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  1. WHY would the game wardens be checking out somebody's cottage??? COs have a lot of work to do, without checking up on cottage owners who may have somebody else's fish in their possession....and BTW why would they suspect this? Definitely more to this story than what is written here.
    6 points
  2. Actually, a license is not required to possess fish. I think that there must be more than two limits of fish involved here. Plus, the CO/Game Warden must have suspected something in order for them to inspect the freezer to begin with. I suspect that there is a little more to the story than what we are being told.
    5 points
  3. I did not know that one could possess game fish without a licence, but that makes sense. If I give a feed of fish to a friend who is shut-in due to a health condition, she does not need a licence. Not that I asked her about this.... But yes there is more to this story..............
    3 points
  4. Unless they already had their freezer full...
    3 points
  5. If you leave multiple possessions in the same freezer then they must be packaged to be able to make an accurate count and labelled with individual ownership.
    2 points
  6. exactly. Even a couple of fish of their own would do it
    2 points
  7. Somebody would be taking a trip to the dentist if I witnessed that. I saw a similar thing happen at my local gas station over wearing a mask. The guy spit on a woman, I stepped in, and I don't think he will be coming to my local gas station again . When the cops showed up, the gas station owner told the cops they'd never seen me before LOL.... S.
    2 points
  8. I suspect there's more to the story than shown. If A and B left their fish at the parents cottage, the parents can possess the legal limit of each person giving it to them. No licence required. How many did they leave?
    2 points
  9. don't forget you can use it in reverse when you want to get your speed under 1.5mph and your main engine isn't loving trolling down that low (especially when it is very cold).
    1 point
  10. What started the investigation?
    1 point
  11. Exactly how many fish over limit are we talking about? Something had to triger the CO to investigate so either someone complained or they observed something that made them suspicious.
    1 point
  12. You should not tell them anything. The lawyer they supposedly have should advise them. I've seen plenty of f@#ckery in my day, and it sounds like some is afoot.
    1 point
  13. Maybe someone else got tired of the over harvesting and made a call.
    1 point
  14. But two people each leaving a daily limit of fish would not put them over the possession limit…
    1 point
  15. Yup, I remember when Jordan was always full of ice fishermen come winter.
    1 point
  16. And after landing her,I can see why . Look at the size of that tail compared to her body . At first there were some head shakes,but then she went cruising. I thought maybe it was a snag,but after landing,the white sac was in the corner of the mouth. Crazy runs. Funny how one river system is starting to transition from salmon to steelhead and another still has a good run of salmon still flowing in. After the rain this morning with the south wind blowing ,there was wave after wave, coming up.
    1 point
  17. I've also found that the drag with the bow mount trolling motor down gives me more speed options between the drift socks and wind/current. Sometimes that third of a kilometre difference matters to the fish or that action of the lure.
    1 point
  18. Pretty soon I won't even have any of those left, the way things are going! S.
    1 point
  19. Friend of mine buys US boats all the time. The most important thing to have is the Title (ownership), the bill of sale and ensure boat numbers match on the title. The border seems more concerned about the trailer and yes, you still have to take the trailer to Canadian tire to get certified within a certain period of time. This is done all the time and just make sure you have the proper paper work as mentioned, pay the appropriate tax and It will be a breeze. Registration in Canada should be simple too. Color pictures of the boat, copy of the title(previous owner), copy of your receipt (bill of sale), copy of your license. This can be done on line. One important thing to remember is to keep a copy in safe place, of the receipt showing you paid the taxes and duty on the boat. 3 years from now Revenue Canada will be asking you to prove you paid the taxes on the boat. If you don't have that reciept you may have to pay again.
    1 point
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