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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2021 in all areas

  1. Some of you may recall I posted a picture last winter of a very uniquely coloured deer that was hanging around my backyard with her fawn. Yesterday afternoon she showed up again with another fawn so it was a real treat to see her again although she was back in the trees so I couldn't get a good picture but this one of her behind a shed isn't too bad. Always nice to see critters that are a bit different from the norm. First picture is from last year and the 2nd. one with the shed roof was yesterday.
    2 points
  2. Their on them bugs real bad. Didn't take long to hook my 2 this morning. High hook again
    2 points
  3. Hoe much are they willing to pay you to store all that stuff? How long has it been hanging there? Is the line even usable at this point? These are questions I would be asking. HH
    2 points
  4. NO POLITICAL COMMENTS PLEASE If someone passes on current news or tells me a fact I find myself asking where they got that story or fact from. In days gone by I would never doubt the veracity of the news or fact I had no doubt it to be true or at least close to the truth depending on with whom I was speaking to. Today, not so much. People must not have much to do in recent years other than to build fake websites and come up with fake news. Just the other day the son of a good pal called me to go online and Google %$^@ assasination attemp. I won't say who because that's how rumours start. I went to CNN because this is thier type of news and there was zippo, nada about this event. But online low and behold is a fake website for a major US media company that sure looked real to me, very, very real. A few years back before the US election a ferind of mine that is a very gullible guy asked me why Clintons were not in jail because they head up a pedofile ring that molests young children in a Pizzaria in New York, might have ben Ohio. This man isn't stupid, however is gulible and believes anything that someone bothers to print. I grew up at the same time, "If it's in the paper it must be true." I found out that wasn't true the 1st time my name hit our paper and even my own Father told me I must be guilty because it's in the paper. Do you find yurself fact checking in these modern times? I sure do and find myself doubting print media often. Sad times where I'm concerned, just sad.
    1 point
  5. How much of that stuff is actually going to be useful for you?
    1 point
  6. This thread started really nice. Somehow it is evolving towards horror story.
    1 point
  7. $300 and remove all and leave the space clean
    1 point
  8. What I would pay would depend on what's on the shelf and as Big Cliff said what you plan on doing with it, use it, sell it or watch it gather dust, simple as that. Are they Rappalla's or Chinese knock offs? Etc. etc. Regarless no morfe than 15% of retail price. I would pick through it 1st then sell the balance. DO NOT open the packages.
    1 point
  9. That would really depend on what you are going to do with it, if all it's going to do is collect dust then why buy it at all? If you are thinking of re-selling it then is the potential profit worth the time and effort? Is there enough stuff in there that you are going to use and really need to justify buying a bunch of stuff you might never use?....... Many questions would need to be answered before I would consider what it's value would be to me.
    1 point
  10. I tried making my own but I did something wrong and it came out thin and watery and made me dizzy when I drank it. 🤣
    1 point
  11. John, in the last four years, we have seen it all. Stoke the fire and people will gather and listen to stories. What happened to the time when you could put a dime in tray and take paper and that dime would not be touched. Today they take the box! Times are changing. there is no care for your neighbour’s well being. The decisions will affect is all in the future. I was an avid news watcher, but today it’s only ONE story. Hour after hour. Gave it up. Hopefully our future will look brighter. A
    1 point
  12. Go like me. I do not care for fancy crap. My truck is basic. Roll up windows,manual locks and no fancy crap. Not even a CD player . KISS.
    1 point
  13. And there's no point in "poking the bear".
    1 point
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