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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. What at the odds eh Brian (Misfish) ? Welcome aboard and nice shot!
  2. A very special thanks to all of the sponsors!!! :thumbsup_anim: I'll be doing my best to support them throughout the coming year.
  3. Good on ya Jacques! Had the same experience earlier this year with a sparrow fledgling. The little guy had gotten into my boat shelter and seemed all disoriented. Put my finger down and he hopped onto it and I moved him back close to the nest. Left him alone for a while and soon he was chirping with the parents. Was getting dark and I guess it was to exhausted to move at all and I'm pretty sure spent the night where I left it. In the morning no fledgling to be seen. Since I didn't see a scattering of feathers I'm assuming that the neighbourhood cats didn't get it and that he was reunited with his parents.
  4. Drooling all over the keyboard, wonder if the drooling will stop before Saturday. Sounds delicious!
  5. Great report!! Looks like everyone had a blast and you can't ask for much more then that. Happy to see it was a near miss for your son and not the other.
  6. One of the most impressive things I saw my ex-father-in-law do, was to replace the hydro poles on his property by himself. Well he did have the aid of his tractor. Dig the hole (by hand) and with a series of ropes and pulleys he'd use the tractor to guide the pole to the hole and lift it into place. Amazing thing to have watched, wish I had some video of that.
  7. Great to see that you and the family got some well deserved down time. Awesome report and pictures Ryan and thanks again for all your work over the weekend. Hopefully you got to enjoy a couple of those cold ones I left behind as well.
  8. Great pics Ryan!! Dan, next time use the fish to cover both eyes. lol!
  9. Great report Frank and Juli!! As this was my first Fish-A-Thon to participate in it truly was a great day and weekend. It is awesome how a bunch of people pulled together to make this event so incredible. Dan, Ryan, Ginny, and so many others behind the scenes planning, organizing and just busting their 's to make the day the best they can for all the participants. My hats off to you........you outdid yourselves! . Looking forward to next year and doing it all over again. It was also great to finally meet some of the members here and good to see some old faces too. Looking forward to November Mike!
  10. Is your brother fishing or working behind the scenes?
  11. That is probably that best way to cook those tasty gems. BTW - I'll need a new keyboard with all the drooling going on here.
  12. I've been using one of these for years without a problem behind my boat. Tow Demon Tow Harness A good floating rope off of the harness to the tube and you should be good to go. Always have someone at the back of the boat to keep an eye on the rope as it feeds out and be your spotter as well. Hours of fun to cut into your fishing time. Luckily for me it only happens a couple of times a year. Good on ya for keeping your end of the deal.
  13. Yep, the picture at the top says it all!! Congrats Jen!! And congrats on the one year check up - incredible news.
  14. Great video and a tank of a fish!! Reminds me of a funny story. My dad and a buddy were in the ice hut while I was checking the outside lines. I hear some laughing as I'm heading back to the hut and once inside I ask what's so funny? The discussion was - "If Will had the chance to sleep in and get lucky or get up early and go fishing which would he choose?" Both of them said I'd go fishing. You're right about that Mike. Doesn't matter what you are trolling for (musky, walleye, salmon - ask CCMT about the salmon ever going to see a report Cliff? ) net man at the back as he and as he needs to be the first to the fish. Especially when it's a trophy!
  15. So I need to bring my carp stuff eh? Cool pledge Frankie! I just receive a pledge (on-line donation coming) from the island of Borneo from my friends that are sailing around the world.
  16. Was thinking about walking over to Timmy's to grab a coffee. Anybody need anything? It's summertime!! Enjoy!
  17. I'm around Phil, just packing and organizing for the weekend. Call me and we'll set something up.
  18. Awesome when a plan comes together. Good times with good friends and some nice fish! Thanks for the report Chad.
  19. Did that over 10 years ago and have no regrets. I put my kicker on for trolling days to get the speed down. Only regret is not going to a dual console or a full windshield and a bigger boat, wish I had gone to the 18ft model. All depends on your style of fishing. Don't get me wrong, I love my boat and it has served me very well and I have no plans to replace it right now. Love my console!!
  20. A great tradition to continue. Thanks for the report!!
  21. Couldn't agree more. I need a prescription as well and got tired of wearing the Cocoon type. (fit overs - although they did work well for the money.) The prescription ones set me back about $300 a pair and worth every penny. Difference is night and day when compared to the fit overs.
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