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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Can't cut dados with a sliding mitre saw.
    2 points
  2. It’s about time I wish they would do it every where
    2 points
  3. Anyone see the new regs. Zone 20 which is Lake Ontario for 2021 has an early catch and release bass season from Jan 1 to May 10: https://www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-fishing-regulations-summary/fisheries-management-zone-20
    1 point
  4. Radial Arm saw is my preference. Maybe not as portable but way more versatile.
    1 point
  5. Thanks guys.......I picked up two TDR rods from Grimsby Tackle this week.
    1 point
  6. David, Thanks for the information but I decided on the Nav + card. I bought directly from Navionics as they have a $50USD rebate going on until the end of the year. Not to be that guy..........but I do not shop at Bass Pro unless it is a last resort.
    1 point
  7. Beautiful birds and we're fortunate to have a few around here too, this fella is helping to remove a dead tree from my backyard.
    1 point
  8. thanks for the heads up Cliff, fortunately my Valumart still had some around, Grabbed two, one will be cooked tomorrow (which shld will be a few dinners and lunches, or frozen). the other will get stuffed in the freezer. Wish I had a bigger freezer, cuz this would be great in the smoker. stay safe everyone
    1 point
  9. Well I got to play Santa yesterday. I went to get my mail and there were two Christmas cards in my mail box, the street address on the cards was right but I didn't recognize the names. One of the cards wasn't sealed and there was a $150.00 gift card in it for grocery stores, I'm not sure what was in the other card but there was something in it too. I checked with our office here in the park thinking perhaps someone had just written down the wrong street number but they didn't recognize the name either. There was a return address on the card but I was afraid that if they went back to the post office who knows where they might have ended up so I decided to try to contact the sender. Well easier said than done, I checked for phone numbers for the name on the return address, no luck. Then I googled the address and in street view found out that it was a modular home park and there was a sign "Georgina Heights" . I googled that and sure enough there was a phone number, only problem is that this park was in Cornerbrook BC but the phone number was 519 area code (Southern Ontario). I tried calling the number just in case it was a management office but no luck, it was the wrong number. Well, I did have the last name of the addressee and a first initial but when I tried calling the only phone number I could find it was no longer in service. Well I kind of felt funny about reading the card but the envelope wasn't sealed so... the message in the card had a different first name so I did another search using the first name of the person mentioned in the card and got a local phone number. I called and a gentalman answered, I asked if he knew someone in Cornerbrook BC and he kind of hesitated so I explained I had some mail that had been sent to me by mistake and was trying to redirect it to the proper person, I didn't want to divulge too much until I knew I had the right person. Well it turns out that yes his sister lived there and the name matched the return address name. It turned out that his address is 11 Homewood, mine is 11 Homestead, his sister had just written it down wrong. Anyway it is only about 20 minutes drive over to his place so I ran the cards over to him. So, it took me about two hours total but I got to see someone enjoy a Christmas present they might never have received otherwise and I got to feel like Santa Claus 😊
    1 point
  10. Here is a business kindness. We have a fresh pasta store, family owned which we support. We buy pasta sheets; my wife used her card to pay for it $8.77. we get home and we get a phone call from them after they did a search that they had charged her $877.00 !!! All well they contacted the card company and they adjusted the amount. On our next visit we all laughed at the matter and when they issued the receipt we made a point to make sure it was was correct. Clients for 30+ Years. will never use anyone else. Their fresh pasta is the best, along with imported goodies. $30 feeds 18 and lots of leftovers.
    1 point
  11. Been a bit busy on the vise . Kid wanted some yarnies and single eggs Then wanted some balanced jigs for under the float Thought I would play with some rabbit hair balanced ice jigs for perch.
    1 point
  12. Very nice, my friend! I wish that I had some time to tie again!
    1 point
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