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  1. I agree with you 100% Terry, Emergency Service are in business for a reason and that reason is to help people when they get in trouble, whether it's through carelessness, misadventure, bad luck or just plain being stupid. Every year people get injured or killed doing crazy stuff and most times Emergency Service is there to help but it doesn't mean they also need to be punished for whatever they did.
    4 points
  2. Something has been bugging the dickens out of me to go back up to the rocky mountain foot hills where my trail cam went missing, so I did first thing this morning. In my almost 70 years on this planet, one thing I have learnt is to go with my instincts. I knew there was a poacher prowling around in my stomping grounds from the tracks I'd previously found. Well this morning I found fresh tracks leading into the bush so I followed them and I caught him in the act, sneaking through the bush with a rifle. He didn't see me but I saw him. To try and make a long story short I beat it the Hell out of there as there is no phone service, once I had service I phoned the report a poacher no. about 40 minutes later a game warden showed up and I led him into the bush where the guy was and with the help of the game warden and my walkie talkies we caught him red handed gutting a white tail doe. We caught his buddy as well of course that was driving around so as not to create suspicion with a vehicle sitting on the side of the road. I told the warden about my camera gone missing and he asked me what brand it was and I told him, he reached into the back seat of the truck and brought out a trail cam and asked me, does this look familiar? Sure does I replied. So I got it back minus the SD card. The warden ran their ID. turned out the two guys had multiple warrants for poaching and fire arms offences, so the warden called the RCMP and they were cuffed and taken to the crow bar hotel where they belong. So all in all this was a very rewarding day, got my camera back and put two bad guys in jail. Thanks to those who took the time to read this, I know it's a long one, as usual Hahah.
    3 points
  3. Thank you very much Akrisoner, who would have guessed it would all come to this. I guess one never knows who or what we are dealing with, especially out in the wilderness where I feel so happy and free without another soul around for miles and miles. As sick as it may sound, and this guy sickens me, he truly does, I wish I had known then what I know now and he had gave me the opportunity to pull the trigger and put a 44 slug in him. I wouldn't care if I went to jail. I also wish they would release him into my custody and let me take him on a one way trip out behind the barn. Yes my instincts were dead on again as usual and I thank god that I came out unscathed.
    3 points
  4. Got a call from the Game Warden this morning that made the arrest and the guy has also been charged for sexually assaulting his two young daughters. That's the reason for the publication ban. What a sick person. I can't imagine what the girls are going through and what lies ahead. Makes me feel that much better for doing what I did. Makes it all seem worth while now. I hope they lock him up in solitary confinement and throw the key away.
    3 points
  5. People will never figure it out where the off road vehicle went through they should have known but many parts of the lake are more then safe for vehicles Where I fish I will not drive my UTV and a couple of spots I fish I don’t think I will walk out till we get colder or if we get colder weather just a nasty year for fishermen
    2 points
  6. Plunged is a bit of a over reaction and as the norm,the news relished the whole thing. It was an Argo that broke through. BROKE through the ice. It was floating there and unable to get out. Well said Terry and Lew. Crap happens. There was a report from an operator saying they were on a solid 6-8 inches of ice,but is warning that once you pass a crack in the area,it,s 2".
    1 point
  7. Yeah my thoughts are if everyone pays for emergency services then they should pay but if not every emergency receives a bill then why should ice fishermen more skateboarders , skiers, boaters , hockey players off-road bikers hikers cars and fat people need emergency services then ice fishermen so why do people seem to jump all over ice fishermen
    1 point
  8. Funny how something as trivial as your trail cam going missing(i know theft isnt trivial but...) was this sick bozo's downfall. Almost a shame the RCMP didnt just shoot the scumbag right then and there. Certainly puts the entire situation into perspective for you. The universe was certainly speaking to you that particular day. Your instincts were dead on.
    1 point
  9. Thank you very much for that Cando. The young girls have to live with this for the rest of their lives. It is very disheartening. And yes thank god we got him and he's where he belongs so he can't hurt anyone one else.
    1 point
  10. Thoughts on whether or not the fisherman should be given the bill for their rescue? HH
    1 point
  11. What a sicko. Glad that you did what you did not only for your property and cam, but for this guy pray on young defensive kids. You're were right when you said you had to limit what you say here. We don't need guys like this having the case thrown out and his guy walking the streets.
    1 point
  12. Every year between ice rescues and people parking on the ice (and losing their vehicles in the water) - when will people figure it out???
    1 point
  13. Thanks for the info on government hunters Barry, always good to learn something new.
    1 point
  14. keep the .44 strapped!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  15. This is actually one of the wildest stories I have read on any outdoors forum or the like. Lots of folks in the states boast about what they would do in this situation and dream about taking down criminals but this is the first story I’ve seen where it actually happened. i still shudder at the idea of the guy realizing he was busted and deciding that rather than facing the jail time, he’d pull a side piece fire and go on the run. Especially a guy with previous gun offences. now it’s up to our justice system to make sure he doesn’t do it again. call me crazy, but I’m going to assume that you will most certainly be brought on as a witness when this guys trial comes up. Or at minimum be required to write an affidavit
    1 point
  16. Howdy Lew, when folks in rural southern Alberta have a problem, mostly with coyotes they call Fish And Wildlife - the Game Wardens, then Fish And Wildlife calls me with their information and I proceed from there as the Game Wardens don't get involved with problem critters unless it involves black bears or grizzlies, which I wont shoot any way, Fish And Wildlife trap and relocate them. Unlike B.C. we don't shoot bears unless they have become a real problem, having killed a person or mauled one. Many years ago there was a Government Hunter program in Ontario that my dad and I were involved in during the spring mostly involving rabid animals, foxes, skunks etc. For some reason, Keppel township at that time had the worst rabies problem in all of North America, and not just one year, but several in a row. It kept us busy. It's a very sad thing for the affected animal to go through, so we were called upon to end their suffering and try and keep the disease from spreading as best as we could. It certainly isn't a term you hear every day Lew, most folks haven't heard of such a thing, but that's pretty much what a Government Hunter does.
    1 point
  17. I'm glad all ended well and you are safe!!!
    1 point
  18. Just curious Barry, but what is a government hunter, never heard that term before.
    1 point
  19. Ahh...didn't realize until you posted at the same time I did, that you had a gun.
    1 point
  20. Wow...I applaud your bravery Barry and especially that of the Game Warden. Going after an armed criminal by yourselves (with only one gun) in the bush took real cojones. No way I would've continued to remain on the scene to help capture the guy. I woud've high-tailed it out of there after calling the authorities. I would've thought once you informed the Game Warden that the suspect was armed, the protocol would've been to call in the SWAT team or equivalent. .like I said brave man. My heart was racing just reading about it...jeez scary stuff.
    1 point
  21. Curious Barry, with just one game warden, how was he able to make an arrest? I know he called in the RCMP, but how was he able to take down two of them himself? Were these two idiots that complacent? Or did he simply lead on that everything was fine until the point that the RCMP did show up? the idea of tracking an armed criminal through the woods is terrifying. hopefully these bozos get real jail time
    1 point
  22. That is a great ending to the story I hope they get the book thrown at them
    1 point
  23. My best bud" Foosa "or the last 15 years just lost him in April. Working up the courage to get a new one.
    1 point
  24. This was my best bud Marvin who was my constant companion for 18 years the sadly left us 9 years ago. Wonderful pooch who loved riding in the boat and would swim all day long if he could.
    1 point
  25. This is a pic of Maggie smiling. People ask us what breed she is and my reply is always... part Pyrenees, part Lab and part Piranha! HH
    1 point
  26. Good ole Stella.......sadly I had to put her down in November at 9yrs
    0 points
  27. Thanks very much for that Akrisoner. Yes and not a thing crazy about it. I was asked to appear in court to testify against them which I will gladly do. Especially now, I just got off the phone with a buddy that works in the internal affairs division with the Calgary Police, in other words he polices the police. I likely shouldn't be saying much more here as my buddy informed me it involves under age children so no names or pictures of the family or the bad guy are being disclosed at this time. He is the one we caught and the Game Warden arrested in the bush. Years ago he allegedly threatened to shoot his wife and kids. Bailed himself out of jail and failed to show up for court and hadn't been seen or at least recognized since. For the life of me I don't understand why any judge in his right mind would grant someone bail for such a serious offence. After what we learned about the guy I am in no rush for a repeat of that day. I don't believe the Game Warden is either. I think a few more sleepless nights are on the horizon.
    0 points
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