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Fishing Pet Peeves


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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, excuse me,I believe I have proven that the back of the boat produces very well.

Terry, care to share on this. :whistling::whistling::thumbsup_anim::clapping::Gonefishing:

The front guy get the bad fish first.




Misfish, what kind of fish is that? I caught it once and we couldn't identify it.

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Interesting side note.


I kinda stuck it to the 'MAN'


As I was standing in line to get a sandwich at lunch I overheard someone talking about gas at a station here in TBay selling for 96.9¢ so of course I rush over. To my surprise it was true. So I filled up the truck. What are the chances you hear that, and it's true when your truck is empty.


Anyway $65 later and I am standing in line, to pay, when the station gets the call to raise price to $1.09. everyone that was in line behind my truck got screwed, sign and pumps were already changed by the time I got back to my truck.


When I say kinda stuck it to the 'MAN'. Well I still had to pay 96.9¢

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SAIL BOATS are my biggest pet peeve they come within throwing distnace of your boat when your trolling for salmon and cut right behind your lines and sometimes cut them off with their big lead keel and then you yell at them and they saywhat what did u do and try to blame it on you.

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the morons that insist on staying out at night to fish in their canoes or small tinnies with no lights that flash a flashlight just as you approach them,get a light or get off the water.


people that see you catch a fish and think where your boat is is the only spot on the lake that you can catch one.

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SAIL BOATS are my biggest pet peeve they come within throwing distnace of your boat when your trolling for salmon and cut right behind your lines and sometimes cut them off with their big lead keel and then you yell at them and they saywhat what did u do and try to blame it on you.


I believe it is Maratime law that sailboats ALWAYS have the right of way!

Edited by Greencoachdog
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SAIL BOATS are my biggest pet peeve they come within throwing distnace of your boat when your trolling for salmon and cut right behind your lines and sometimes cut them off with their big lead keel and then you yell at them and they saywhat what did u do and try to blame it on you.



I believe it is Maratime law that sailboats ALWAYS have the right of way!


Not only that, but it,s the law.


But I hear ya on yer pevv. :dunno:

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"I believe it is maritime law that sailboats ALWAYS have the right of way!"



not true, if you are anchored or have a means of movement that is slower/ less controlled then them, paddle or electric trolling motor or drifting...then they do not have the right of way, you do

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and fishing partners that make you fear for your life every time they cast


Girlfriends that beg you to take them fishing but then are bored after 20 minutes and in order to keep themselves amused insist on trying a new lure every 10 minutes, but want you to remove the old lure and put on the new one for them. They also want to go home just when the walleye are starting to get active at night.


mainly those two and people who don't slow down when I am in a canoe and


mosquitoes mosquitoes mosquitoes

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a sailboat is there and under sail

so it must be windy, the wind will control your boat more then a paddle or in many cases a small electric motor, so as in drifting you are using the wind as your main source of power, the paddle or electric is to steer just like the sail boat uses a rudder, so they have no more right of way then you and because in most cases they have more momentum they have better control of their vessel then you do and are more able to change course

also with the electric you are using it to stay in one location so to the sail boat you show appear to be anchored, so the should change course well before it becomes a problem

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Every thing that Lew said plus people that leave their worm containers, fishing line, and other junk laying around when they're done shore fishing. They must think that their garbage will magically disappear!!!

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there is also a rule that says the boat with the least manuverability has the right of way. Who do you think can turn faster a sailboat going 10 knots or a fishing boat with 8 lines out going 2 mph. Ive seen those sailboats turn on a dime and go back the way they came. They are very rude and have no respect for others. It just burns me when you will be the only boat on LAKE ONTARIO that you can see and a sailboat comes outta port and points his bow at you and keeps going, there is no reason for this and they are the ones who are wrong. Last year a sailboat came within 2 feet of a charter boat and didnt notice them untill the captain started yelling. Its just common curtisy to give people space, i mean if you want to come and see whats going on do so at a distance and dont cut behind all of our lines.



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Other than the garbage throwers, my next pet peeve are the guy(s) on another boards (ONE, especially) who are ALWAYS bragging about catching & releasing (outta 70+' of water) 20 or more whitefish & a few trout, then have the nerve to berate me for taking a trout, my 2 whitefish or a couple dozen perch home to eat. But . . . . more and more, others are speaking up about seeing 'floaters,' (that the C & R guys proudly released with blown bladders) near where the crowds are fishing. I hate seeing good edible fish turned into seafgull fodder even more than I hate seein' 'em caught illegally!!


One peeve I have yet to see mentioned . . . and my bet is, SOME of you are guilty of such . . . . . without ever giving it a thought! DISCARDING CIGARETTE BUTTS!! About a month ago, I was fishing the Ganny, on the west side parking lot, just south of the footbridge. VERY slow day . . . I'm bored . . . area only had a couple coffee cups and bait containers laying around . . . . . AHA!! CIGARETTE BUTTS . . . . LOTSA CIGARETTE BUTTS, from Saturday & Sunday's fishin' crowds!! So, I took a plastic container outta the garbage, and walked about a 200' stretch of riverbank, up to 20' back of the water . . . . . . ONE HUNDRED & SEVENTY SEVEN discarded butts!! When ya look along ANY well-fished shoreline, it's the same . . . . are cigarette butts NOT considered garbage? (And shore anglers are NOT the only guilty ones, I see plenty of boaters flickin' their butts overboard without another thought?) Any comments on THIS??

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What I cannot stand the most is when you got your lines in the water, and people are ripping up and down the waters with NO respect to the fishermen and they scare the fish away and almost take your lines with them :angry: and another thing I cannot stand is when people drink and boating! :wallbash: That is the very same thing as drinking and driving and they put their's, other people's safety and lives at risk :stretcher: and they have gull just to leave the booze bottles or cans laying around on the ground or in our waters and they acts like complete idiots on the water! :angry: And when you are catching fish that you are working hard for other people see it and start moving your way and sit about 2 feet away hoping that they will catch what you are and on purpose they force you out of your honey hole! :dunno: I feel like hitting them against the forehead with my rod.LOL :w00t: Ok, I think I am done now.LOL :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by fishergirl72
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Other than the garbage throwers, my next pet peeve are the guy(s) on another boards (ONE, especially) who are ALWAYS bragging about catching & releasing (outta 70+' of water) 20 or more whitefish & a few trout, then have the nerve to berate me for taking a trout, my 2 whitefish or a couple dozen perch home to eat. But . . . . more and more, others are speaking up about seeing 'floaters,' (that the C & R guys proudly released with blown bladders) near where the crowds are fishing. I hate seeing good edible fish turned into seafgull fodder even more than I hate seein' 'em caught illegally!!


One peeve I have yet to see mentioned . . . and my bet is, SOME of you are guilty of such . . . . . without ever giving it a thought! DISCARDING CIGARETTE BUTTS!! About a month ago, I was fishing the Ganny, on the west side parking lot, just south of the footbridge. VERY slow day . . . I'm bored . . . area only had a couple coffee cups and bait containers laying around . . . . . AHA!! CIGARETTE BUTTS . . . . LOTSA CIGARETTE BUTTS, from Saturday & Sunday's fishin' crowds!! So, I took a plastic container outta the garbage, and walked about a 200' stretch of riverbank, up to 20' back of the water . . . . . . ONE HUNDRED & SEVENTY SEVEN discarded butts!! When ya look along ANY well-fished shoreline, it's the same . . . . are cigarette butts NOT considered garbage? (And shore anglers are NOT the only guilty ones, I see plenty of boaters flickin' their butts overboard without another thought?) Any comments on THIS??


I totally agree with you Photoz about the ciggerette butts! I take my empty timmy's cup with a little water in it and put my butts in there and after I come in after being out on the water, I throw it in the garbage bin.

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youre absolutely right Terry, their is a rule that states the boat which is least manuverable has the right of way so that means a trolling vessel going 2 knots has the right of way over a sailing vessel going 10 knots, Just think about it how is a fishing boat trolling with 8 lines out going to turn sharp enough to avoid sailboats and tangle all their lines when all the guy has to do is turn his wheel slightly to the left or right???? its just common sense.





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