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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2020 in all areas

  1. Could you tie a few of these for me Merry Christmas
    5 points
  2. Guys guys guys It,s Christmas. I have asked to have this thread shut down til after Christmas is done. Enjoy the health you all have now . Happy holidays to all . B
    3 points
  3. I'll begin vaccinating those who choose to receive Moderna next month. It should be interesting, there may just be the opportunity to vaccinate Canada's entire most northern community, myself. Being that individuals can accept or decline, I'll respect anyone's choice when I offer it. Hopefully, people are beyond Facebook educated by then and best able to control their opinions and just respectfully take the shot in the arm, or not.
    2 points
  4. There is no question that the year has been difficult. Everyday we wake up and face life a little differently than we did before, and that is surely a stress for many... No matter where each person stands in their beliefs to Covid, also be aware of another contagion which seemingly troubles more and more people. It is called intolerance. It is an illness born in moments of stress, anxiety, fear, helplessness or hopelessness, and is often one's self-defence in their attempts to ward off personal despair or misunderstanding. We can honestly say that many days this past year have bothered us all, considering this moving forward, we just might find a better acceptance and some easier answers if we remain empathetic for each other. Best wishes for a happy and hopeful, healthy holiday season. Worry less in the moment about how much to give or how many to give to, and take on the Christmas spirit of simply giving and sharing the best of what you can and who you are.
    1 point
  5. All the best from myself & Diane and let's hope things start to turn around in the New Year
    1 point
  6. Whatever you do, when seeking information go straight to the source. I’ve seen so much misinformation posted online on forums and facebook, both through misunderstanding, and deliberate self interested deception. It will amaze you, but if you where to call your local OPP detachment, Municipal Police service, Bylaw or Municipal enforcement outfit they will tell you exactly the truth based on the information they have in front of them at that moment in time. It’s like when people thought they would be stopped for driving with someone not from their house in the spring and the OPP had to put out a video stating it was untrue. Go to the source. Forums and facespace talking heads generally have no idea, and so they make stuff up. Or worse pass on 4th hand friend of a friend of a friend twice removed stories.
    1 point
  7. will it is quite idiotic, so it's likely true
    1 point
  8. My fishing up that way has all been March ice fishing since back in the 80's and 90's. Mostly at Sunny Hill but we had some great years at High Country Snoasis while they were operating. Their main Shacks in March were located on Bark lake in a spot that is known as The Piers. Think fishing in 15ft of sandy bottom clear water with a current in the original river run that the smelt still follow as they migrate toward their spawning grounds. Some years that channel opens up late March and is even accessible from the shore out across some ice and you are literally casting from "shore". We also had some good times fishing several back lakes for trout on the west side of 523. Check out Fish on-line I would say that you picked an excellent area overall.
    1 point
  9. Merry Christmas or happy holiday which ever you prefer. In the spirit of the holidays I am going to lock this down. My warning appears to have gone unheeded. Art
    1 point
  10. Well the man in red is okay, the Fire Dept just came by with their fleet towing Santa and the reindeer, lots of people out cheering them on.
    1 point
  11. Merry Christmas Lew and All !
    1 point
  12. Vacation from the family. 😂 lol
    1 point
  13. This 100% true. There is little doubt that the Ministry has evaluated the impact of an early catch and release season and has deemed it safe. On Erie, running to US water to win a tournament is extremely common. The people that have the propensity to poach don’t need a rule change to make it happen.
    1 point
  14. I have to say, as a die hard bass guy who loves our fishery as much as the next guy, I will always remain perplexed that thousands of guys fishing Ontario tributaries for spawning trout and milking them for bait is deemed perfectly normal whereas fishing for bass...BASS, anytime before or during a hint of a spawn, is somehow akin to shooting the last dodo bird. And to be clear, this is not a condemnation of the spring or fall trout fishing. Nope, I love it too. Just pointing out the difference in the cultural acceptance of one vs. the other.
    1 point
  15. yup. red cabbage, steamed a bit, and sauteed. great side with burgers and dogs. what happens a few hours after is not my problem lolol
    1 point
  16. Jeeez those things are beautiful!
    1 point
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