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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2023 in all areas

  1. Well not much on the cameras this time as I didnt expect there would be as there is about two feet of snow where I want to and usually put them and I dont have tracks for my Argo. But anyway here is a couple. Pine marten checking out the tennis ball, etc.
    3 points
  2. I had a heading typed onto the top of this photo but when I go to email it or post it somewhere the heading is no longer there. Any way this one should have read DON'T P%&& me off !!! and you can see why it was so fitting with his muscular size, facial expression and facial scars I call him a power house as that's exactly what he is. ( the scars were prior from me rescuing him)
    3 points
  3. Hopefully these pic will help relieve some of the winter blues some of you may be going through.
    2 points
  4. In my house it is the cats (2) that watch TV especially if there are birds, they will try getting around the back to see where the chirping is coming from or will chase the puck during a hockey games...All cats are mental but nice company... No more dogs as we are not fit healthwise in our old age totake care of them as they should be...๐Ÿ™
    2 points
  5. I just bought one of those new vacuum cleaners that does the whole house by itself. I named it I've. Now when I talk to ladies at cards I tell them that I've vacummed the whole house from front to back, under beds and everything every day this week. I got three marrage preposals this week alone. ๐Ÿคฃ Seriously though I can't believe how well this thing works. I like a very clean house and was a little sceptical, I am very impressed, it gets into places I never thought it would!
    2 points
  6. Really! You went there
    2 points
  7. And you can't say they don't have access to regs in their own language.
    2 points
  8. Glad they got caught
    2 points
  9. Donโ€™t leave the door open or it will cut your lawn too!
    2 points
  10. Nosbonsing is 1/10th the fishery as Nippissing. Rent a place on Nip, I dare you to get skunked!
    2 points
  11. Come on down to Kingston and I will introduce you to Big Bob's. Not much sauce, just lots of meat and a huge amount of cheese. Eat it with a knife and fork. It's good filtered try again please, mon. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Doug
    1 point
  12. No Dan you are not nuts, My Trooper will watch tv for hours and if he isn't you can be sure he' listening for a particular commercial and alot of times just go ballistic wanting to get at that critter he is seeing. We had to mount the tv up on the wall but the big bugger can still reach it. He's so smart as he looks behind the tv to see if the action is outside as the tv is mounted next to some big bay windows. We had another dog that would charge the tv screen so hard that he left teeth marks on the screen, you could see them and feel them, they were surprisingly deep, and that was an old school picture tube tv. As soon as the song came on the tv - who let the dog's out, well lookout, that was his favorite, or most unfavorite. It drove him nuts. There were times he hit the tv so hard he practically knocked himself out, poor bugger.
    1 point
  13. So I'm not nuts???? I turn on the TV and look for animal vids; that no matter whatever animal is on, as long as it is running, playing, fighting, as long as what it on the screen is active. Stax will sit, watch, growl, whimper or bark and at times try and attack the TV? Never had a dog that could hold his attention that long watching TV?
    1 point
  14. Hey Head Hunter, great suggestion, thank you, and of course thanks to all that posted pics of their four legged friends. I really enjoyed them. I love dogs more than life itself. Here's my boy Trooper. He loves watching tv when I am upstairs on the computer. Not just any show, it has to have animals of course, and a couple collages. My best friend on the planet.
    1 point
  15. Thank you again, VPN now active.
    1 point
  16. https://www.insideottawavalley.com/news-story/10857139--hiding-them-in-the-grass-illegal-bass-fishing-near-burritts-rapids-nets-2-people-big-fines/ IMO, the penalty was pretty light considering they knew exactly what they were doing...intent to break the law.
    1 point
  17. Cliff if you aren't using a VPN yet I highly recommend you start using one. They are quite cheap and normally you can use 5 or more devices under the one account. Not only is your IP address hidden and can come from anywhere in the world where there is a server but all the data you send and receive is encrypted and encapsulated. It's the best security there is to protect your privacy.
    1 point
  18. So my wife has been away for a couple weeks, leaving me without adult supervision, and of course only cooking for myself instead of the two of us. So I have been enjoying a lot of wild game lately: slow cooker venison shanks last night, and before that duck sausage, ground moose and gravy, venison sausages, fresh pan-fried perch a couple days when I went fishing, and so on. And most nights I even eat a VEGETABLE!!!!! She is still away for another three weeks or so, and I reckon there will be more feeds of wild game and fish. Bring it on! Anyways, it is a wet dreary day here - I was up to the camp for a couple hours doing chores in the rain - and when I got home I thought to myself that I could EITHER reheat the leftover venison shank (which is delicious!!!) or I could order pizza from Big Bob's. They make the BEST pizza!!! I only order it a couple times a year, but it is a treat. So I got to looking at their menu (which I have here on a fridge magnet attached to my downstairs filing cabinet).............and I noticed that they have a "BIG" pizza, at 20 inches. I have often ordered the extra large, which is pretty considerable at 17 inches..........but the price differential for a BIG was not all that much, and I rang up the equation for calculating the area of a circle (my memory was correct, but it having been forty plus years since I used that factoid, I thought I should check) and the area of a 20 inch circle is almost half again the area of a 17 inch circle. So I ordered a BIG meat lovers. It was awesome. It is not often that I can only eat TWO SLICES of pizza, but there I was. Pictorial evidence enclosed, and that is a full size steak knife for size comparison. <<<burp>>> AND I ate a bunch of carrots first! I believe I have my quota of fat and salt for the day. Doug
    1 point
  19. I totally get what you're saying! Our generation definitely had a blast, and those experiences are hard to top.
    1 point
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