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  1. Well not to side step this thread; but here's another reason to listen to your doctor about this virous and the vaccine. Meet my grandson born earlier this morning. Mom and Baby are well and want out of the hospital ASAP! He looks like me body wise. Floppy boobs and a big round belly. LOL Dan.
    4 points
  2. I don't get the anti-media take on all this. Can anyone provide a logical reason, other than pandemic, that every country in the world has turned their economies into a manure pile? I'm all ears! HH PS... I now have two people who have passed as a result of "the rona".
    3 points
  3. This number keeps getting reposted. I dont know where people get this, it must be bad Facebook repost. Simple math in Canada has death rate at 3.5%, not 0.6% as you posted. 311109 total cases, 11186 deaths. Thats 3.5%. All of Canada to date. Edit: heres the website in case you need to see: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html Make sure whatever facts you get are from legitimate sources.
    2 points
  4. But what are the long term affects of the vaccine. Oh wait we will be the test subjects do you know the companies are asking for emergency medicine rules to apply to their drugs which means they will make billions but will have no liability if the vaccine kills more people then the disease does. They can not be sued no matter what That scares me, so I’m undecided
    2 points
  5. I needed some electrical work done on my house last month so I searched the web and found a local guy who had a really nice professional looking website so I called him and told him what I wanted done and he gave me a ball park price but said he'd come by that evening and have a look. He showed up right on time and checked everything and made a list of what was needed and said he'd call in a couple days with an exact price. I waited a week and when I hadn't heard from him I called him and he was all apologetic and said he just got so busy he hadn't had time to get my price figured out but he'd do it that evening and call me 1st thing in the morning. Well, I never heard back from him again. Earlier this week I decided I wanted a 30 foot tree taken down and my neighbor had a 30 foot tree plus a 50 footer that he wanted taken down. There's a tree cutter just a few miles from me who I've dealt with before and he's always been very reliable and does good work so I called him. He said he'd come by that evening and give us a price on the 3 trees. He never showed up but called 2 days later and said he'd gotten busy but would be here 1st thing in the morning which was yesterday. He never showed up and I haven't heard back from him. If someone doesn't want to do a job just say so and everything's good, but I hate when people say they'll be there and just don't show up and don't bother calling. As for an electrician, I found a great guy who came when he said he would and he did an excellent job.
    1 point
  6. Called a local young fellow about doing my driveway this winter, it's small 2 small car lengts deep, 2 car widths wide, and a path to my propane tank (about 40' long) $25.00 but if the snow is more than 3-4" then it would be more. Then he told me he already has 20 customers. Thats $500.00 a day, and I know this kid is collecting EI or whatever they are calling it these days. Why would anyone want a regular job?
    1 point
  7. Showed the oil to my service guy. He said it looks fine... what would cause that amber/white streaking? Is it the remaining colour of the oil? The evinrude oil is a clear amber. I'm still going to get it pressure tested.
    1 point
  8. In the same proverbial boat, I need a new gas valve for my garage wall heater. Not a difficult job, maybe 15 minutes. Called one guy 3 times, ya ya, I'm coming, doesn't even answer the phone anymore. I think they are all scamming CERB and don't want to work.
    1 point
  9. That's an assumption I wouldn't make Big Cliff. In order to know for sure if you already had it, you would need to be tested for anti-bodies. Until you do that, I think it would be wise for you to assume that you haven't had it and avoid places where you could catch it. I would not take the vax out of my thinking. HH
    1 point
  10. You are talking about the first wave of vax. I have no expectation of receiving the vax until the fall of 2021. There more important people like health care workers, the elderly who will see the first batch. HH
    1 point
  11. its a 2019 so it should be under warranty, aren't they good for 5 years ? I would take it back to the dealer for sure !!
    1 point
  12. And that is why I do not read the magazines they have...Sick people read them... Congrats from one Grampa to another...
    1 point
  13. No it doesn't, at times it makes it easier to find a potential leak. It's easier to see liquid seeping rather then air. I've converted one of my rad pressure testers with a hollow screw to pressurize lower units. I have also found that pressurizing the case doesn't always show you a leak. A worn seal for example (if not torn to shreds) may not leak while under pressure. When checking for a leak I also will fill the case with a Varsol cleaner. Chemically it won't hurt anything, it will clean out the inside of the case and then evaporate; if left open to the air, once drained out. What I do when seeing milkshake coming out of the case; is put the plug back in and pressure test. If nothing is found, drain the case and flush with varsol. Fill case with varsol, run the engine in gear of a minute or so and drain. Repeat as many times as it takes to get clear fluid draining out. The varsol has enough lubricating ability to not hurt anything, in a no load condition. After the last fill with vaesol, clean up the mess and walk away for the night. The next time out to have a look, check if there's any varsol drips and where they're coming from. Yeah I know most already know this; just putting it out there. Dan.
    1 point
  14. She is a registered nurse at sickkids here at Victoria Hospital in London. So she's getting presidential treatment, by her coworkers. If you think us fisher people are close, never get between two nurses. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  15. Mom and Baby are well and want out of the hospital ASAP! I don't blame her, probably the worst place to be. I swear every time I have to go, I come back with a cold or some other infection.
    1 point
  16. Honestly, I won't be happy until we are out of this dumpster fire. The only path I can see it through is vaccine. Vaccine is only effective if most if not all take it. Have we not noticed how our friends to the south are suffering as a result of anti media and anti vax attitudes? I truly hope that none of you have to go through the effects of this virus... HH
    1 point
  17. Got my flu shot Monday as well, along with my semi annual shot for another condition. I always understood the flu shot was a crap shoot, they try to predict what strain will be the most common this season and make millions of doses for that strain, sometimes they get it right sometimes not. Last year I got my flu shot and then a month or so later, I came down with the worst flu I have had in years, funny it was 5 days after I had a full checkup at the doc's, wanna stay healthy , keep away from where sick people go 😁
    1 point
  18. Here's an article that may have some re-considering. Long haulers as they are called and sure as h e double hockey sticks, I want nothing to do with it! https://www.yahoo.com/gma/number-covid-19-long-haulers-003500035.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGFsa2Jhc3MuY29tL3RocmVhZHMvY29yb25hdmlydXMtZGlzY3Vzc2lvbi10aHJlYWQtbm8tcG9saXRpY3Mtb3ItcG9saXRpY3MtYnktcHJveHkuMTQ1MTY5OC9wYWdlLTg5NA&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJjeQmpr89d8GPBMPRVXj3Qh-C7BPDcLeM1e_k8iy84EwGEohLvhkSJRI7ajnHOLlW5FGv6CbOvWzEhaeaYzNSukKTM9bVK7VfS_lDl46fL8sMmT9z3hX3_JQO_4WzHNf7ePIcQYLCw_7pCapIecvTBHlCeU1xI8a_IsnWWN48eg HH
    1 point
  19. Encouraging news this morning, "apparently" people that have had covid and survived are still showing acceptable levels of antibodies 6 months later, it is unclear how long this will last at this point. That doesn't mean they can't spread the virus though just that they should have some level of immunity.
    1 point
  20. We've been going to the same Dr. for the last 40 years. When she calls (Which she does frequently, along with the occasional house call) and says get your butt in here for the vaccine; I'll be going. I/we've (Wife, kids and grand kids) trusted her for all these years to keep us safe and healthy, I'm not going to start doubting her now. At the same time if she says hold off, she wants to do more research on it; again I will listen. I'm not going to listen to a politician's popularity poles. Dan.
    1 point
  21. Well I know I'd try it out on those who are flouting it and then sit back and watch. Who's bringing the popcorn.
    1 point
  22. You mean lapdancing!
    1 point
  23. Be careful you don't get stoned...PUN
    1 point
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