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Texting and talking while driving - Solution? NF


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Have stopped for two accidents in the last 2 1/2 years or so that were both caused by cell phone use. First guy simply drove right off our paved and busy country road about a 1/2km from the end of my driveway. The other fella, on a winding road near Buck Lake outside of Westport, was over on the wrong side of the road while texting and hit another guys trailer, nearly killing himself.


It absolutely drives me nuts following obvious texters on the highways. I'd say teen girls are the worst but it could easily be adult men and women and too. I've laid on the horn with a couple of them lately. And when I lay on the horn, I follow the car close awhile and don't let up.


Agree with high fines... And yeah FloatnFly, the big touch screens, sometimes they can be distracting as well.

Edited by Moosebunk
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Don't believe it leads to a police state Rick simply because it's just a higher penalty for what is already a crime.


My $0.02 dood.

Not directly, but it opens the flood gates in other legalities in the big picture.


We all know this. Take one thing, move on to the next.


It never goes backwards with government, ever.

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Thats my point.


Do this then eventually it gets applied to other things.


And in this case, on page 1, I presented an easy and feasable solution.


Stop the issue in its tracks(when possible/plausable)


Fines and jail dont do that.


Look at drinking and driving. I dont have stats here but I bet it temporarily helped with stiffer laws/punishment. But in the end thousands are still injured and or die.


Albeit I see no plausable solution in that case

Edited by manitoubass2
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Rick, higher fines ARE the answer, lets face it, $450 isn't really a lot of money these days, i mean, most of us here wold spend that on a decent rod and combo, or even a weekend of fishing, gassing up boats and vehicles and whatnot. make the fine big enough where people will actually think twice about using it, say $5000.


software could work, but honestly will never happen, same reason why every vehicle on the road doesn't have a ignition interlock in them to test a persons alcohol level before firing up the engine.


lets be honest, how many people drive home every night that legally impaired, and i mean by the letters in the book. how many are over that alcohol tolerance level

Edited by FloatnFly
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Im dissapointed many here think a steeper fine/confiscation is the answer.


Yet you wynne about taxes.


This just leads to a police state.


And then it expands to other areas.


Adding software to all phones is much more viable

Adding software to my phone is not viable at all if I chose not to download and install the app.


Temporary seizure of the car is the solution with the least legal hurdles and the most impact. If I text and drive in a Ferrari no fine will hurt as much as towing it away.

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Ive already mentioned the solution is not applicapable to alcohol/drugs.


But for phones, it can be easily done.


Although I do respect your opinion, and its certainly your right to voice it, I strongly disagree.


If it can be settled by software easily and affordably, IMO that is the answer.


Anyone that disagrees, please feel free to point out a flaw in my idea(Im not perfect im sure there is more than one)


Remove the human error(in this case) and let it be settled.


Easy solution to a idiodic problem.

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Adding software to my phone is not viable at all if I chose not to download and install the app.


Temporary seizure of the car is the solution with the least legal hurdles and the most impact. If I text and drive in a Ferrari no fine will hurt as much as towing it away.

Im not talking an "app"


Im talking built into the phone system.

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Dutch, look big picture.


I always enjoy your posts because of that and the simple, or sometimes complicated logic you post.


What happens when you get a $5000 fine for texting and driving?


Its a ripple effect. People lose jobs, licenses, jail time, possibly family loss etc.


Where does this money go from the fines? What happens to the impounded cars? Where does the increase in police come from? Are they sped through training or properly trained? How does a police officer know, beyond a reasonable doubt, you were texting or using a mobile device?


The questions never end.


And heavy fines/jail time solve nothing.


Who pays for these individuals to be incarcerated? US.


Fines/jailtime just create way more legal issues, deaths, injury, loss of work, court time, more police, more taxes, etc


Again. Software/hardware eliminates the problem altogether. Why not explore that option?

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Ive already mentioned the solution is not applicapable to alcohol/drugs.


But for phones, it can be easily done.


Although I do respect your opinion, and its certainly your right to voice it, I strongly disagree.


If it can be settled by software easily and affordably, IMO that is the answer.


Anyone that disagrees, please feel free to point out a flaw in my idea(Im not perfect im sure there is more than one)


Remove the human error(in this case) and let it be settled.


Easy solution to a idiodic problem.

Just because someone disagrees Rick doesn't mean you are wrong. The issue with a piece of software is the phone companies (Apple/Samsung) would never let it happen. Case in point is Apple's outright refusal to help crack criminals cell phones. Heavy fines and DEMERIT points are not perfect but will cause enough pain so that these IDIOTS will eventually get it or lose their driving privileges. Biggest problem with this approach is enforcement.

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I talk on my phone have for years whoopee catch me if u can I say.

Cops ems.and fire talk on the phones cause its legislated in. What special training do they take to multitask cause it should be available to all of us

Police are also trained to use lethal force if and when necessary......think about it!

Using a hand held device while driving has been proven to increase your likelihood of an accident. Some of us ( I guess you) just don't get it!

Thankfully you are not driving in my town.............

Edited by John
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Just because someone disagrees Rick doesn't mean you are wrong. The issue with a piece of software is the phone companies (Apple/Samsung) would never let it happen. Case in point is Apple's outright refusal to help crack criminals cell phones. Heavy fines and DEMERIT points are not perfect but will cause enough pain so that these IDIOTS will eventually get it or lose their driving privileges. Biggest problem with this approach is enforcement.

Oh for sure.


Just sucks that we know whats possible, and it wont happen. And that will cost lives.


Yet many of us call for plausible affordable action which is available do negate all of this.


Aa far as apple/samsung are concerned I agree. But proper influence/advertising could easily sway things in their favour.


Is this one case that lobbying might actually be for the greater good?


Unfortunately 99.9% chance no. And thats a shame


Meh, it is what it is I guess.


Enjoy the funerals

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Im not talking an "app"


Im talking built into the phone system.



Legislate the phone manufacturers to incorporate into their OS' a system that looks at the phones GPS and when the GPS hits 5 MPH the phone is disabled for everything except 911 calls.

Very simple to do at the operating system level.

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Legislate the phone manufacturers to incorporate into their OS' a system that looks at the phones GPS and when the GPS hits 5 MPH the phone is disabled for everything except 911 calls.

Very simple to do at the operating system level.

Yep. Read my idea on page 1.


Leave emergency 911 available and flight mode available


Phone cant be used for calls or texting unless synced to the vehicle via bluetooth.


Simple and affordable


If marketed well, a large corporation could easily profit and set the standard if legislation was involved.


=no loss to profits

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Legislate the phone manufacturers to incorporate into their OS' a system that looks at the phones GPS and when the GPS hits 5 MPH the phone is disabled for everything except 911 calls.

Very simple to do at the operating system level.

You want the government to force a private manufacturer to design a specific and different phone/operating system, contrary to their profitably, because a relatively small market said to? Keep in mind this is a provincial area of responsibility. You're saying you'd let Kathleen put software on your phone to track your location and movement? I'd never stand for that. It's Draconian, it won't ever happen. Apple could appeal to the WTO and would win. Apple could just stop selling phones in Ontario until the uproar topples the government.


Would you also support a requirement that all computers in Ontario have to have a back door for government to check if you're pirating? What about software that ensures I don't use key words like bomb, and reports me to CSIS if I do?


Asking for big gov to intrude further on our lives is never a solution to anything imo.

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