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Fish Hut Registration


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Being that I might leave my hut out on the ice, overnight this coming week; I went on-line and registered the hut with the MNR.

I know about placing the numbers on the hut; but should I keep a copy of the registration confirmation in the hut? It has all my contact info on it and it would be proof that I didn't just make up the numbers?

What do you people think?

I would get the conformation letter laminated, if the consensus was to have it with me.



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Yeah, you only need one number for any number of huts. I have used the same number for like 25yrs on several different huts. Right now I have the number on two huts....but neither are on the ice LOL....go figure!


I wouldn't worry about it. As long as there is a number on it you won't have a problem.



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