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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2019 in all areas

  1. I really can not put in words what this gift was and did to me. I will not get into to much, but when I got this gift from my oldest,I pretty much was very over whelmed. No matter our trials and tribulations, we both share the love of fishing.The last couple of years,we have started to understand each other more and more and reconnecting our father and son relationship ,has grown stronger. I am sure there are some here that can relate or understand. THE GIFT A 13 ft Rain shadow custom rod with custom turned seat . This rod was made by Mike Rumig . A friend of our own Spiel .I only know this as my son won this custom build earlier this year, and I had asked Chris about the builder. He said he was very good . I was happy my son had won this and was looking forward to seeing it once completed, but I did not expect it to be a gift to me .I can say this, Chris was not wrong. This is a sweet build. It is more then this ole man deserves, and I will cherish this rod til my days are done. I have to also say, it was almost built the way I would want it . I can not keep up with the young lad, but when I can get to fish with him, it is always be a great time . I have a new SST 3 that will be seated on it. Perfect combo it will make. Thanks for the great gift my son. Now to get some roe goo and slime on it. 🤣
    3 points
  2. GO CANADA GO Just tuned into the russ/chec game. Russians are on the heels after 2 quick 5 on 3. Can vs US next game. If your streaming,the NHL network is carrying the games. HD
    2 points
  3. I only buy prime rib when it is on sale. And here in Oshawa the Real Canadian Superstore on Tauton Rd. consistently has the best meat for this and I have never got a tough prime rib from them as long as it is AAA rated beef. If it's only AA rated you are taking your chances. Last week it was $4.99/LB and I stocked up.
    2 points
  4. Because we are the only country that watches it so the sponsorship deals are catered to Canadians by Canadian companies. Unlike Spengler cup which has a mix as it has more of a european audience. Shame they couldnt hold the juniors in Canada every year, hate seeing the empty seats when its played in other parts of the world.
    2 points
  5. Here's a couple of tips for buying Prime Rib at Metro... Buy your roast during the first three days of their sale. Those roasts are fully aged and I have never had a tough one. If you buy after the first three days, that meat is usually not as aged as they are strapped trying to find meat, to meet the sales demand. Metro butcher told me so... Also, always "marinate" the roast. To do this properly, you need to add the spices you would normally use on the roast, plus, add an onion, two carrots and two celery stalks, place them in a food quality bag, with the roast and leave it in the fridge for two days prior to cooking. Cook the roast low and slow... HH
    2 points
  6. The kids said they wanted a cat for Christmas so I got them one. It didn't taste as good as turkey though and it was kind of dry....😀
    2 points
  7. We all have a stage Mr B that we go through of disconnect and then finally reconnect with our family (some not so lucky in that manner) and I am Happy for you that you are there; reconnect. NICE gift by the way! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  8. What a busy day. Boxing day travels,bacon in the smoker then home to make my soup. I decided to go with a Hungarian tribute to my great grandmother. I am not sure I made it exactly the same,but it tastes and looks the same. What would I know,I was a young boy whom liked to eat. The hock was super tender. Boiled for 1 hour, pulled and cleaned the bone off. Everything back in the pot. Huge sweet onion,celery, the rind and bones and the meat. Once simmered for another hour, in goes the tomatoes. Simmering away for the next hour. Pull the bones and rind before serving. Dang it smells and tastes great. Only regret is, I wish I had of smoked a half dozen of these hocks. I know now . While that is getting happy happy, I must tend to my smoking bacon outside. Pan #3. Sweet maple chunks this time.
    1 point
  9. The fact that you don't think that Thomas Chabot is a star tells me all I need to know about your knowledge and opinion on Ottawa. The guy won the MVP of the WJC as a defenseman, I can't even remember the last time that ever happened. At 22 he's already way better than Rielly at 25. As for Tkachuk, at 20 years old I'd easily take him over anyone on the Leafs except for Marner, he is so much fun to watch and there are very few players in the league that play like he does. The Leafs would be so lucky to have a player like him but all Dubas wants is skill and no jam lol. Cheers
    1 point
  10. shoulda braised it in some Merlot 😅
    1 point
  11. So sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you, I know how hard it is.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Sorry to hear this Chris, for all of the times we spent time with you and Brook she was always happy to see me and snuggled me like a long lost friend. Art
    1 point
  14. Still digging, but what I've found so far.
    1 point
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