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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Looks like I'll be getting the birds out of my soffits. When the house was built they left a gap of a couple of inches between the top of the facia board and the roof board in some areas. It hasn't been a problem in the past as the shingles curled over into the eaves blocking the holes that I had no idea of. Last fall I had the roof re-shingled and this exposed to opening. Roofer failed to tell me of this problem and now I'm the Holiday Inn for some starlings and sparrows. Well after tomorrow the holiday will be over. Hopefully I'll have some time to get the boat cleaned up as well. Sunday I just might have to take out a mortage for some gas and make my way to he lake. If not fishing I may finish off the yard work and a couple of other projects I've got on the go.
  2. Good on ya Dano! Looks like you've got yourself a great new friend.
  3. Great report UF!! Awesome to see your rig on the water and some fish as well!
  4. You're welcome Joe, anytime my friend. Besides, who can say no to wings for dinner anyways. lol Thanks for the grub! A special thanks to Daplumma is needed though. With him coming up with the make and model I was able to come up with the installation instructions which made taking them apart a much easy task. Thanks Joe!
  5. Ditto what Terry and Wayne have said. I've always been told to get the max HP or very close to it. I was in a boat a few years ago and it was rated for a 100 and it had a 60 on it. It took 3 of us to get up to the front of the boat and the throttle wide open to get the thing on plane, which took a very long time. Luckily it was calm, would hate to do that in rough water. Burned more gas in that boat that weekend then I do in mine with a 115 on it in a 3 weekends. One of the worst things to do (imo) is to under power a boat. In your case either the 30 or 25 will do the job but if it was me I'd get the 30, you won't be disappointed with the performance.
  6. Here's some pics for the pros. I think that they are nice and I'd just leave them, there problem solved
  7. Joe said he was good with a crowbar as well, I think we've got it covered. I'll bring the reciprocating saw for cutting the pipes and whatever else might get in the way.
  8. Great report! Open water and from a boat too! Sweet!
  9. Hey HH, I can stop by tomorrow and take a look it you like on my way home. Don't know if I'll be much help or not but we'll find out. Or at least help you get the pics up.
  10. Congrats on a great day you 2. Excellent way to spend your birthday, away from Cliff too!! That first fish needed some colour I thought so I decided to help you out.
  11. Thanks for posting the report HH, a great one as well. It certainly was an awesome day to be out but some very tough fishing to start with. I think we did prove something that day with the florocarbon vs mono, mono won hands down. I also had a count of 58 because Tom gave me his 10 count for drilling the holes. This also allows me to fish with them again as the house rule is 50. If you don't get 50 then your no longer welcome. As Joe said, I'll just add to this. Solid ice in the morning, walking through 2-4 inches of slush on the way back. Mild temperatures and rain this week should take care of most of the ice at this rate. I won't be and nor would I want to see anyone thinking of going out there this coming weekend. We figure that 2 to 3 weekends from now you'll be able to get out with the boat no problem. The perch will be waiting for you so be safe and I'll see you on the WATER!!! Here's a couple of the jumbos from the day.
  12. Happy Birthday Carole!!! Have a fantastic day!
  13. L-M-A-O!!! Is he blonde?? Nope but maybe should be. lol! Bernie, that's a great blender.
  14. I was going through some pics and came across these. My buddy and his winterizing job from a few years ago. Although it didn't blend the ice, it did run fine in the spring. LUCKY guy.
  15. Hey HH, I forgot to mention on our ice fishing day last weekend that I spoke to the Okuma rep at the sportsman show about the problem with the reels. He said that they were aware of the problem and that it had been fixed in the newer reels. Considering the complaints that were going around he said there were very few reels were ever returned. They had given the tackle stores a shipment of newer reels and were told to just swap them for any returned units. This is what I was told and I'm just the messenger. I've yet to have any problems with mine but I certainly don't use them very much at all.
  16. Hey Rickster, Some good news there, great to hear. Have they come up with a diagnosis yet? I've known a couple of people that have been diagnosis with Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia Sounds similar to what your brother is going through. Thoughts and prayers sent your way.
  17. If it's not real then why do they call it REALITY TV?????
  18. It seems that a few here could learn a thing or two by reading this but I'm afraid it's too late for most.
  19. Great to get out with you and Tom as always HH. I don't know what I was doing different but that stretch of getting nothing for about an hour and a half killed my numbers. Oh well, next time.
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