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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Beats being at work......I think. lol! Now what would the wind chill be at those temps and speed you were traveling at? Here's a tip for the next time your in those cold conditions ripping up the lake......snowmobile helmet. Thanks for the report!
  2. Good points FF. Percher - You'll be happy with your choice. I got mine last winter and love it. It is a pig to pull through the snow by hand though. Did that once and have used the snowmobile ever since. Might be a good idea to take the seats out if you are doing a lot of pulling by hand as FF has done.
  3. Great report! Those winds sound like the ones the night that we almost got blown in while salmon fishing. lol! Nice to see you stayed dry. Would have made a great picture with you pulling yourself out of the water though!
  4. Well it looks like Saturday will work for me. Cliff and Keram , I'll be in touch to see if that will work for you. If anyone has anything for Cliff and can get it to me by Saturday morning (bright and early) I'll take it up with the rest of the goodies. Leave message here or in a PM and I'll see if it can work out. I'm in the Durham region btw.
  5. Hey Keram and Maureen, This might help out the cause I'm in Oshawa and have a something for Cliff to work on. I could pick up your items Keram and take them up with mine. It would have to be a later date then the 29th though. I'm thinking the first weekend in December perhaps. It would save Maureen the having to wait around. Does this work for everyone? Just let me know.
  6. I'm in and like the others my cash can go to Tyler.
  7. Great report as always Cliff. Man am I jealous. You 2 out there having a great time on the water while I'm working. In fact I'm still working. Oh Well, thanks for brightening up my evening here at the shop.
  8. If you plan on wearing it in the boat, make sure it meets the coast guard requirements. Not all (if any) of the ice rider suits do. I know that mine doesn't so I have to have lifejacket on board as well. It keeps me warm enough, never been cold actually, and it will keep me a float. I bought mine for sledding but do wear it fishing all the time. edit - I'm wearing mine in my avatar.
  9. As for the VHF radio, you'll do fine with your choice. I took the course in the spring time and my instructor had bought this model for his boat. Solara DSC The DSC (Digital Selective Calling) in an awesome feature to have. When hooked up to a GPS, all you have to do is hit the DSC button and it will transmit your location to the coast guard if your in an emergency situation and can't talk on the radio. Ie. boat sinking/on fire, health concerns etc. I highly recommend that you take the course, money well spent and if you have the radio you'll want to be able to use it. Right now I have a handheld unit (suited me fine for my purposes so far) but a fixed mount unit is on the Christmas list as I plan to be on Lake Ontario more often next year. As for the gps/sonar units, you'll do fine with either unit. I'd call them to find out about the transducer and antenna for the gps to see in they are include on the warranty units. I haven't priced out these units recently but they look like a good deal from checking out a couple of other sites on similar models. Good luck with the purchases.
  10. A great way to spend the day. A lot of fun for all.
  11. Couldn't agree more. Sometimes we need a slap in the face to wake us up. Mine was my divorce. I had a mental list of things I wanted and would like to do but never seem to get anywhere with it. With the stresses of my divorce and all the crap that went on with it, I decided to start crossing things off. I'm doing pretty good with getting things done and enjoying life as much as I can. Don't wait to cross the things off your list.
  12. Great post Cliff. Lew, that was great. As for walleye (pickeral if you must ) I find I'll fish them in the spring and then again in the fall. Ususally for a meal but when it comes to the Quinte big guns, I'm just looking for a new PB, all of those get released. What's to love about them? I think Deano nailed it, it's about the taste. Almost everyone loves a feed of fresh fillets. The fight can be very lame (I thought my PB was a piece of driftwood until it got to the boat.) but I've had them fight and pull out line like their life depended on it. On a given day it just might have.
  13. Great report Wayne, a beauty of a day to be on the water in November. Lew - Revenge is sweet. Mind you that day on the bog will be tough to beat! Good luck!
  14. Great report Brian! If it'll make you feel any better I was out with BricknBlock yesterday chasing after some muskie. 2 small muskies for me and none for BnB, he did have a follow though. (However, I had 3 follows ) BricknBlock does make some awesome baits. Glad they worked out for you 2 yesterday.
  15. Looks like a good trip to me. Some good company and a couple of fish to boot.
  16. Slow, slow, slow presentations. While I was chasing muskies yesterday, a buddy of mine was on the same lake chasing walleyes and stumbled onto some bass using jigs. He switched up to a jig and pig and picked up a few nice 2+ pounders. He said he had to hit them in the nose with the bait. They were not chasing anything. Hope this helps.
  17. Good luck tomorrow, it might just be your day! Work the channel and it's edges, you should pic up something.
  18. That's an awesome day on the water if you ask me. CONGRATS and thanks for the report.
  19. I'd like to see Headhunter get his name on that. A great way for me to say thanks for helping me learn the Quinte fishery and for teaching me a few tricks. I hope we can get'r done for ya HH. Thanks Shawn for putting it together!
  20. Glad to hear that things went well. Take it easy and have a speedy recovery.
  21. I have a couple of questions about roofing that I'm sure some one can help me with. Drip edging - Should the end result give you a straight edge or can you expect some warping? Shingles - Should the plastic film that protects the shingles from sticking together during shipping be removed or will it breakdown with the heat of the sun? Roof vents - Should the flashing of the vent be fully supported or are you OK with particle support? ie Hole for vent is bigger then the vent itself leaving about half of the flashing not being supported by wood. I hope this makes sense. I've done a very poor drawing to help show this. Ice Dam protection. - Should it go to the edge of the roof or wrap around a bit with the drip edging? Thanks in advance for your input.
  22. Welcome aboard! Great report and intro. Even has pictures!!!
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