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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2019 in all areas

  1. I bought one 15 years ago and just last year I bought a new one but still have not used it cause the old one just keeps working and some people here will tell you I am hard on all my equipment so two thumbs up from me
    3 points
  2. That is not a Netflix scam. That is a scam artist using Netflix as a disguise. In the same fashion I get emails about my bank account being frozen (at a bank I've never had an account) or my Apple account having an unauthorized purchase (which it didn't). The scammers try to fool many into clicking on their bogus links in the emails. Watch out!
    3 points
  3. Too many people texting on the way to their special spot and fall in, lol.
    2 points
  4. I have 3 and all work great, no problems here. Some people have problems using 5# tanks, again no problem here. Key is to use the right hose AND a propane filter. Also, always turn off the propane first and let the heater run out, that way there's no gas still in the hose (which can degrade the rubber if you don't have the right hose). Finally if it doesn't want to start/stay running hold the dial down for 30 seconds after starting the pilot until it warms up a bit.
    2 points
  5. I drove down the the Peterboro store for the 7:00 opening this morning and there were about 9 bazillion people ahead of me when the door opened. Everybody got in quick though and I knew exactly what I wanted and where it was and I was out the door again in 15 minutes. A few minutes of utter pandemonium but I saved myself $250 so it was worth the craziness LOL
    2 points
  6. They just don't give up, Netflix tells me my access has been removed until I update my account. I guess they'll be waiting for a long time, I don't have Netflix, hahahaha.
    1 point
  7. Oh.. this one must have been Paul's... Seems we tear at least one apart every Winter!
    1 point
  8. This guy can look at something ,and it will break. One have owned one heater, Always worked except for my own fault. Melted a piece of plastic on the flue. Cleaned and fired right up. I use mine all the time and it is on high. I like my sauna. I also only use the green bottles. Which reminds me,need to stock up.
    1 point
  9. Haven't had any issues with mine, but I don't use it ice fishing as it's not big enough. I use a sunflower heater when ice fishing. The Buddy I bought to use in my popup camper in the fall in Alaska. A lot better than the forced air one my camper came with. I also run it on a 5# or 20# tank.
    1 point
  10. Anyone else think maybe there was a conspiracy to tank just to force the firing of Babcock ?
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Chris I wasn't inferring that you were forced by anyone, but you you did feel bad enough the next day after reading your post that you felt you had to apologize and that's fine, you realized and admitted that you may have been over zealous and I respected you for it. Just a guess but I'm thinking perhaps there may have been some alcohol involved hehe. As for the rest I can see how that could get annoying for sure, specially if that's all it is and it's mostly coming from from the same direction. I can't really say as I have little history in this thread until lately so I don't know how many Sens fans have commented on this thread over the seasons. Anyways, for me the Sens Leafs rivalry was the best thing that ever happened for hockey in Ottawa as a fan, even more so than the Habs who we actually beat in our first ever game. Tickets are still always the most expensive of the year, even more than the Habs still, but most fun in the stands is usually for both visiting teams. They are both always special games. Cheers
    1 point
  13. You realize you talk about the Leafs more then anyone here right?
    1 point
  14. The headline is manslaughter A10 inch hole will not get you charge with manslaughter it’s the big holes left when you remove a permanent shack. As in a hole big enough to fall in and drown
    1 point
  15. I don't get the ones that feel the need to cut mickey mouse holes with 8-10" augers. I use only a single 6" hole and manage quite well. Right Terry ? 🤣
    1 point
  16. Don't drill a dangerous number of holes of a dangerous size. To me, this argument is like saying "What am I to do with my garbage other than throw it on the ice? I didn't bring a bag to put it in". You should be properly prepared for whatever you're planning on doing on the ice.
    1 point
  17. You mean to tell me that there isn't hot singles in my area that are dying to meet me?
    1 point
  18. Like the figure 8 x 10" I saved your Brother from stepping into out of Lloyd's van one day on Kemp.... What is the point of this nonsense?
    0 points
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