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1/2 and got freaked out.


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What a great morning to get out. Not stone cold and wind was nil. Walk was very pleasant to my surprise. Set up by 5:30 am ( claim my 1km no entry territory ) LOL

I could not believe the amount of fish I marked. The screen always had something going through. Problem was, these fish were cruising. I went through about everything I had that works, yet, they just looked and moved along. After about 2 hours of this,I finally hooked up. I really didn't get a good hook set,as the line went slack real fast , probly swimming up with the meegs in it,s mouth. Lost it half way up the water colom.  Frustration was starting to set in. All these fish,one hook up that unbutton. Decided to move away from this spot. Yes,they were still coming through. Set up again and it,s the same frigg,n thing. Fish coming and going. Time for a coffee so let the meegs dead stick. As I am pouring,this mark comes in level with the meegs. The rod tip bounces. Thats it, but fish is still there. Lower the bait,it follows. Ok a fish that want to play. He stuck around for about 30 sec then finally smacked the bait. This fish was pretty strong compared to those I got last weekend. Once I had it top side,it was a stocked fish.  All the others I have caught have been naturals and didnt fight like this one. I wonder why ?????????????????????

Maybe cuz they never die. LOL I bled this fish as I always do. 2 hrs later,I am home cleaning it. Slice 2 sides off. While I am doing that,the tail flips up. Go to take the ribs off and the meat starts pulsing. This freaked me right out. Not just one side,but both. Even while taking the Y bone out,I could feel the meat pulse. It,s in the fridge resting coated in flour right now. If it pulses when I go to cook it,this fish is a steroid freak.LOL

Anyways,sorry for the long BLA BLA,but thats my day.

Freaky Saturday. 





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