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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2023 in all areas

  1. Fish Crisp display in front of the tank... HH
    3 points
  2. Well I suppose a couple of double D's might be good supports for the keel.
    2 points
  3. Wonder if the guy has a carved figurehead on his bow............like the good ship Venus...........
    2 points
  4. In my 70 plus years I have seen a lot of originally fishing and hunting outfitters go lifestyle as you say. Abercrombie and Fitch, Eddie Bauer, L L Bean just recently i came across a Columbia Catalog I got from LG Custom Tackle back in the mid 80's, it was all fly fishing vests and their Quad parka, no lifestyle yuppie crap anywhere
    2 points
  5. I'm not sure about the figurehead, but a set of these hanging from the transom of the boat might be fitting...😆 Reminds me of a guy that I sometimes see fishing out of Bronte for Chinooks. Nice Wellcraft with four sets of riggers on it...the name of the boat written across the transom...BALLS DEEP
    1 point
  6. So true...it's just like Canadian Tire..does anyone actually but their tires there..
    1 point
  7. BPS must be doing something right, because they continue to open new stores. However, I think fishing gear has now just become a sideline for them...they don't make much effort into stock selection or marketing of tackle. It's become a 'lifestyle" brand...the greater profit margins are in clothing, bedspreads, BBQ's, deer antler chandeliers, etc, etc. I often see suburban soccer moms in the check out line with a shopping cart full of stuff...and not single item has anything to do with catching a fish. The same ladies that wear LuLuLemon pants but have never seen the inside of a yoga studio.
    1 point
  8. I’ve noticed the total degradation of those tanks since when they first opened. There was a time that they held seminars and had a multitude of species in the tanks, now it’s just a bunch of a smallmouth and a few cat fish. Kinda sad to be honest. honestly I would not be surprised to see the store close in the near future. It just doesn’t have the same crowds that it once had, and truthfully it’s due to how poor their business model is designed for people that fish. when bass pro first opened it was essentially the buy whatever you can think of from any brand as it relates to fishing store, that quickly changed to the buy xps or Berkeley store real quick. It’s not a good look when a guy like myself that fishes as intensely as I do really struggles to find absolutely anything worth buying in your fishing store. At the end of the day it’s better that I shop at pro j and Peterborough pro tackle anyways, but when fisherman are very particular, especially ones that fish a lot, we are not going to buy bass pro knock off baits, and if that’s all you are offering to your primary consumer you aren’t going to move much product. I can’t speak on the hunting side.
    1 point
  9. Might want to consider oiling up those bunks and rollers... HH
    1 point
  10. Not uncommon for fish in captivity...usually the result of poor water quality. https://www.acaquarium.com/tips/popeye-fish/#:~:text=What is Popeye Fish Disease%3F&text=Popeye disease (otherwise known as,as well in certain circumstances.
    1 point
  11. When I received my flat black jig heads from Ugli Boys Baits,this is what I had envisioned. These are going to be killer for so many fish, not just bows.
    1 point
  12. I was up there on the weekend. We had to weed our way through a lot of smaller fish, with two keepers and one over the slot. Jig and minnow, hook the minnow in the tail and let it swim. The fish were coming in waves, so be prepared to wait for them for a bit between waves. Time of day didn't seem to really matter. If I were going up, I would do my best to get away from the other huts and look for 15 to 25 ft of water under the ice. There is plenty of ice and the ice roads were perfect on the weekend. No need for a 4x4 to get out to the huts. HH
    1 point
  13. It costs outfitters a lot of money to exhibit at shows. Apart from paying for their travel to the show, and paying for their display space, they also have to pay for a week or so of living in a nearby hotel, and eating virtually every single meal at nearby restaurants. All of this costs money, and since these are often family-owned businesses to begin with, it's hard for them to then start chopping prices on their only way of earning that money back and putting some cash in their jeans.
    1 point
  14. Don't remember the Zoo Board but joined OFC (OFC) back in the early days, probably more than 20 years ago. Posted a fair bit in the early years then things became silly and there were those that jumped all over anything that was posted. A little like the wild west, LOL. Was invited to an early days Lakair GTG and had a blast and never missed one, not sure how my liver survived but it did. Fond memories of those days and of those that are no longer with us. Some good, no, some great people on this site. Have ongoing long term friendships made at those Lakair GTG's. Thanks to TJ for the start up and thanks to those who maintained law and order over the years.
    1 point
  15. Checked out Bass Pro in Vaughan today. Looked in the aquarium. Pathetic compared to what it was when new. Only bass and catfish now. All the bass are bug eyed. I wonder what’s up.
    0 points
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