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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2020 in all areas

  1. It's outright gouging doesn't matter how you look at it. If they want to reduce the influx, then make it for residents only. No exchange of money required.
    2 points
  2. I just found out that they closed the boat ramp at La Fortune Park in Caledonia. It was the only free launch above the Caledonia Dam that I know of. What follows is a copy of what I wrote to the alderman and mayor regarding this. Feel free to copy and paste, edit to your satisfaction and submit as well. While I am not a constituent of yours, I do frequent your constituency frequently. Namely Caledonia business center and La Fortune Park. I find that park to be a hidden treasure of Caledonia and one of the only free boat launches on the section of the Grand above Caledonia dam. I would submit to you that it is a vital recourse for those who cannot afford the $15 launch fee or $35-$50 per day fee at the neighboring Harrison's Landing to enjoy one of our most important natural resources, the water. My understanding from the gate staff at Harrison's Landing is that the launch was closed due to safety concerns. Namely the drop off at the end of the concrete portion of the ramp. I would submit to you that that is a situation that can be dealt with by the use of a single triaxle load of rip-rap granular and 1 machine hour with a large mini excavator. Please do not deprive us of our water access and restore this valuable community asset.
    2 points
  3. I must of had the video camera on bulge cuz there is no way I put that much weight on. Loony TONner LOL
    1 point
  4. If you decide to launch at the end of the Temagami Lake access road be sure to take at least 2 gallons of water with you to leave in the car. This is for when you come back to your vehicle, that will be parked about 2 miles down the road from the launch, to get the dust off your windshield so you can see to drive. If you park in a residents #'d parking spot or the reserves private lot on the North side you will be ticketed, towed or worse by the owner of the stall you took. This may also be the last year for non residents/tax payers to use the ramps for free, or park for free. Most bring everything with them and don't even know the way into town so add no economic value to the Municipality and the majority have had enough. The Municipality and Band Council are currently working together to form a corporation to control the end of the road. The better approach IMHO is to come into town, forget the 45 minutes of beating your stuff up on the road to the hub. Launch your boat for free beside Temagami Outfitters (turn left at the gas station, then 2 buildings over). Tie your boat to the far end of the dock, go park your truck/trailer over the tracks behind the train station, walk back and hit the LCBO and grocery store on the way back to your boat via Wildflower Drive that will take you right back to the ramp.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Next will be a toll booth in Barrie on the 400 as traffic moving north and south, really messes up travel in the Barrie area! LOL HH
    1 point
  7. Buddy's Dodge Ram's engine light came on 6 months into ownership. After numerous trips to the dealer, solution that lasted more than a decade was to put black electrical tape on the instrument panel lens!!!!! Just be sure not to get glossy tape! LOL HH
    1 point
  8. Instead of having a well thought out plan the mayor and town counsel let out of control situation. Then they did knee jerk reaction and followed it up with more stupidity in this latest.
    1 point
  9. Newest post is up and it’s my first time with video posts When we started doing fly in trips I had so many questions about lures and gear and every extra lb of gear I don’t use is one less beer! This post breaks down my tackle bag (including in the boat gear) for our upcoming trip to Lake St Joseph with Slate Falls Outposts Hoping its helpful to any one planning or heading out on a fly in fishing trip https://www.northernjacks.com/post/tackle-and-boat-gear-from-my-fly-in-trio Admins - please let me know if this should go in non outdoor posts - to me its outdoors but fine to move going forward Cheers Andrew
    1 point
  10. If it’s too much power you turn it down one notch and it only does 30 lbs thrust I would rather be overpowered then be under powered on a motor
    1 point
  11. I'll come pick it up, Dave. But I have to quarantine for 14 days after I get there, so can I please borrow your boat and your cottage? 😁
    1 point
  12. Used to post here a long long time ago. Your post made me actually recover my password. I've got an older one (30 or 35) hanging on the shop wall that hasn't seen the water in years. Runs fine last I tried it (3 years ago?)She needs a home. About 10 mins N. of Port Severn. Shoot me a msg. if you're interested. P.S. Bring beer.
    1 point
  13. Yes, I played on his course many many years ago. I even had a hole in one on a par 3 there. Dang forgot all about that til you mentioned it Albert.
    1 point
  14. Just completed my biggest project to date. It was planned to be a 2 year project, but with being out of work for 3 months I was able to get it done. The wife has a degenerative back condition and it's very hard for her to get out of bed and head downstairs in the middle of the night so I had to fast forward things. She did all the designing which was great so I could focus on the tasks on hand. Luckily through my work I call in plumbers and electricians on a regular basis so I was able to get all the info I needed from them. The only thing that was in the room was 2 receptacles so I was able to connect from there to get lighting. Surprisingly zero issues when I flipped the switch for the first time. Zero plumbing upstairs too so I was starting from scratch. Biggest issue was connecting the 3" toilet pipe into the main pipe. Took 5 hours and 3 trips to the plumbing store. Called a plumber after the second try, but they were so crazy busy it would of been over a week until they would come. I'm sweating cause the wife is going to be home soon and I have like a 12" gap in the main line. I went back and got a flexible coupler and that did the job. First 2 tries I used a abs coupler and glued it, but just didn't work out. One plumber told me it's against code and another said he would use a flexible coupler if your new to it. Anyways I refused any hands on help from people except the wife as this is something I wanted to do myself. Cost around $3500 for everything. Now I have 2 washrooms in the house so hopefully the value has gone up. The vanity was custom made. Wife built it.
    1 point
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