, didn't really care as the trip was certainly worth it. Thanks for the report.
  20. Thanks for the replies everyone. I'd gladly trade a day of musky fishing for one of those back lake adventures Simon and Chad. The Kawarthas, Lake St. Clair, are good places to look for muskies Gray_Wolf. Yes Bernie, we can catch fish, it appears that you can as well.
  21. x2 Awesome guy to spend the day with. Lloyd Daume U & Me Guide Service http://www.bayofquin...eyefishing.com/
  22. He certainly would be proud but not of what you've done but whom you've become. Having lost my Dad a little over a year ago, I certainly miss those times in the boat with him, the laughs and just the time spent together. But the great thing is that we spent that time with our Dad's, creating those memories that we now treasure so much. Good luck with the rest of the season.
  23. Should be able to now Terry, not sure why the spacing is all messed up either.
  24. Father's Day weekend I got together with CCMT for some musky fishing. We both had a couple of things to do in the early am, so a later start to the day but the fish didn't seem to mind. We were on the water by 1pm (I could get use to this) and it wasn't long before Cliff boated the first of the day. A beauty 39 incher. I managed to get them follow to the boat, had on small one on and it jumped off and another hit the bait at boat side but never got a hook into it Then it went quite for a for 3+ hours, no follows no hits, nothing. The sun was going down and we thought we'd head back to where we started. About 10 minutes on the spot and I was up with this 38 incher that hit like a freight train, she really wanted the bait. After she was released we went back up to where we started as we had missed some good water while releasing the fish. About another 10 minutes of fishing and I 'm up again with this 37 incher. We fished for another hour or so but that would be it for the day. 3 fish boated, 1 lost, 1 swing and a miss and 3 follows. A nice day on the water by any standards. I grab myself one of the Scotty camera mounts and shot some video of the boat running as well Cliff grabbed some video of the fishing battles. So I put together a bit of a video, hope you enjoy. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/44709720" width="500" height="331" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/44709720">Father's Day Weekend Muskies OFC</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user12208157">Will Hearn</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> For bass opening weekend I managed to get a couple of days in. Saturday went down as one of the best openers I've had. Tom figured we must have boated 40-45 bass and since he only caught half a dozen, my day was incredible. A lot of 1-2 pounders but some quality fish as well. An awesome day. A great start to the day and the season. Day 2 I met up with my buddy Bill and his daughter for a morning fish. The bite was a tougher one but we still managed a few. Beauty sunrise on the way to the lake. Best net girl!! The pro. Nice catch! Now as anyone from here that has fished with my knows, the front of the boat is my domain... At least that is what Joe says. Bill and I have been fishing together for 30 plus years now and has earned passage to the front of the boat. Near the end of the day I went to the back of the boat to re-tie and when I was done I could not believe my eyes. My casting deck was full and I was fishing at the back of my own boat. I guess there are exceptions to every rule. So a great month of June was finished with this pig on Saturday. Another great day with CCMT. She was just shy of 5 pounds on the scale. And CCMT with a nice smallie. I'm thinking that Cliff will have more to report on this day and our perhaps our Lake O adventures yesterday. But that is all for me for now.
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