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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. We are back to fly with Cochrane Air in June but going to a different lake this year. We will be spending our time at Mikwam Lake for walleye, sturgeon & northern pike. (according to the brochure). The usual weekend trips to the Kawarthas for the summer and then I have a cottage for a week in September on Kashagawigamog. I bid on this cottage at a silent auction last fall and won it! The winning bid...........$400 I'll be taking my Dad and spending a lot of time fishing! Then the rest of the fall will be muskies and a trip or 2 to Quinte. Edit - Thanks for the reminder Doug - Looks like I'll be up in Algonquin at the beginning of July, still in the planning process.
  2. That's some awesome info there! Thanks for taking the time and putting it together.
  3. I've used a product from Canadian Tire that was in a blue spray bottle. It is a vinyl cleaner and protector but I cannot think of the name of it. It was good stuff. I've got a bottle of 3M Marine Outdoor Vinyl Cleaner, Conditioner and Protector.(Bought at CT as well) It works very well too and you don't get the over spray as it's pourable liquid. I think that staying with a product that cleans and protects works best for me.
  4. Have a look at Radioworld. They have their spring sale on now. Great people to deal with too. Just down the road from BPS at Steeles and the 400. Radioworld
  5. Great report GCD! Now I was wondering if you could PM me your address. I need to send you the bill for my new welding hood as the glass has broken on my old one.
  6. That sucks! My cousin had a couple of clowns that shot a deer on his property while he was in his stand!!!! They were part of a group that belonged to his neighbours hunting group. They are no longer apart of that and were asked to leave that day. Screwed themselves. If it was me I would have charged them and kept the deer but my cousin let them off and told them to take the deer. Pretty nice I'd say. It's idiots like these and the boneheads you had to deal with that ruin it for the rest. Some common courtesy and respect goes a long way!!
  7. Too bad Cliff. I may be building a fence next weekend but won't know till later in the week. I'll let you know.
  8. Done. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  9. Nicely done Brian. Now as the others have said, get out there and get a fish! Lew, you too.
  10. I was recently given my grandfather's tackle and I know that there are a few of those river runts in there. I'll have to dig them out and see what I've got.
  11. A co-worker of mine has recently bought a 2003 Toyota Echo. Claims to be getting mid to high 40's to the gallon. Last tank was 48mpg.
  12. Red Devils(Don't have to tell some people here that they still catch fish ), Hulla Poppers, Mepps, Beetle spins are a few of my oldies that I don't use anymore. Rattling Spot and the redfin are others that seem to sit in the tackle box these days. No reason for this, I better bring them out this year. Great thread!
  13. I'll check to see what's going on with the misses and let you know.
  14. Very true. I recently heard that if you can't fix it with a hammer then it's an electrical problem. That theory is now thrown out the window, at least for starters. lol! Any luck Tinbanger??
  15. A buddy of mine had similar problems last year although his motor would start. Trim was slow though. He put in a new battery and all is well. I'd double check the connections for tightness and if that doesn't work, get the battery tested before anything else. Might be a starter problem.
  16. Just thought I'd move this up for Ron. I did this a couple of years ago and it was pretty cool to see and to help out with. If you've got nothing going on and your in the area be sure to stop by and check it out. I'd love to be there but I've got some birds to deal with. I hope the day goes well Ron.
  17. I thought I'd put this pic up that I received from a friend. This was taken on Tuesday. You can usually sit on the concrete and hang your feet off the side and not be even close to the water. Usually it's about 5ft to the water he says.
  18. Hey Pete, I also hope things work out OK for you. Good on you for your efforts with the others as well.
  19. Great report and pics! Congrats on the new home as well!
  20. Glad to hear that things have come to a close Rick. Been there, done that, lost the T-shirt. Now bring on some fishing reports!! Once your unpacked and settled in of course.
  21. Exactly what I was thinking. Great report!
  22. Hey UF, A buddy of mine has a couple of them and has had no problems as well. For that price I may have to grab a couple myself. This morning I was putting on my spring jacket and found a $50 Canadian Tire gift card!!! I have no idea where it came from but what a great way to start the day. I still have another $50 gift card from Christmas. I better check the boat batteries first to see where my newly found money might best be spent.
  23. Great report and pics Joey! Good to here that you're on the mend as well. I got myself a Tilley a couple of years ago. I probably don't wear it as much as I should but I know that it's saved my butt a few times. Money well spent I'd say if I could just remember to bring it more often. I know that I don't think of it in the cooler temps but this has been a good reminder to do so.
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