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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Glad to hear that things went well. I've had 6 lazer treaments on my eyes in the past 12 months. Done for now, go back for a check up in 4 months. I've got a condition call "lattice degeneration" which can lead to a retinal detachment if not treated. Might be the same thing that lead to yours. Good luck with the recovery and take care of those peeper! Fishnsled.
  2. Scugog. Durham Region News You know it was only a matter of time. Fishnsled
  3. Thanks for your efforts Ron. As dwc67 said..... Just razzing ya. I guess there's an arguement for having a camera with more megapixels. Now if you can explain that one to the wife you'll be good to go. A new SLR digital with 10 megapixels and a kick donkey zoom lens. Not only will you get better pictures of these poachers, just think of the owl shots you'll get! Thanks again Ron.
  4. SWEET!!!! Enjoy, you certainly deserve it.
  5. Thanks for the heads up Roy.
  6. CONGRATS! Nice to hear that everyone is doing fine.
  7. Thanks for counting us in Roy. HH wasn't very good in math I've heard. Looking forward to it!!!
  8. Thanks for the heads up. I heard on the radio this morning the warnings go out. DO NOT GO ON THE ICE AS IT IS NOT SAFE!!! Another week of the cold temps and there might be a few areas to get out on. Be safe everyone!
  9. Now that's an adventure and a half!!! Thanks for sharing!
  10. I was wondering the same thing.
  11. Nice to see you got out even if the fish were not cooperating. Be safe on the big water if you mange to get out. Do you find the folding boat stable or is it a bit on the tippy side?
  12. Work for the same company as UF, Technicolor Creative Services, as an editor. Working on Degrassi: The Next Generation and Instant Star for CTV are my main projects. Today I'm working on Falcon Beach which airs on Global. My first job in the TV business was working for Bob Izumi's Real Fishing Show as his cameraman and editor. Best job I ever had.
  13. ABSOLUTELY!!!! Thanks for the comments everyone. It's certainly something I will treasure for a lifetime.
  14. Great to hear you had a good time on the blades. I bought myself a new pair a couple of winters ago to go skating on the Rideau canal. We first went to the Gatineau Hills, Wakefield, for the first part of the trip and did some snowshoeing in Gatineau Park. The night before we were to head down to skate on the canal they announce that the canal was closing for skating at midnight. I never got to try out the new skates that winter. This past summer we went to Lake Placid. They have public skating there all summer long on the Olympic practice pad. The ice wasn't great but we still had a good time. I certainly was a bit uneasy with it at first but much like yourself, after a few laps I was back in the swing of things. Now I've got to find out the public skating times in my area. Thanks for the reminder to get out and use the skates!
  15. I'm sure they would be. LOL! I should have mentioned that the deep fried one came from the supermarket. I'd like to try a wild turkey one of these days. Since I'm not a hunter, I'll be waiting a long time I think.
  16. Finally getting around to getting some pics put together and want to share this awesome gift that my girlfriend made for me. Over the past year she has spent countless hours and a fair amount of money making me a new quilt for the bed. What kind of quilt would be more appropriate for a fisherman the a fishing quilt! Each square has a fishing/outdoor theme in the centre and the edges are made up of various fabarics. The quilting itself looks like ripples on the water, some have said, and others a fly line being cast. You can judge for yourself. The edge around the quilt looks like this. Now it's time to do get rid of the wallpaper and do some painting. Thank you very much. Love ya.
  17. Before...... And after! OK not really. This first pic was taken last spring in my backyard. The second was taken yesterday. First time using the deep fryer and let me tell you it was awesome! The apron was a Christmas gift that I thought I should break in. One of the easiest ways that I know how to cook. Heat up the oil, drink a beer. When the oil is up to cooking temperature, slowly lower the turkey into the oil, drink another beer. Pull out the bird and your done! Next time I think I'll need a bigger turkey because it was done in two beers. If you ever get a chance to try one, don't pass it up.
  18. Hey Walleyeguy, My buddy told me that the lake was not safe at all. Shoreline ice for the most part and open water in the middle. With the warmer temps forcast for the week and into next, I think that we are a long way off from any kind of ice fishing in southern Ontario. Entrophy and others are doing an update HERE for Scugog. Be safe!
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