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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2020 in all areas

  1. Now, a recipe is just a general guide line to me, the recipe I have called for Korean radish which I couldn't find in Lindsay so I pealed some regular radishes, I didn't have scallions so I used green onions, and I added about a cup of carrot match sticks. Anyway, now it ferments for about 5 days and we will see if it turns out close to what I remember. 😊
    3 points
  2. Well, this crap is getting real, real fast! My wife is a Principal, K-6 with a "DD" wing as well. A full 50% of students are doing remote learning, leaving approx 250 kids still attending in person. As of this morning, there are SEVEN confirmed cases of teachers testing positive. One has been hospitalized. One student is positive. One of the teachers who is positive updated my wife yesterday on her status and compared the symptoms she is enduring, shake shivers etc, as being worse than when she contracted Malaria! Folks, this is NOT the time to be complacent. I can't understand why this school and the others who are likely in the same situation aren't closing!!!! If you can. please consider bringing yourself and those you care about back to a self imposed Stage One. And wear the freaking mask!!!! HH
    3 points
  3. I’m gonna wait it out. My car is running fine without the sticker.
    2 points
  4. Had a chance to join a buddy and his son for a Muskie charter yesterday. We went out with Fish Lake St. Clair charters, Ian is a very good boater (never had a minute of worry in his boat) and the man worked his butt off, trying to get us on fish. He had the boards set up in less then ten minutes of being on the water. At day break the wind and water were calm; so we trolled out of the river on to the lake. Marking lots of bait fish along with what we were hoping to be Muskies in the middle of the mix. About an hour into the troll we had a hard hit on the one setup; but it was gone before even getting the rod out of it's holder. A couple of hours go by, the wind and the chop start to build and decided to go into the river. Not that it was to rough or cold, it was the weeds that were churned up. The plugs spent more time in the boat, being cleaned then they were in the water. Another hour or so goes by and then a good hit. Ian pulls the rod out of it's holder and passes the rod to by buddies son. He hasn't fished a whole lot; but Ian was there coaching him all the way to the net. It It was his fist Muskie and the largest fish he had ever caught. (42 inch) I'll let the pic tell you how the young guy felt. Next was my turn up and I was gifted this 44 in fish; had a blast landing her. You can see in the pic that something during the life of this Muskie; had taken a bite out of its dorsal fin? We ended up with three fish boated (No pic of #3) and had a great time out there. At first I thought why isn't he releasing that fish right away. Then he explained that this narrow tank stops the fish from thrashing around and holds the fish upright. The inlet water hose enters the tank to flow fresh water over the gills. He leaves the fish in there for 5 or so minutes to revive itself. The a quick pic and in the water it goes. This fish took off like a rock when it was released. Dan. Here Ian was showing the proper hold for these fish.
    1 point
  5. Had a good weekend of fishing. Safe to say the fall temperatures have arrived. Started out Friday night with my pal Mepps , we got out and successfully washed all the musky lures we had on hand. Seems like the fish have pushed off and moved out of the early fall spots we were previously having success on. It’s always a good time when I get out with Mepps and with a friendship spanning 20 or so years , it makes for lots to reminisce and talk about . Friday -Fish 1 - Jonny -NIL Early Saturday morning , myself and 2 of my sons headed out to the Upper Niagara. I had booked with a local guide . 6 hours of smallie hunting was on the menu . Should have know when the sunrise was so red that the weather would be dicey. “Red sky in the morning , sailors take warning “or something like that my Papa used to say. We launched out from Black Creek and started drifting and drop shottin plastics . 2 hours and nothing much happening . We switch over to swimbaits and start casting . I got a dink just before the rain moved in. Rain was not in the forecast but rain is what we got , wind picked up going opposite the current which created some interesting waters to be out on. We kept casting . Somewhere in between getting rained and splashed I tied into a nice smallie , biggest of this season by a pound or two. Another 2 hours of nada and our time was up. Neither of the lads caught anything but we did have a good time out there and the banter was top notch . Saturday- Fish 2 - Jonny -half a nil Got up this morning and headed over to the job site to make sure my operator and gas tech got set up alright . Finished up there by 10 am and decided to head down to the local and cast some spoons. Only myself and another guy with the waders on. We took turns landing fish. Caught some big males and a couple of females with eggs still spitting out of them. Restocked on Roe which is always great with the browns starting to come in . Sunday finished out great, definitely time to break out my insulated waders as I was freezing my nards off today in my lites. Lost a bunch of hardware but when you have a multiple fish day it doesn’t seem to hurt that bad . Back to work tomorrow but this time of year it won’t be more than a day or two before I’m casting a line for something somewhere . Tight Lines J.B.
    1 point
  6. I guess there was a pic of the third fish coming in. We all thought it was a snag. Two different guys held a dead quiet pole with a rod bending pull. Ian went to the far side of the “snag” and still had a hard time pulling up the line; again dead quiet like pulling up a log. The planer board came in first and then to all our surprise a foul (in the back) hooked fish. Got the fish in the well and it was pretty still; but still upright. After about 5 minutes or so; a quick pic and then released. This very lethargic fish took off like a rocket when Ian release it. We all stood there saying that was the craziest SNAG we’ve ever seen. LOL This is Ian just before the release . Dan.
    1 point
  7. Thats sounds yummy, fried in bacon fat.
    1 point
  8. Cabbage roll soup. If you love cabbage rolls but don't like all the work involved this is for you😊. I made a batch a couple of weeks ago and everyone loved it. This batch is going to be canned so I have it for ice fishing this winter.
    1 point
  9. Well, it's started 😊. Last winter while we were in Myrtle Beach one of our neighbours introduced us to kimchi. Kimchi is a Korean dish sort of like a sauerkraut but with much more complex flavours. I was watching tv the other day and they made kimchi so I decided to give it a try. I'll post more results as it progresses and it should take about 5 days.
    1 point
  10. Over cast days, snow covered panel or at night equals very minimal or no charge happening. The minimum size solar I would even bother trying, would be a 100 watt (8.3 amps)and that rating is at optimum sun and alignment conditions. They're going for about $500.00 and that doesn't include a controller. I can build a relatively cheap wind generator out of an old car alternator and a handful of neodymium magnets. In other words convert an electro magnet alternator into a permanent magnet generator. Which could easily produce 20-30 + amps at moderate wind speeds. What do we have more of 5+ miles out on a lake in mid February; wind or sun. LOL My last thought is that a hundred bucks worth of equipment compared to 5-6 hundred won't hurt as bad if/when they grow a set of legs and disappears. Dan.
    1 point
  11. Wow, thanks for sharing that link.
    1 point
  12. All the pics are great ! I especially love those green buckets ! Nice
    1 point
  13. You could always install a keel guard.
    1 point
  14. nice pics thanks for sharing
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Thank you for all of the great pictures Dave. We had kind of a damper down here with the COVID and such so I didn't get out as often as I wanted. We had a really good season down here with the Snakeheads and the Bass. The water temperatures have cooled down to a point where the Snakehead bite is over for the season but next year it should fire up again. As I have said before if you are near the Potomac River give me a shout and we can get after a few of the local species. Art
    1 point
  17. Got out for some Jumbo’s yesterday! Lots of small fish but we ran into a few good ones!
    1 point
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